
Chapter 1682 Meeting 2

Chapter 1682 Meeting II

Hearing what Yi Tian said, Patriarch Hou Yuan immediately reached out and took out the sub-messaging jade slip, activated it and sent it out, and a message came back after a while.Hou Yuan took the communication jade talisman and quickly read through the message on it, hesitation gradually appeared on his face.

Seeing the other party's appearance like this, Yi Tian knew in his heart that it must be indistinguishable from what he said, and seeing Hou Yuan's appearance and that Qilinzi should have an inextricable relationship.

After ten breaths, Hou Yuan asked, "I don't know why you chose this time to discuss cooperation with me. You must know that although your one-sided words are very tempting to me, we are meeting for the first time after all. Speaking of which, there is not enough trust between each other, and it seems that something is missing if they want to cooperate and secretly plan something."'
"Fellow Houyuan is right. If it were me, I wouldn't easily agree to it," Yi Tian seemed to have expected the other party's reaction, but he didn't want to force him too hard.Originally, dealing with Patriarch Houtian this time required detailed planning. It was not difficult to win one-on-one, but it was difficult to retreat completely.

What's more, the most feared thing in the demon world now is to expose your identity. Naturally, two monks in the fusion period can't tell the winner in a short time.The traces left after the fight are also easy to be traced to the end, so this time it took a lot of trouble to find Hou Yuan to discuss cooperation.

But it seems that the other party still has some grievances in his heart, and he doesn't know whether it is for Patriarch Houtian or that Qilinzi.If it's a civil war within the same clan, it's fine, and if it spreads to other monster clans, there's nothing to say.

However, it would be quite different if the Houtian Patriarch had the support of the Qilin clan. Under the coercion and lure of the host race of the Chengtian Sacrifice Ceremony, the Houyuan Patriarch had to think twice.

Knowing that the other party was very upset, Yi Tian didn't want to embarrass him, and then suggested: "There are still three days before the Chengtian Sacrifice Ceremony, if Fellow Daoist Houyuan has a decision in his mind, you can contact me beforehand," said After finishing, he stretched out his hand to take a jade talisman of communication and handed it over.

Hou Yuan froze for a moment, hesitated for a moment, then reached out to take the communication jade talisman and said, "It's not that I don't want to cooperate with Taoist friends to deal with Houtian, but that Qilinzi is difficult to deal with. Besides, he didn't publicly want to support him this time." The meaning of Houtian, I can't make up my mind for a while. Besides, we are two against two now, and I don't know much about the strength and true intentions of fellow daoists, so it's really difficult."

It turned out that Yi Tian twitched the corner of his mouth and secretly said, "It's just that he can't trust himself. It seems that he has to show some means to make the other party realize it." '

At the moment, he replied indifferently: "My purpose is obviously to get rid of Houtian. As for the strength, you will know once you try it." A paroxysmal space once again appeared in the forbidden barrier, enveloping the two of them.

In an instant, Hou Yuan found that the two were in an endless alien space, but he didn't know how Yi Tian managed to open up the barrier again within his prohibition, and he didn't even see clearly the formation techniques and movements.With such a sullen expression on Hou Yuan's face, he knew that this would be a real display of means, and after stabilizing his figure in the air, he said: "A friendly means, I can be regarded as seeing your accomplishments in formations. I think no one in the entire spirit world can do it." to your right."

"You're being polite, it's just a small skill," Yi Tian replied with a smug expression on his face. The array formation method in his sleeves was only cultivated recently, and he didn't expect it to come in handy immediately.

It's just that Hou Yuan's spiritual power soared and instantly changed to a ninth-level intermediate level, and then said: "In this case, I still want to see the skills of fellow Taoists. If you can take my trick, then we will talk about it later. It’s not too late to cooperate.”

I had already expected in my heart that it would not be so smooth to find the other party to cooperate with in the near future, so I recommended myself, but I had to show the corresponding strength to sit down and talk.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian nodded and replied: "Fellow Daoist Hou Yuan is right. If you can negotiate a cooperation just by talking about it, it seems to be too cheap. I also want to see the demeanor of the number one master of the Lion Clan. Why don't we limit ourselves to one move so that we can enhance our understanding of the opponent's strength without hurting our friendship?"

"Okay, follow what Fellow Daoist Yi said," Hou Yuan said, and a phantom slowly appeared behind his figure, and then the might of the king of beasts on his body was fully revealed.Stretch out one hand and make a fist in the air and then swing towards the opponent.

Yi Tian didn't dare to be careless about that seemingly careless move, he roared that Yuan Patriarch's fist condensed in the air and became three feet in size.After flying out, it turned into the appearance of a lion's claw in a flash of inspiration, and at the same time an afterimage appeared, and the attack disappeared in front of it out of thin air.

At the same time, Yi Tian only felt that there was another opening in the void not far behind, and a huge lion claw flew out of it, aimed at him and swept it fiercely.

He didn't expect to set up a formation in the opponent's barrier by himself, but Patriarch Hou Yuan didn't want to be outdone and used such means by tearing up the space in his own formation.

With a cold snort, Yi Tian put away his contempt, went to Taiyuan Wooden Sword and quickly held it in his hand, turned his head and slashed at the lion's claws.The cyan sword wire also converged into a three-foot long front and stabbed the phantom of the lion's claw.

After the two attacks attacked each other in the space, a huge distortion was formed. At the same time, there was a loud noise, the Lingyao Sword Thread and the phantom of the lion's claw canceled each other out, and no one took advantage.

It's just that Yi Tian's eyes flashed a sly look inadvertently, and the Taiyuan wooden sword in his hand flicked out and the sword thread passed through the phantom of the lion's claw, and then directly sank into the void gap where it appeared.

The next moment, not far in front of Hou Yuan, a black thread shot out from the place where the phantom disappeared, and then rushed straight to his face.

Seeing that Hou Yuan was stunned by this sudden move, he couldn't wait to reach out and catch the sword thread firmly.

After three breaths, the two men gathered their momentum, the surrounding environment changed again, and they returned to the wing where they had talked before.

At this time, Patriarch Hou Yuan put away the hesitation on his face and said: "Friend Daoist is indeed a good skill, with your skill, you can't be a silent human spiritual cultivator, right?"

"Fellow Daoist Hou Yuan has won the award, but it is not easy to disclose his identity. But I can guarantee that it will never be detrimental to the Lion Clan, and I am just a passerby. I will leave the tour guide after I have something to do with the demon world. Don't worry," Yi Tian explained.

"Okay, I can promise you to cooperate with Houtian, but now two-on-two seems to be a little troublesome, and Qilinzi's strength is not inferior to mine." After that, the ancestor Houyuan said solemnly: "If you want to succeed, you have to invite him again." People can't help with fists."

(End of this chapter)

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