
Chapter 1674

Chapter 1674
Most of the beast races in the demon world gather in an area of ​​nearly 30 miles around Yiyao Junling.Among them, the Qilin clan, the leader of all beasts, occupies half of the territory.As for the Tiger Clan, the Lion Clan or the Iron-eating Beast Clan at the same time, they have all moved to other realms.Only the lesser races are left here.

As for Yi Tian, ​​who is currently staying in Yaojun City near Yaojun Mountain, he has come here to inquire about news since he escaped from the Yaozu's ancient battlefield.After all, it was imminent to return the skeleton of Hou Ling first, so it was better to deal with such extra things first.

Furthermore, although it is impossible to go directly into the Lion Clan's territory near Yaojunling, it is still possible to inquire about the news before making any plans.It is heard that the Qilin tribe here will invite other beast races to gather here every thousand years.The purpose is to distribute and divide the sweet marrow jade dew that Chengtian sensed. Naturally, such secrets are only spread among some high-ranking monster clans.

As for Yi Tian, ​​he just heard a few eighth-level monsters talking about it when passing by the Nightmare Beast Clan unintentionally.Looking back, I asked Xiong Erbao, who happened to know something about it.Then he slowly told the ins and outs of this.

Among the beasts and monsters headed by Qilin, a sacrificial ceremony will be held every thousand years to beg the elders in the fairy world to send nectar and jade dew.There are only three to four bottles each time, but there are at least a hundred species of beasts in the entire demon world.With so many monks and too little porridge, it is naturally impossible to distribute them properly.

If those big races are allowed to monopolize resources for a long time, it will inevitably lead to a situation of dominance.Therefore, under the alliance of these monster clans, they demanded that the nectar chalcedony that fell be distributed in proportion, so as to eliminate the possibility of one family dominating.Otherwise, these weak monster races will cease to exist after a few years.

Those stronger races can usually be divided into 24 to [-]% when they are united, and the remaining ones are reserved for the remaining races.If there are no ninth-level monsters in the clan, they can only be excluded automatically.Usually, the race with a ninth-level demon master will divide up [-] drops of nectar jade dew, and the remaining drops will be divided into three parts, so that the remaining eighteen races of animals can be evenly exposed to the rain and dew.

As for the fact that there are no eighth-level monsters in the clan, they basically don't even qualify for the competition.

This kind of nectar jade dew from the sky excludes the birds, snakes, aquatics and zergs, so there is no trace of them here.

After thinking about it for a while, he took Xiong Erbao to Yaojun City first to look for any traces of the Lion Clan, so as to save himself a lot of trouble.

As for Xiong Erbao, he could find members of the Iron-eating Beast Clan and let him return to his hometown, which is better than going there himself.

Along the way, he explained his plan to Xiong Erbao, and he nodded frequently after listening.After returning to the demon world, his ultimate goal is to go to the iron-eating beast clan. It would be great if he could meet the clansmen here.

After the two walked around Yaojun City, they met many monster monks, but they never saw any demon monks from the iron-eating beast clan appear.After careful questioning, I learned that the demon cultivators of the tiger clan and lion clan would never come here.These big clan demon cultivators all think highly of themselves, and will go directly to the scene of the sacrifice.

After returning home, Xiong Erbao eagerly asked about the movements of the iron-eating beast clansmen, and said goodbye to Yi Tian directly, and then went to look for the clansmen in a desperate manner.

Yi Tian was relieved to be able to deal with Xiong Erbao's matter well. Right now, he only needs to return Hou Ling's bones to the Lion Clan monks, and the purpose of this trip has been achieved.

Just as he was thinking that he suddenly glanced over and found a familiar figure floating in the distance, he recalled that it should be the fox girl Jiang Liuli and his party that he had seen before.Unexpectedly, they would also come to participate in this Chengtian sacrificial meeting.

But seeing her in a hurry, something must have happened, so Yi Tian quickly followed her without thinking.Concentrating on the wave of spiritual pressure on the body, it disappeared out of thin air without attracting the attention of any monsters on the street.

After ten breaths, they followed the path they had taken all the way to a remote courtyard somewhere.Scanning with the divine sense, he found that there were layers of restrictions placed outside the gate in front of him. If there is an intruder, he would immediately trigger the restrictions and let the people inside find out.

It's just that these restrictions are completely useless to him, and Yi Tian quietly broke through the restrictions from one side and entered it after his figure flashed past quietly.

After coming to the door, Yi Tian glanced and found that it was a big house. At this time, a group of fox girls were sitting in the main hall, and Jiang Liuli was sitting under the left hand of the front seat.And sitting in the middle is a fox girl dressed as a forty-year-old lady, who seems to be the owner of this place.The cultivation bases of all the fox girls present were only at the seventh level, and Jiang Liuli was at the peak of the seventh level.But the strength of this lady has reached the eighth intermediate level, so she has the strength to participate in the second stage of the competition.

Jiang Liuli only heard Jiang Liuli say: "Aunt Lian is about to hold the Chengtian Sacrifice this time, but why did you call me back in such a hurry? Could it be that the rules of the second stage have been changed?"

The noble lady called Aunt Lian sighed and said: "Liu Li is telling you that this time, several elders in the clan discussed that they wanted to marry the lion clan to obtain a drop of complete nectar chalcedony, so they were in such a hurry call you back."

Jiang Liuli's face paled when he heard the words, and he immediately understood the meaning of the words, and then his face sank and said, "What is the meaning of the clan? Is it possible that you don't estimate my master's feelings?"

"Don't use your master to pressure me." Aunt Lian said coldly, "You went to Jiuxian Mountain to practice Taoism for a thousand years, but your cultivation level has not yet reached the eighth level. Now the whole family desperately needs that whole drop of nectar." Yulu came to improve the strength of the younger generation, so can't you do something for this clan? You must know that our fox clan also spent a lot of effort to allow you to worship Jiuxian Mountain. The achievements you have achieved are not due to you alone. My whole family poured their heart and soul into it."

Hearing this, Jiang Liuli was immediately at a loss for words, and after thinking about it, she couldn't refute it.Now even the fox guards that she usually brought with her all tried to persuade her, obviously they were all on the side of the patriarch.

On the scene, Jiang Liuli fell into a disadvantage in an instant, and no one stood up to speak for her.At this time, Aunt Lian said again: "Speaking of which, the marriage with the Lion Clan did not treat you badly this time. The other party is the grandson of Patriarch Houtian. As long as you marry, Patriarch Houtian promises to give my clan a drop." The complete nectar jade dew."

Yi Tian, ​​who was standing outside the house when he heard the name of Old Ancestor Houtian's name, suddenly became unhappy.Back then, it was thanks to him that he fled in embarrassment and wandered into another world.This time I was bumped into by myself, but I have to settle the old and new scores together.

(End of this chapter)

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