
Chapter 1678 Melting Spirit 1

Chapter 1678 Fusion Spirit One
In the temporary cave, Yi Tian and King Jin Mao sat opposite each other, and the two chatted freely about their encounters since they ascended to the upper realm.During the period, Yi Tian was quite sympathetic to the current situation of the Golden Retriever King. He didn't expect that he had finally ascended to the upper world and found the clan after untold hardships, but he never expected that he would be bullied and humiliated by the demon cultivators of the same clan.

Yi Tian saw this in his eyes and was secretly thinking about how to help the Golden Retriever King turn around such a decline.

After a while, the Golden Retriever King said: "Actually, when I was looking for dogs of the same kind, I also wanted to find a place to live. Now it seems that the reality is far from the ideal."

Hearing his tone, Yi Tian knew what might be mentioned next, so he said after thinking about it: "I'm not busy, I still have some things to discuss with the patriarch of the dog clan. But after seeing your appearance, I think I just want you to be the referrer."

"The suzerain is polite, it's just that the old slave can't protect himself in the dog clan now, and the patriarch probably didn't drive me away because he wanted to save face for Lihuo Palace," the Golden Retriever King said with an aggrieved expression.

"It doesn't matter, it's because you didn't show the value you should have before," Yi Tian said with a smile: "I think you are not bad at all, the only thing you lack is the sequelae left by the lack of demon energy. "

The Golden Retriever King smiled bitterly and said: "What the suzerain said is true, but the infusion of demonic energy is only effective for the first time after arriving in the demon world. Now I’m afraid it’s not as good as that event.”

"I know this too, but if you want to improve your strength for a period of time, you don't just need to rely on the way of filling your body with monster energy," Yi Tian said with a wink and a smile.

The Golden Retriever King naturally knew the truth, and hurriedly asked respectfully: "I don't know what else the suzerain can use."

"Elder Jin has been in the lower-level sect for many years, so he naturally knows what is the fastest way to improve the strength of the human race's spiritual cultivation?" Yi Tian said.

"Is the suzerain really talking about empowering and imparting kung fu?" Jin Mao Wang's eyes flashed and then dimmed: "It's just that the suzerain is a human spiritual cultivator, and I am a demon cultivator. I'm afraid this spiritual power empowerment may not be possible. "

Yi Tian smiled calmly, then moved the corner of his mouth slightly, and passed the sound transmission into the secret to inform the Golden Retriever King a few words.After hearing this, the latter's decadent face suddenly changed and he opened his mouth in disbelief and asked, "Is this all possible?"

"If you don't try it, how will you know if it will work, and you can rest assured that I will cast the spell. It's just that the pain you have to endure in this way is extraordinary. It's up to you to decide this matter. You can come back to me after thinking it over," After Yi Tian finished speaking, he slowly closed his eyes and sat quietly waiting for a reply.

The Golden Retriever King showed hesitation on his face, and after a while his mood calmed down, his eyes gradually revealed a little clarity, and his face showed a look of determination, and he replied: "Now I am pressed on the floor, and it is inevitable to raise my head." I want to blog about it. Meeting the suzerain today is also a turning point in my fate, so there is no reason why I should not, the life of this old slave is entrusted to the suzerain, I just hope that I can have the opportunity to serve and accompany me afterwards."

"Okay, I'll agree to this first, but I will explain to you later what you serve, and the inside story is quite twists and turns, it's not as simple as you imagined," Yi Tian replied.

"Okay, just as the suzerain said, the old slave has no complaints," the Golden Retriever King said in a deep voice.

As soon as the words were finished, Yi Tian turned around, stretched out his hand and raised his hand to offer a sacrifice. The aura swept across the golden haired king, and the latter closed his eyes instantly and fell into a deep sleep.

He stretched out his hand to control the body of the Golden Retriever King and slowly lifted it into the air, shrunk down to three feet in size under the complete aura, and turned out to be a yellow-haired hunting dog after showing its original shape.

Then Yi Tian took out the remains of Hou Ling, which was originally intended to be returned to the Lion Clan for burial.However, in view of the occurrence of the variable Houtian Patriarch, I have a new idea.Speaking of which, even if this skeleton is returned to the Lion Clan, it may not really be buried in the loess, and the Lion Clan patriarch may use it to refine it and integrate it into himself.

What's more, at that time, Master Huiyuan also said that he could dispose of the bones as he wanted. He originally thought that he would not have the opportunity to use it, but he could use it just by looking at it.

After stretching out his hand to sacrifice the purple flame of Lei Yan, Yi Tian showed a thoughtful look on his face. If he used his own real fire to refine this skeleton, there would be no problem.It's just that some traces will be left on the bones afterwards, and now Lei Yan Ziyan is his trump card against Lihuo Palace, so he must not easily reveal it to others.

After thinking about it, I put away the real fire and re-created a wisp of ignorant fire on my fingertips. Although this magical power and secret technique has not yet reached the level of mastery, it is more than enough for refining bones.

Stretching out his hand, he pointed at the wisp of ignorant real fire that quietly landed on the Roaring skeleton, and suddenly enveloped it all.Later, the black impurities on the gray bones in the interior were continuously sucked out and then directly refined.

After the whole skeleton was purified, revealing its pale true color, Yi Tian looked at it with satisfaction, and pointed at the skeleton with the seals on his hands, and said: "Lighten up."

The ignorant fire above instantly increased and burned the skeleton, making 'crackling' sounds from time to time.

An hour later, the huge lion skeleton was refined and shrank into a fist-sized white bone fluid mass. Yi Tian looked at it with satisfaction, but there was a little hesitation between his brows.After thinking about it for a while, he didn't directly fuse the spirit bones to the Golden Retriever King, but took out the Brahma Golden Bell and opened his mouth to recite the divine power of the Heavenly Thunder Eight-tone Mystery Technique.

The eight tones of thunder from the mouth turned into a series of golden characters and flew towards the bone fluid. After the characters were submerged, a faint golden aura appeared on the bone fluid.

It wasn't until Yi Tian recited the Heavenly Thunder Octave Secret Technique three times and put away the Brahma Golden Bell that he looked at the bone fluid mass in front of him in a blink of an eye, and saw that the color had changed from white to golden yellow at this time.There is also a faint Buddha's light on it, and the original hostility has been dissolved.

After doing this, Yi Tian took back all the ignorance flames, and then poured the bone fluid directly into the mouth of the Golden Retriever King.Then urge him to refine and absorb half of it, and the whole process lasted for nearly half a day before it ended.In the end, the Golden Retriever King suddenly burst out with an extremely sharp demonic aura, but this demonic aura was not as hostile as a demon cultivator's, but was full of gentle Buddha power.

At the same time, the Golden Retriever King's cultivation has been raised from the beginning of the seventh level to the peak of the seventh level in a short while, and he is about to enter the eighth level.

After looking at his masterpiece with satisfaction, Yi Tian hurriedly withdrew his hands and deposited the remaining half of the bone fluid into the golden retriever king's bone marrow.If I help him arrange everything, I am afraid that the thunder disaster will fall directly, and it would be unwise to take action to resist the disaster for him at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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