
Chapter 1676 Inquiry 2

Chapter 1676 Inquiry II

Unexpectedly, Jiang Liuli could reveal Qilinzi's identity in a single sentence, and Yi Tian naturally applauded secretly in his heart.It is naturally best to know about Qilinzi's situation earlier, which saves me from having to inquire again.

After turning around and straightening his expression, Yi Tiancai said: "Hooutian and Qilinzi must be dealt with, but I will deal with them separately. But I still need to have a detailed understanding of their situation beforehand. Back then I was If you met these two monsters in the spirit world, I wonder if the Pojiao Qilin you mentioned has been to the spirit world?"

"That's right," Jiang Liuli said confidently: "It is said that something happened in the Qilin clan 6000 years ago, and then a branch was expelled from the population. Afterwards, they went to the spirit world. The ancestor also went to the spirit world after losing power in the clan."

"It seems that the patriarch of the branch of the Qilin clan should be Qilinzi, but why do you call it a lame Qilin?" Yi Tian asked.

Jiang Liuli immediately replied: "Because he was wounded on his left hind leg during the civil war in the clan, so he got his name. And it is said that the Qilin clan and the lion clan are relatively close, and the relationship is also unusual, so I guess It is also expected that Patriarch Tian and the lame Qilin can mix together."

"So that's the case, I didn't expect that there would be such internal strife among these monster clans," Yi Tian suddenly said, "But I don't know what the real name of that lame unicorn is?"

"It's said to be Guo Rui," Jiang Liuli thought for a while before replying.

"Okay, I've kept this in mind. Next, let's think about how to deal with Patriarch Houtian," Yi Tian said, "If I connect you with the Iron-eating Beast Clan, is it better to let the Fox Clan get on the line than attaching to the Lion Clan?" stronger."

"Senior Yi said that he wanted to contact Senior Xiong Erbao to use it as a backer for the Fox Clan?" Jiang Liuli asked, and after thinking about it, she continued: "Actually, although the Iron-eating Beast Clan is powerful, they are not born with a strong personality. I like to live in groups with other races, so it can only be the second choice."

"Then what is the first choice?" Yi Tian asked back.

"Actually, it's better for my Qingqiu Fox Clan to live alone, but it's a pity that no ninth-level demon master in the clan has appeared in this Chengtian Sacrifice Ceremony. If you want to get the sweet marrow and jade dew from the upper realm, you must attach to other big clans. That's fine," Jiang Liuli said with a helpless expression.

"Why did the nectar and jade dew that fell cause so many demon clans to snatch it up? Is there any mystery in it?" Yi Tian asked tentatively. After all, all he heard along the way was Chengtian's sacrificial ceremony. , but what effect this has in the end is unknown to me.

"Speaking of this sweet marrow jade dew, it is a good product of the Yaozu. It can enable the younger generation of Yaozu disciples to open up their spiritual wisdom and refine their bones to human form," Jiang Liuli explained.

"I don't know what is the difference between opening spiritual wisdom and refining horizontal bones sooner or later?" Yi Tian asked in confusion.

"Usually the sweet marrow jade dew is used to dilute it for younger generations. However, those younger generations with excellent foundations can be reborn and upgrade their original aptitude by one level after taking it. Usually, these younger generations will also improve their cultivation faster. "Jiang Liuli said: "It's like washing the tendons and cutting the marrow in spiritual practice, but the effect is a hundred times better. Anyone who is lucky enough to take a diluted dose of amber jade dew can at least reach the seventh level and look at the eighth level in this life. ".

"Having said that, it seems that you also had a drink back then," Yi Tian joked.

Speaking of Jiang Liuli, her expression darkened and she said, "That's true. The younger generation was lucky enough to stand out in the clan's big competition to get this opportunity. So this time the clan used this matter to suppress me, so I have no way to refute it."

"Indeed, you were deeply cultivated by the clan back then, and now you will naturally feel a dilemma if you feed back the clan." Yi Tian paused and sighed, "Then it's impossible to deal with Houtian hard, it's better to wait After he returned to the tribe, there was another dispute, so I waited for the opportunity to take action. Otherwise, in the demon world, he would take the initiative to kill the ninth-level demon master, which would naturally arouse the fear of other tribes. It invites criticism."

"I know what seniors are worried about. The best way to deal with Houtian is to start from the current lion clan demon venerable Houyuan. As long as you can get online, I think Houyuan will be happy to communicate with seniors how to deal with Houtian," Jiang Liuli suggested.

"My nephew is right. Although the enemy of the enemy may not be able to become friends, it is no problem to sit down and discuss with a common goal," Yi Tian said knowingly: "But if I go directly to the Lion Clan, I will be underestimated by Hou Yuan I don’t know if the Lion Clan has any other dependent races, it might be better to be recommended by them.”

"The Dog Clan is the closest to the Tiger Clan and Lion Clan. If Senior can get the recommendation of the Dog Clan Patriarch, Hou Yuan Yaozun will naturally consider your proposal carefully," Jiang Liuli blurted out.

"Well, it seems that I have to go to the Dog Clan once more," Yi Tian said with a smile: "I wonder how long the situation here will last?"

"After all, the Chengtian Sacrifice Ceremony will be held at the end of the month, and there are still about ten days left. As for Houtian, he will not be in a hurry. He must be married with a drop of sweet marrow jade dew as a betrothal gift," Jiang Liuli calculated. road.

"So it seems that there is still time," Yi Tian then reached out and took out the Taoist talisman and handed it over: "This is a diamond talisman, which is refined by incorporating the defensive powers of the Buddhist sect. When you encounter danger, activate it to protect the whole body, It is absolutely impossible for the Yaozu below the ninth level to break through the defense. Even if it encounters Houtian, it can withstand the time of a stick of incense."

With great joy on Jiang Liuli's face, she stretched out her hand to take the talisman and glanced over, only to see that the talisman was radiant and faintly emitting a faint golden light of Buddha's power.After putting away the talisman, he got up again and bowed to Yi Tianji: "Thank you, Senior Yi, for your help twice, Liuli is unforgettable. After I get out of trouble this time, I will return to Jiuxian Mountain for retreat. To be able to visit, I must be walking on backwards.”

"Okay, just wait for me to take a look at it," Yi Tian waved his hand to reassure her, then stood up and disappeared into the room.

After breaking through layers of restrictions, it was already midnight when Yi Tian's figure appeared outside the fox clan's resident again.Looking up at the sky, Yi Tian turned around and walked towards the dog clan's station.

Speaking of which, Yaojun City is not small, but so many races rushed to participate in the Chengtian Sacrifice Ceremony, they took up the limited space in the city in an instant.

Fortunately, these races also occupy a fixed area. Based on the resident of those big races, all major vassal races have set up their resident nearby.

Although the Dog Clan is a vassal of the Tiger Clan and the Lion Clan, they still set up their base about one mile away from the Tiger Clan stronghold.Considering the supernatural powers of the demon cultivators of the dog clan are extremely sensitive to smells, Yi Tian had no choice but to restrain the spiritual pressure fluctuations and breaths on his body to prevent showing his flaws.

 Thanks for the support of Taoist 20200203170742944

(End of this chapter)

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