
Chapter 1680

Chapter 1680
Just a few days is just an insignificant period of time for ordinary demon cultivators, but it is a process of qualitative change for the Golden Retriever King.When he left Yaojun City, he was only a seventh-level elementary demon cultivator, and he had been fully promoted by one level when he came back.Moreover, his appearance has undergone a huge change. Although he is still a dog monster, he still faintly reveals the unique power of the Lion Clan.

The golden hair on the head grows as bright and translucent as a lion's mane again, and there is still some Buddhist power in every gesture, does it seem that it is not as aggressive as an ordinary eighth-level demon cultivator.

On the other hand, Yi Tian suppressed the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body and put on a breath-suppressing cloak, leaving only the cultivation base of the Nascent Soul Stage, and then mixed into Yaojun City behind the Golden Hair King.But anyone in the city who wanted to come forward to inquire would be stared back by the Golden Retriever King. The low-level demon cultivators in the demon clan would not dare to be presumptuous in front of high-ranking demon cultivators.

In this way, he quickly returned to the dog clan's residence. The Golden Retriever King found the main entrance and walked in without saying hello.Yi Tian didn't hesitate to follow him, anyway, he was the one who came forward when something happened, and he only needed to meet the patriarch of the dog clan.

Later, I only heard the two dog monsters stationed at the door scolding: "Where is the monster clan dare to break into our camp?"

The Golden Retriever King glanced over and slightly let go of the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body. At the same time, a lion's prestige mixed with spiritual power came out and directly shocked the two seventh-level demon cultivators who were guarding the gate in front of them.As the power continued to increase, one of the demon cultivators was directly shocked by this powerful momentum and fell to the ground.The other one was even more unbearable when the smell came from the crotch. The Golden Retriever King frowned slightly when he saw it, and frightened the two demons into fainting.

In this way, the high-level demon cultivators in the dog clan's resident naturally noticed the problem, and those big demons rushed from the back compartment to the front yard.I saw a demon master with golden hair all over his body and a low-level monk in a cloak slowly walking in.

Those dog demons didn't know the details of who came, but they could tell that the other party was also of the same race by smell.But after scanning his eyes, he found that he had never seen this monster before, and hesitation appeared on his face.The dog demon in armor at the head looked at the Golden Retriever King solemnly, then strode forward and stopped a foot away.

Then he clasped his fists and said: "The leader of the dog clan is barking madly and politely. Your Excellency smells like my own clan, and it is very similar to a clan member I know well."

"Have you ever thought I was a member of the dog clan?" The Golden Retriever King replied with a playful face.

Although the face and figure have undergone major changes, the voice has not changed much.Don't be recognized by all the dog monsters around, but Bark Kuang asked with hesitation: "You are a golden retriever, why did you become like this?"

"Hmph, my name is Golden Retriever King. It's disrespectful for you to dare to call me random nicknames. Today I want to learn how strong you are to be the leader of the clan," the Golden Retriever King blended in between the words. The mighty roar of the lion immediately shocked all the dog monsters around.

Only now did they realize how the two guards at the door felt. Fortunately, the two demons had passed out, and they were still suffering.

Yakuang's complexion changed and he replied in a cold voice: "Okay, I didn't expect to have such an adventure after I haven't seen you for five days. It's a pity that you are a traitor to my dog ​​clan after all. Come and take him down for me."

The words fell, but none of the dog monsters around dared to make a move. Even if the same eighth-level demon cultivator was present, he felt the lion's might on the Golden Retriever King and retreated in his heart.

In addition, people named and wanted to single out the barking maniac commander to go up at this time, wouldn't it be to make wedding dresses for others.After looking at each other, these dog monsters pushed back a few steps to make the huge front yard empty.

The main entrance of the station was slammed shut with a 'bang', and then several barriers were cast to isolate this place from the outside world.

If today's incident gets out, it will naturally lose face to the dog clan. It is best to keep a low profile if someone comes to your door during the Chengtian sacrificial ceremony.Everything is in the highest interest of the current clan.

The Golden Retriever King looked around and found that there were only three people standing in the front yard of more than 30 feet, the barking man standing in front of him and Yi Tian behind him.Suddenly, Yi Tian's voice came from next to his ears, saying: "Quick battle, there is still business to do."

The Golden Retriever King nodded and said, "Let's decide the outcome with one move. Don't make them wait for so many people watching."

"What an arrogant tone," Bark Kuang said with a ferocious expression on his face, "Let me try to see how much you weigh, don't think that you can come back to act like a dog after going away for a few days and changing your outfit. It's not your turn to be rampant with me in the dog clan's territory."

After speaking, Barking Kuang stretched out his hands and stretched out his index fingers to reveal sharp claws. After a flash of spiritual light, he turned into a monster.The surrounding spiritual power suddenly surged towards him frantically, and after ten breaths, his cultivation base was directly raised to the peak of the eighth-level elementary level.

On the other hand, the Golden Retriever King's expression remained unchanged, stretching out his smooth hands together in front of his chest, and after muttering something, a wave of golden light spread out to cover Bark Kuang's body.The contempt and hatred in the hearts of the surrounding dog monsters were swept away by this golden light, and they all dissipated directly, only to feel that the Golden Retriever King in front of him seemed not as scary as he looked.

As for the barking madness, the fighting spirit that was originally guided by the hostility in him is gradually dissipating under the guidance of the golden light at this moment, and the ultimate move that he finally condensed will be in vain.

After a strange cry, Barking Kuang took the lead and kicked his feet on the ground, leaving a series of afterimages in the air before colliding with the opponent.

The Golden Retriever King stretched out his hands under the golden light all over his body to meet the barking maniac's attack. After the sound of 'squeak', the arms of the two demons intersected each other, and after they missed each other, they aroused Dao Ling on the spot and pressed the wind to wrap them together in an instant.

After the golden light appeared all over his body, a phantom of a male lion appeared behind the Golden Retriever King, and the lion power emanating from him directly overwhelmed the dog monsters around him.At the same time, the effect of the Roaring Skeleton and the power of the Buddha Sect was reflected in the body, and with the help of the opponent's attack, his hands vigorously staggered the demonized claws of the barking madman.

The strength was so great that Barking Kuang could only feel the numbness on his hands spread all over his body. At this moment, he realized that today's golden retriever king is no longer the mixed golden retriever five years ago.Judging from his calm and composed appearance, he seems to have some strength left. In this way, his strength is far above everyone else. I am afraid that only the patriarch can subdue him.

After thinking about it, he opened his mouth and wanted to report to the patriarch in the backyard, but a fist the size of a sandbag rapidly enlarged in his eyes and hit his mouth in an instant, and he choked back what he was going to say.

After barking in pain, the barking mad figure was thrown out of the side wall and directly broke into it. The wall in front of the sound of '哗啦' fell down and a figure appeared, which was the patriarch of the dog clan. After he looked at it for a while, he said: "King Golden Retriever, please stop. If you have something to say, let's discuss it in detail."

(End of this chapter)

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