
Chapter 1675 Inquiry 1

Chapter 1675 Inquiry One
Hearing the news about Houtian Patriarch in the living room of the Fox Clan, Yi Tian immediately made up his mind that it was not all thanks to him that he was living in another world.Now that God has given me this opportunity, of course I have to make good use of this Chengtian Sacrifice Ceremony to settle old scores with Houtian Patriarch.

At the same time, his thoughts turned and he couldn't help thinking that he had met Qilinzi back then, and this person was the strongest among the five old monsters in the fusion period.It sounds like the name might also have a relationship with the Qilin clan, so I might have to face two ninth-level demon masters at the same time.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian realized that he couldn't act rashly. He didn't know if he could suppress his opponent one-on-one, let alone one-on-two.It is definitely not a wise move to jump out so hastily, but fortunately, I will not be aware of being calculated for a while while the other party is on the bright side.

After thinking about it for a while, he continued to observe the discussion of this group of foxes, and the result was also obvious. Jiang Liuli was naturally not their opponent with one enemy.Even if it is to move the name of Jiuxian Mountain, it will not help, and in the end it can only be delayed temporarily.As expected, she will definitely find a way with the master of Jiuxian Mountain. After all, it is definitely not something she can decide after reaching this level.

And the head of the Fox Clan didn't force him too much, he just ordered the four maids who had been serving Jiang Liuli to watch over him.In this way, she was trapped in the mansion and only waited for the news from the ancestor Houtian to arrange the marriage.

After the meeting, Jiang Liuli was carried by the four fox girls to the courtyard in the back chamber, and Aunt Lian of the Fox Clan then placed layers of barriers outside the courtyard to seal off the surrounding area.

With the strength of an eighth-level mid-level demon cultivator, it is more than enough to deal with a seventh-level peak, but Jiang Liuli's face is full of anger, but he dares not speak out.After all, this matter is a decision made after discussion by the entire Fox Clan, unless her strength can reach the point where it can shock the entire Fox Clan, and she must be able to compete against the ancestor Houtian in order to be independent.

After a group of fox clan elders left, there were only four fox girls on duty outside the gate of the courtyard, and Yi Tian concealed his figure and swaggered in from the main entrance.The prohibition enchantment set up by the head of the fox clan was a joke in front of him, and he easily broke through the barrier in an instant, and even the fox girls around him didn't realize that someone had already sneaked into the courtyard.

After entering it, Yi Tian swept his eyes and found that the courtyard was empty, and there was another forbidden enchantment outside the wing room in the middle of the front.It should be under Jiang Liuli's cloth, but seeing Ba Yitian, he slowly walked forward and passed through the forbidden barrier.When I came to the inner room later, I saw Jiang Liuli sitting at the table with a worried expression, as if thinking about something.Suddenly she turned her head vigilantly and stared in the direction of the gate for a long time before she said: "Which senior is coming, please show up."

"Junior Nephew Jiang is so elegant, I can't wait to hang out here," a laugh came from out of thin air, and then Yi Tian's figure slowly appeared after a wave of spiritual power appeared on the formation gate.

Jiang Liuli was slightly surprised when she saw it, and then ecstasy appeared on her face.Standing up and bowing to Yi Tian, ​​he replied respectfully: "It turns out that Senior Yi is visiting, please take your seat."

Without hesitation, Yi Tian went straight forward and sat down at the table, and then his mind moved slightly to find Jiang Liuli standing aside to serve.Then Haosheng comforted: "Junior Nephew Jiang, please sit down too, there are no outsiders here, so let's talk casually."

Jiang Liuli slowly found a seat across the table and sat down, then Jishou said: "It seems that Senior Yi is here for a meeting, I wonder how much I have heard the conversation with the patriarch."

It is said that the fox girl has a delicate mind, but she can guess almost exactly in just one sentence.Although Jiang Liuli didn't see her, she could guess the general idea, but Yi Tian said with a faint smile, "Let's not talk about how much I heard, but do you know why I came today?"

"Forgive me for making bold guesses, senior. I must have something to discuss with you when I came here today. I guess it might have something to do with the Shimen and the Lion Clan," Jiang Liuli said.

"Senior nephew is really full of aura, what you said is not bad," Yi Tian nodded and replied.

"Then I will thank Senior Yi first on behalf of Master Wulian," Jiang Liuli said with a smile on her face.

"Don't say thank you, as I don't know your master, so I can't talk about selling face," Yi Tian waved his hand and said, "I only acted for the sake of Senior Chibeard."

"Senior Yi has seen the red-bearded master," Jiang Liuli gasped, but the light in his eyes flashed again and again, and the tone in his mouth became more respectful: "I heard from the senior that the master has advanced to the tenth level now, right?"

"It looks like it's almost tenth level," Yi Tian asked again, "What do you think of what the fox patriarch said this time?"

"What else can I do, I only blame myself for not being able to be independent," Jiang Liuli said with a resentful face.

"Then have you ever contacted Shimen and asked your master to help?" Yi Tian asked.

"I have this idea, but now my actions are restricted everywhere, and I am trapped by this defensive barrier, and I have not even been able to send out the Jade Talisman of Communication," Jiang Liuli explained: "Even if the Jade Talisman sends a letter to inform my master, that's too much." The far water can't quench the near thirst, I'm afraid she will be sent to the lion tribe to marry the grandson of the ancestor Houtian before she feels it."

After finishing speaking, he turned his gaze to show a pitiful face and said: "I also ask Senior Yi to help me get out of trouble, Liuli is very grateful." After speaking, she got up and walked forward to worship.

"Get up and talk," Yi Tian replied indifferently, but he couldn't help but think in his heart that if he wanted to deal with Patriarch Houtian, it seemed that he could only start from Jiang Liuli's side.

It's just that I don't know much about the Lion Clan, and the details of the Qilin Clan, so it's the best strategy to make a decision before moving.After thinking about it, he asked: "How much do you know about Patriarch Houtian?"

Jiang Liuli didn't know the inside story and thought that he was still weighing the pros and cons, and immediately replied: "The lion clan has two ninth-level demon masters, but due to their racial characteristics, there can only be one demon master in the clan. The ancestor Houtian used to be He was defeated by the strife within the clan, so he should have returned to the clan by taking advantage of the opportunity of Chengtian Sacrifice."

"The characteristics of the lion clan," Yi Tian muttered: "Does it mean that only one male lion can be king among the lion clan, and those who fail to fight for power will be defeated. The lion who hid in the dark and licked his wounds took advantage of Chengtian's opportunity to return to the group and wanted to take it again."

"Senior Yi knows Patriarch Houtian?" Jiang Liuli asked tentatively.

"Don't guess, I am familiar with Houtian, but the relationship is really not very good," Yi Tian said in a deep voice: "I am not worried about Houtian alone, how much do you know about the Qilin clan? Houtian has a A friend of the Qilin tribe is called Qilinzi, and this monster is a powerful character."

"Is Senior Yi referring to the lame unicorn?" Jiang Liuli asked in surprise.

"The lame unicorn?" Yi Tian was also confused and just replied: "I only know that Houtian calls it a unicorn."

(End of this chapter)

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