
Chapter 1681 Meeting 1

Chapter 1681 Meeting One
The lion tribe resident generally allows those demon cultivators of the vassal races to come to worship, but usually the patriarch will not come forward in person.The subordinates can dispatch any eighth-level demon cultivator at will to send them away, but today, there are indeed two people in the side hall where the Lion Clan is stationed.

One of them was of course the Golden Retriever King who showed his true colors. At this time, he did not show any timidity when facing the lion clan demon cultivators around him.On the contrary, those lion spirits with weaker cultivation levels showed shock after feeling the aggressive aura of the Golden Retriever King.

This is also an inevitable thing. Although the bones of the ninth-level demon master were not fully refined after being integrated into the body, the spiritual power of the dress was absorbed and integrated into the body of the Golden Retriever King.

To put it bluntly, with his current eighth-level elementary cultivation base, he can completely look down on demon cultivators of the same level.

The person who came to receive him was a maned lion spirit whose strength was at the eighth intermediate level, but he didn't have any advantage at all when facing the Golden Retriever King.On the contrary, he was a little jealous of the lion's prestige emanating from his body.

But at home, he couldn't lose his prestige, so he asked after he was seated, "I am the King Fenmane on duty at the Lion Clan's residence. Why are the two fellow Taoists here?"

The Golden Hair King reached out his hand to take out the jade slip and handed it over, "We are recommended by the patriarch to meet Houyuan Yaozun. This is a recommendation letter, please read it."

Facing King Fenmane's aggressive aura, the Golden Retriever King showed no signs of timidity, instead, he was regarded as an equal, with a neither humble nor overbearing expression.

King Fenzong took the jade slips of recommendation and didn't open them directly to read them. Instead, he looked at the two people in front of him.One is a dog clan demon cultivator exuding lion prestige all over his body, and his strength is only a little worse than him.But the man behind him seemed to have only level six strength, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body did not seem to be very strong, but the nature of the beast to avoid danger secretly reminded King Fenmane that the person who seemed to have only a low-level cultivation was the right one. host.

Moreover, the Golden Retriever King also stated that he wanted to see his ancestor, which was obviously the meaning of the person behind him.

After a little deliberation, King Mane pointed behind the golden-haired king and asked: "I don't know if this fellow Taoist can show his true face to others. I'm afraid it's insincere to hide his real appearance by wearing a cloak."

The Golden Retriever King frowned slightly and was about to tell the difference, suddenly Yi Tian turned around and said to the space on the side: "Fellow Daoist, please show up."

King Fenmane was startled when he heard this, and glanced in the direction Yi Tian was looking at, only to see a distortion in the void.Then a phantom of personality appeared, and after three breaths, the phantom turned into reality, just like the patriarch Hou Yuanzu.In this way, he looked surprised and hurriedly stood up and saluted the patriarch: "The patriarch was alarmed in a few hours."

The Golden Retriever King also stood up and arched his hands together: "Junior Dog Clan Golden Retrievers refer to Hou Yuan Lao Clan."

"Okay, both of you go out, and no one is allowed to come in without my order," Hou Yuanzu said and stretched out his hand, and the jade slip of recommendation slipped out of his hand and slowly flew into his hand.

The Golden Retriever King and the Fen Mane King knew that it was not their turn to listen to what happened next, so they hurriedly stood up and walked out of the house.

As for King Fenzong, he can also bow to Yi Tian. Obviously, the identity of this rightful lord is comparable to that of the patriarch, and he doesn't want to cause trouble for no reason.

After the two demons left, Hou Yuanzu reached out and opened the straight barrier to cover the side hall, then walked forward to the main seat and sat down.After opening the jade slip recommendation book, his eyes quickly glanced over, and after a while, he turned around and said: "Since the Taoist friend came to me on a special trip, and asked someone to find the recommendation book, it is of course polite, but why don't you show your true colors to others? sincerity."

"What Fellow Daoist Houyuan said is true. It's okay if there is no third person present at this time." After saying that, Yi Tian pulled the cloak off his head to reveal his true face, and then clasped his fists and said, "Yi Tian, ​​a human spirit cultivator, has seen the Dao friend."

"Yi Tian, ​​this name is so unfamiliar, I don't remember meeting you before, I don't know why you came here this time?" Houyuan Laozu looked at him and said calmly.After all, the first time everyone met was not a well-known monk in the fusion period, so the elders of the Hou family were naturally impeccable in terms of human etiquette, but they didn't know what they were thinking in their hearts.

He must have doubts in his heart, but Yi Tian said with a faint smile: "I have heard that the patriarch of the lion clan may have a clan dispute in the near future, so I came here specifically to see if there is any way I can help."

"Who did you hear that my Lion Clan will have internal strife, fellow Taoists, are you trying to sow discord within our Lion Clan?" Hou Yuan Lao asked with an angry look on his face.

"Fellow Daoist, calm down, how can I hope that there will be signs of division within the Lion Clan," Yi Tian waved his hand in denial, "It's just that I have an enemy called Houtian, who almost died several times in the past. End the karma of the past."

"Oh, since you are looking for revenge, why don't you go to him directly, and why don't you go to my lion clan's residence to find me?" Hou Yuanzu replied in a tone of voice, but his eyes flashed, and he didn't know what to think about in his heart.

"One-on-one is of course no problem," Yi Tian directly expressed his concerns without procrastinating: "It's just that there is a unicorn next to Houtian to help, I don't want to put myself in danger. "

"Who is Qilinzi?" Hou Yuanzu asked suspiciously.

"I heard that it is a branch of the Qilin family, it seems to be a lame Qilin," Yi Tian reminded casually.

Please don't see that the Hou Yuan clan was shocked when they heard the lame unicorn, and then asked in a deep voice: "Are you sure? Hou Tian is hanging out with him."

"I don't need to hide this matter, I have seen them in the spirit world as early as 500 years ago," Yi Tian replied with a serious face: "And this time it is the news from the Fox Clan. To marry him, as for the qilinzi, the lame qilin brought his branch back to the demon world and made a special trip to participate in the Chengtian sacrificial ceremony. As for his plot, fellow Daoist Houyuan has a deeper heart than me. clearly."

After all, Yi Tian sat quietly and waited, presumably Hou Yuan was also quickly calculating gains and losses in his heart at this time.Although he didn't know why he was so afraid of the lame unicorn, but presumably there must have been a dispute and the result was not good for him.

After thinking for a while, Hou Yuan's face turned livid and he said: "Just relying on the one-sided words of fellow Taoists is not enough to convince me, not to mention that you didn't actually see the lame Qilin come back, at most it's just hearsay."

"The Heavenly Sacrifice Ceremony of the Beast Clan is about to be held. With the relationship of fellow Daoist Hou Yuan, it is easy to find out the news in the Qilin Clan. It is better to ask a fellow Daoist who is familiar with the Qilin Clan to find out," Yi said. The sky is not in a hurry, anyway, if we want to talk about this matter, we have to ask the Hou Yuanzu to discuss it with himself after he has collected first-hand information.

 Thanks for the support of Shiliang Waterfall
(End of this chapter)

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