
Chapter 1685 Meeting the Old 1

Chapter 1685 Meeting the Old One
Although Yi Tian only thought it was Wulian Daoist who said compliments, he didn't care at all on his face.But the listener had a heart, and Jiang Liuli and Jinmao Wang, who were standing aside, changed their expressions slightly and even looked at them more respectfully.

As if he didn't want to delve into this topic further, Yi Tian changed the subject: "Since that's the case, I don't know if Fellow Daoist Wulian will take Master Nephew Jiang away directly. You must know that hard work can never make up for the matter of the heart. of."

Sighing, Master Wulian could only nod his head slightly and said: "That's true, Fellow Daoist Yi is sure. I thought about this matter, but if we want to deal with it properly, we have to deal with the ancestor Houtian of the Lion Clan. But I don’t know what the current patriarch of the Lion Clan will think. If we act rashly, I’m afraid it will attract the intervention of other big clans.”

"I understand what Fellow Daoist Wulian is concerned about," Yi Tian replied with a smile, "Yi Er, I have already contacted Fellow Daoist Houyuan of the Lion Clan to deal with Houtian together, and I also contacted Shizu Friends of the Iron Beast Clan assist fist, there should be absolutely no problem in a three-on-one match."

Wu Lian looked surprised and asked: "Since Yi Daoyou has already planned so far, do you still have to make a move?"

"Naturally, we need to rely on the name of Wulian Daoist to help Megatron Xiaoxiao. This Roaring Patriarch is not popular among the beast clan, but the lame Qilin of the Qilin clan makes friends with him," Yi Tian said. Said.

"The lame Qilin, didn't this beast go away with a branch, why did it come back again," Wulian said with a change of expression when he heard the words.

"Speaking of which, Houtian was also exiled, but he and Qilinzi, the lame Qilin, both fled to the spirit world, and it was there that our relationship with them was formed," Yi Tian said slightly angrily: "Qilinzi is still alive. Well, it's just that his disciple almost killed me, but luckily I killed him in the end."

"It seems that Yi Daoyou also suffered a lot from Houtian's hands in the early years," Wulian asked tentatively.

"Speaking of which, Houtian was just using me back then, but unfortunately things backfired and I narrowly escaped death. When I heard about Houtian again after many years, I naturally wanted to pay him back," Yi Tian slightly controlled Then he replied in a low mood.

Such a real Wulian nodded knowingly, then cupped his hands and said: "Since this is the case, fellow Daoist Yi wants to deal with Houtian for a good reason. Although I, Jiuxianshan, don't want to get involved in the disputes between the monster clan, but I was bullied to the end I will definitely fight back with all my strength. I will follow the lead of fellow Daoist Yi in this matter, but if you have something to ask, I will go all out to taste the help of fellow daoist many times before."

As soon as this remark came out, Yi Tian felt relieved. Although he had made a plan, the most troublesome part was the Qilinzi part.Originally, I was betting that he would not make a move when the clan returned, but if he really made a move, I couldn't stop him.

There are still many problems for Xiong Erbao to deal with Qilinzi. Although his strength is not weak, it seems that he is still not enough to deal with such an old ninth-level middle-level demon master.And Hou Yuan also expressed his attitude early in the morning that he didn't want to have anything to do with the lame Qilin, so naturally he wouldn't act casually.Maybe if Qilinzi really made a move, Hou Yuan would leave immediately under the pressure of the situation.

It seemed that he was the only one who could deal with Qilinzi as a mobile operator, so he couldn't completely solve Houtian.If the other party is desperate and wants to leave, neither Hou Yuan nor Xiong Erbao will be able to stop him.

Now that there is a real person who has no love to join in, the situation becomes clear, thinking about Yi Tian, ​​he will tell his plan one by one.The latter understood the meaning immediately after hearing it. He didn't want Jiuxianshan to get too involved in this matter, so he just asked her to stop Qilinzi so that the three of them could concentrate on dealing with Houtian to avoid future troubles.

It's just that Wulian Daoist's appearance like this is considered a surprise soldier, and Yi Tian didn't really intend to confess to Hou Yuan.What the two sides talked about before was good, but it was all due to interests and shared goals. The fragile alliance between the two parties will naturally change after the settlement of Houtian. For this reason, Yi Tian also had to make a thorough plan.

In the courtyard, they made an appointment with Master Wulian for the planning, and the two sides left a jade talisman for communication, and they can act according to the plan when the time comes.

An hour later, a wave inadvertently passed over the forbidden barrier near the fox clan's residence, and then returned to its original state.Half a breath later, at the corner of the street, the Golden Retriever King drove in front of Louis Tian and followed him, walking slowly towards the commercial street of Yaojun City.

It's just that at this moment, the Golden Retriever King couldn't see any anger on his face, but there was some hesitation in his eyes, and he lowered his head and asked via voice transmission while walking: "Sovereign, did you really ask me to manage the magic circle this time when you plan to deal with Patriarch Houtian? "

"Why do you feel that you are uncertain, or that you are not capable enough," Yi Tian joked.

After hearing this, the Golden Retriever King said with a little embarrassment: "This time, dealing with the suzerain of the ninth-level Yaozun for me to handle such an important matter really thinks highly of me."

"It's not necessary to look high, since you are already familiar with the art of arrays when you were in the lower realm, it is most suitable for you to leave this matter to you, and I can free up my hands to concentrate on dealing with Houtian," Yi Tian said with determination. replied.

In this way, the Golden Retriever King no longer shirked his promise, and Yi Tian quietly handed over a storage bag with a formation disk.

The two walked through several streets and came to a commercial street for foreigners. Their eyes swept over and seemed to find a familiar figure, and they entered a shop on the side of the street in a blink of an eye.

Immediately, he walked towards there involuntarily under his feet, and when he reached the door of the shop, he found that this was a shop opened by Taiqing Pavilion in the spiritual world.The figure just now should be someone I know well, but I can't remember it after a long time.

Shen Nian slightly probed into the shop and did not find any trace of the man, but Yi Tian bowed his head and had a few words with the Golden Retriever King.The latter then swaggered forward and told the clerk in the shop that he wanted to buy special treasures from the spirit world.

In the demon world, those foreign foreign business houses will naturally not offend such a powerful demon cultivator at will, and then the waiter in charge of reception hurriedly took the Golden Retriever King and Yi Tian from the side passage to the VIP room in the back compartment. .

After waiting for a while, Yi Tian found that there was a spiritual practitioner who was in the early stage of distraction coming here, but the aura on this person was so strange that he probably wasn't the person he was familiar with.

With a look of disappointment on his face, his lower lip moved slightly a few times to give instructions to the Golden Retriever King via sound transmission.After the person in charge of the reception came in and reported his name, the Golden Retriever King was not polite and directly mentioned several unique treasures of the Taiqing Pavilion.It's just that the other party frowned deeply after hearing this and said that the matter was difficult to handle, which immediately gave the Golden Retriever King a reason to take the opportunity to go crazy.

Seeing that the situation was getting more and more difficult to clean up, Daojiao shouted from outside the door: "This fellow Taoist came to the shop for a purpose other than buying precious materials." Just as the words fell, the door of the wing room was pushed open by a green A beautiful figure walked in from it.

"My humble servant is Cui Fuling, the treasurer here. I don't know what is the purpose of this fellow Taoist coming here today?"

(End of this chapter)

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