
Chapter 1684 Reinforcements

Chapter 1684 Reinforcements
Yi Tian sneaked into the other courtyard where Jiang Liuli was trapped with the Golden Retriever King in the Fox Clan's residence, and felt that he was being watched for no reason.The sixth sense of the monks in the fusion period is extremely accurate and can even predict certain things that may be encountered.

Immediately, Yi Tian cast the magic pupil to scan the other courtyard and found a golden light in the pavilion.Needless to say, although my pupil technique can't see through this golden light, but being able to do so shows that the opponent's strength is extremely strong.

What surprised Yi Tian was that there was some vast Buddha power faintly in this golden light. Presumably in the entire demon world, only the orthodoxy of Jiuxian Mountain could have such a strong strength.

After bowing towards the gazebo, the other party also showed his true face, and it turned out to be Jiang Liuli's master, the real Wulian of Jiuxian Mountain.

Afterwards, Master Wulian also stood up, cupped his hands and replied with the courtesy of the human race: "Wulian has met Yi Daoyou in Qingxia Palace, Piaomiao Peak, Jiuxian Mountain."

Hearing that the other party reported his identity and name as soon as he came up, Yi Tian knew in his heart that the other party was thanking him for helping Jiang Liuli many times before, so he also told the truth about his identity.

After thinking for a while, Yi Tian said: "Human casual cultivator Yi Tian has met Wulian Daoist." In the end, he still didn't want to tell the other party with his real identity.

Wulian just smiled and pointed to the chair beside the stone table in the gazebo to signal him to sit down.Yi Tian quietly brought the Golden Retriever King forward through sound transmission, and after he sat down, he let the Golden Retriever King stand behind him and serve him.

Wu Lian's eyes swept over the Golden Retriever King, and then his face showed surprise. He could see through the strength of ordinary demon cultivators at a glance.But the Golden Retriever King in front of him seemed to be more and more attractive, and after three breaths, he asked: "Who is the person behind Yi Daoyou?"

"Seniors don't dare to make mistakes in front of them, but the younger golden retriever is the master's servant," the golden retriever king hurriedly said with the courtesy of the younger generation.

"Yi Dao's friendly means, without signing a contract, the people of my demon world will bow down and be willing to be driven by it," Wulian Zhenren said with emotion.

Without waiting for Yi Tian to reply, the Golden Retriever King spoke first and said, "Master has given me the grace of rebuilding, and besides, I have been serving Master for a long time when I was in the lower realm."

As soon as this remark came out, Wulian Zhenren showed a look of sudden realization, looked at it and asked: "It seems that in addition to the original power of the monster race, you also have a more powerful high-level racial source power, although it has not yet matched the power of the soul. The power fits together, but with the power of the Buddha Sect, you can quickly cultivate to the point of integration, and it should be from the hands of Yi Daoyou."

As soon as this remark came out, the Golden Retriever King looked at the other party with a surprised look on his face, and even De Yi Tian looked sideways at him and found that the real Wulian in front of him was not easy.Although it's just a simple glance, he can see everything that happened to the Golden Retriever King closely, which is indeed a sinister vision.

Immediately Yi Tian said: "Fellow Taoist Wulian is really amazing, you can find the clues left in the golden hair, I admire you very much."

"It's okay, fortunately, what Brother Dao did and my kung fu also secretly match, so I can see all kinds of details," Wulian Zhenren replied with a smile.

So Yi Tian thought secretly, "I am really stupid, the magic pupil I used was restrained by the power of Buddha sect, so I couldn't see its whole picture." After thinking about it, I calmed down and looked at Wulian in front of me with a normal heart, only to find that the aura on her body also faintly contained a little Buddhist power. No wonder the Golden Retriever King can be seen so easily.

Afterwards, the two exchanged politely, and then only listened to Wulian Daoist said: "This time, there must be more Daoist Yi friends who speak up and help, so that this little apprentice can survive."

Jiang Liuli, who was behind him, took this opportunity to agree and said, "Thank you, Uncle Yi, for protecting me. After you broke the barrier last time, I took advantage of the gap to send a message to my teacher, but I didn't explain it to you."

Yi Tian waved his hand and said: "This matter is also reasonable, but I don't know what you plan to do next, Senior Nephew Jiang?"

"Naturally, I went back to Jiuxian Mountain to clean up with me. It's enough to have experienced these worldly things. From now on, I will practice well and stop asking about trivial things in the world," Daoist Wulian said lightly.

It's just that Jiang Liuli still had an unnatural expression on her face after hearing this, and her actions naturally couldn't hide the gazes of the three present.I saw her lips moved, as if she had lowered her head to transmit a few words to Wulian Daoist, and the latter said in a deep voice after a serious face: "There is such a thing, Yi Daoyou, do you know that the ancestor of the Lion Clan Houtian Details?"

Originally, I wanted to bring this matter up to see the reaction of Wulian Daoist, but now what Jiang Liuli said was a hundred times better than what he said.

Originally, he was still thinking about how to persuade Wulian Zhenren to take action against Houtian together, but this gave him a lot of strength.He said in a long and earnest voice: "If Nephew Jiang just left like this, it would be a disaster for the Fox Clan, and the ancestor Houtian of the Lion Clan would definitely not let it go. There are still Buddhist exercises in the method, so I am afraid that it will leave an indestructible flaw in Jiang Shi-nephew's Taoism, and it will be extremely difficult to make progress in cultivation. .”

As soon as these words came out, Wulian's master and apprentice fell into silence, while Jiang Liuli's eyes flickered with hesitation, obviously her words touched her painful feet.

Even the face of Wulian Daoist who was sitting on the side became more and more dignified, and after a moment of silence he sighed and said: "Speaking of which, Liuli's talent is the best in the next generation, and in the future it will be the most likely to be cultivated. A disciple who has been promoted to the tenth level. If there is a flaw in the Dao heart, I am afraid that the cultivation base will not be able to improve a step further. You Daoyou Yi said that you can’t just leave this matter, you have to deal with it properly. Otherwise, there will be endless troubles.”

Unexpectedly, Wulian thinks Jiang Liuli so highly, and Yi Tian is also a little unpredictable.But as long as Jiang Liuli's value is more important, the possibility of Wulian making a move is greater.After thinking about it for a while, he decided to give her more weight: "In my opinion, nephew Jiang Xian may be the most likely disciple in Jiuxian Mountain to reach the tenth level of senior Chibeard, but his Taoist heart has not been tempered in the world, so we will treat this Afterwards, Fellow Daoist Loveless will have to deal with it easily."

Speaking of this, Wulian's eyes flashed a gleam, and then he stared at Yi Tian with a respectful expression on his face and asked: "I don't know when Daoist Yi will be lucky enough to see Master's true form breaking through the tenth level? It has been a long time since Master retreated for 3000 years, and even my disciples have not been able to see his real body."

"About a month ago, I was able to escape with the help of senior red beard in the ancient battlefield of the Yaozu. During this period, although I only communicated with the senior through the method of mirroring thousands of miles away, according to my eyesight, I will never be wrong. Senior red beard has broken through After passing the ninth-level natural moat, he has achieved the tenth-level strength of the demon god," Yi Tian explained.

Such a loveless real person was also moved by it and said: "Yi Daoyou is really a good source of blessings, and if he can get the favor of the master, he will definitely be a person of this realm in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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