
Chapter 1679 Melting Spirit 2

Chapter 1679 Melting Spirit II

Washing the tendons and cutting the marrow for the Golden Retriever King, blending the bones of the ninth-level monster Roaring into it, and adding the power of the Buddha's heavenly thunder and eight sounds.Such measures have fully raised his root bone by as much as three levels.After Yi Tian cast Tianma Pupil, he looked inside at the Golden Retriever King and found that the bones in his body were already glowing with golden light, and at the same time, there were many Buddhist scriptures.

As for the bone marrow fluid that was originally sent into his mouth, it was only half used up at this time, and Yi Tian stopped directly after that, not daring to help him to continue refining.

Now, the remaining half of the background has been infiltrated into his bone marrow, and in the future he will be able to stimulate his will to practice and refine all of these foundations.This matter of cultivation is only worth it if you work hard on it yourself. As a guide, you have done your best to do this step.

Seeing the golden retriever king's breathing gradually stabilized, Yi Tian knew that it was the right way to let him digest on his own at this time.Then he put away the spiritual power in his hand and sat cross-legged silently on the side to recover his kung fu.

Suddenly, the flame of ignorance lit up on Yuanying's body in the Niwan Palace on his forehead, and there was a sign of a breakthrough in the kung fu that he had not seen to cultivate to the level of Dacheng.

The compatibility between the ignorance fire and his own Nascent Soul was never perfect before, but this time, after refining the skeletons of monster beasts, he could faintly blend into the purple flames of the real fire, thunder, and purple flames of his own life. Yi Tian was overjoyed when he saw it Yungong began to practice.

Two days later, the golden retriever king slowly woke up, and then he opened his eyes and looked around.After finding that Yi Tian was sitting cross-legged at this time, he also woke up from the samadhi after he noticed some movement.

A little later, the Golden Retriever King looked inside and searched the whole body again into a human form. The aura on his body was no longer mixed with the hostility of the monster clan, but instead glowed with a faint golden light and white fire light.After the halo faded, the golden retriever king revealed his true face, but Yi Tian was also taken aback when he saw it.The original old-fashioned appearance is gone, and now he is more like a young man in his early twenties, with the incomparable arrogance of a king in his gestures and gestures.

As soon as the Golden Retriever King opened his mouth and made a sound, he found that the words contained the power of the king of beasts and the power of the Buddhist sect. Yi Tian raised his brows when he heard this.And the Golden Retriever King himself was taken aback, he closed his mouth hastily, and then his face showed ecstasy.Such a situation is naturally the result of a complete transformation, and at this time, he, as the person involved, naturally has a deeper understanding of this.

Yi Tian said, "Elder Jin has already absorbed half of the muscle-washing marrow, and the remaining half I have let it settle into your bone marrow, so that you can slowly release these potentials in the future." Come out and improve your cultivation. Given time, you might be able to cultivate to the strength of a ninth-level demon venerable."

Hearing this, the Golden Retriever suppressed the joy on his face, then turned his head and bowed down, but said in his mouth: "Thank you for the kindness of the suzerain, the golden retriever is willing to follow the suzerain in this life, and I will be satisfied to drive the pommel horse for you."

"Get up and talk," Yi Tian said, pointing in front of him.

The Golden Retriever King stood up in response, and came forward to sit on the side and listened humbly.

"I can understand your feelings, but I have something to say, so don't be surprised when you hear it," Yi Tian said with a serious face: "Speaking of which, I am now a traitor from Lihuo Palace, if you follow me, you will definitely meet in the future As for Ji Xuanyuan from Lihuo Palace, you can return to me after you have considered this matter in your heart."

"The traitor from Lihuo Palace, how could it be? Why didn't you go to the sect after you ascended to the spirit world, suzerain, but how did you cultivate to the stage of integration?" The golden haired king asked puzzled.

"Actually, I am a direct disciple of the Taiqing Pavilion in the spiritual world, and Meng Xin gave me a warning on the spot to keep me away from Lihuo Palace," Yi Tian explained.

"It turned out to be Master Mengxin's remonstrance, so of course it has his own unique reason," the Golden Retriever King suddenly said after hearing this.

"Now that I have integrated the power of the Buddha's Heavenly Thunder and Eight Sounds into your body, you will also have a relationship with the Daleiguang Temple in the Buddhist world. If you meet a Buddhist disciple in the future, you must treat each other with courtesy. " Yi Tian said.

"No wonder that's the case. Before, I thought how could the suzerain's mysterious power appear," the golden haired king said with a smile on his face, "Isn't it possible that I can also use this supernatural power?"

"That's the case in theory, but you still need to continuously refine the spiritual power that has penetrated into the bone marrow before you can use it freely, otherwise it can only be used by chance," Yi Tian said.

After learning about this, the King of Golden Retriever admired Yi Tian even more. Being able to obtain the door supernatural power for no reason is naturally a pie that fell from the sky.

Then Yi Tian said: "What I have integrated into you is the skeleton of the Lion Clan Monster Venerable, but its power is too strong. Your current cultivation base and system can only bear half of the spiritual power, and you need to use the power of the Buddhist sect to dissolve it. The hostility of your mind can ensure that your mind will not be affected. The so-called fortune and misfortune depend on each other, and you suddenly get the legacy of your ancestors for no reason, but you have to use it properly and cultivate to not be affected by it."

"This old slave knows about this, and please rest assured that I will step up my cultivation and use Buddhism to resolve the hostility of the demon clan," the Golden Retriever King replied.

'"That's good," Yi Tian took out another engraved jade slip and handed it over: "This is originally from the Prajna Kuzen on Tianlan Continent, which is most suitable for your current state, and I also left a copy in the Daleiguang Temple, but if you also practice this exercise, you will be associated with the Daleiguang Temple."

The Golden Retriever King stretched out his hand and hurriedly took it, then put it on his forehead and quickly read through it with his spiritual thoughts.After half a moment, he put away the jade slip and said, "I don't know where the suzerain is going next?"

"It's still early, you have to practice here for three days before leaving for Yaojun City. At that time, you will introduce the patriarch of the Dog Clan to me, and I will use him to connect with Hou Yuan of the Lion Clan," Yi Tian ordered.

In fact, I was still practicing Wuminghuo just now, and I thought I still had time to refine it to the perfect Dacheng state first, then I would be more confident in dealing with the roaring genius with the Leiyang Order.

The Golden Retriever King responded, then stood up, walked to the side of the cave, and began to imitate the spiritual practice of the human race, sit up and practice silently.It was the patriarch of the dog clan who had discernment and noticed the strangeness in the Golden Retriever King.Having learned the human race's spiritual cultivation skills, he is stronger than ordinary demon cultivators, and his practice speed is also several times faster. As long as he can practice well and have expert guidance, he will naturally improve his cultivation by leaps and bounds.

Today's Golden Retriever King is exactly like this. After silently practicing kung fu and starting to refine the spiritual power deposited in his body, the evil spirit in his body quickly increased within a day.With the blessing of the Buddha sect's power, this kind of cultivation is naturally unimpeded. After passing the Yao Nian Mo Pass, the cultivation base broke through the eighth level in one fell swoop.

Not long after, he stood up and said: "The sky thunder is coming, I can officially enter the realm of eighth-level demon cultivator after I go out to pass the tribulation."

(End of this chapter)

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