
Chapter 1686 Meeting the Old 2

Chapter 1686 Meeting the Old II

Speaking of it, Yi Tian hadn't heard such a familiar voice for a long time. In a blink of an eye, Cui Fuling walked into the wing wearing a green palace gown.

The monk who was in charge of the reception hurriedly got up to salute him, and then moved his lips a few times, probably bowing his head and whispering.The number of precious materials proposed by the Golden Retriever King just now is beyond the scope of what he can relate to. Seeing that the huge business has gone so far, it is natural to find someone who can make the decision.

Later, Cui Fuling asked his subordinates to retreat first, and walked into the room by himself to look at the two people in front of him.

Naturally, the Golden Retriever King looked like an eighth-level demon cultivator whose strength was at the beginning of the eighth level.Although it was possible to see her true identity, the shock in Cui Fuling's eyes was not concealed at all.

After thinking about it in his heart, he also began to secretly inquire about the other party's details in his mind. After thinking about it, he found that there was no demon cultivator who could match up with the one in front of him.Then his eyes turned to the man behind him, who was a monk wearing a breath-suppressing cloak.

After sizing him up, he couldn't see his true cultivation, and the aura on this person's body was not revealed at all, making it unpredictable.After thinking for a while, he opened his mouth and said: "Cui Fuling, the shopkeeper of the Xiabi shop, I don't know Yougao's last name, it seems that I have never seen such a person in Yaojun City?"

"My Golden Retriever has met Fellow Daoist Cui," the King Golden Retriever had already received Yi Tian's instructions and naturally knew how to deal with it.

"It's just that I don't know the identity of the person behind you, Fellow Daoist Golden Retriever, so please ask for instructions to avoid difficulties for us in the future," Cui Fuling tentatively said without changing his face.

"Why does your business depend on people ordering the menu?" King Jin Mao said with displeasure on his face, "I'm still afraid that we won't be able to pay for the Lingshi. It seems a bit insincere for the shopkeeper Cui to test my details as soon as he comes up." what?"

Cui Fuling smiled when she heard the words: "Fellow Daoist, you must know that recently it is the Heavenly Sacrifice Ceremony of the Orcs. Naturally, so many of our firms would like to take this opportunity to expand sales and spread the word." The channel for making friends. Even the three sects of my spirit world sent people to witness this grand ceremony, so I naturally want to make more friends with the channel.”

Hearing that the three sects of the spirit world would send people to Yi Tian, ​​his mind flickered, and those familiar figures for a long time flashed past his mind one by one, and his mood was a little turbulent.Fortunately, her cultivation has reached the fusion stage, which is much stronger than Cui Fuling's, so she can't detect the momentary mood swings.

This time, I and many of my comrades took action to deal with the ancestor Houtian, naturally I didn't want to make any mistakes, and seeing the old people in front of me, I naturally didn't want to involve them all.

After thinking about it, it is enough to secretly transmit the voice to the Golden Retriever King to let him deal with it. Today is just a point of interest, so I don't need to go any further.

After the Golden Retriever King understood, he said in a deep voice: "The three sects of the spiritual world in Xiasuwen are headed by the Taiqing Pavilion, and the products are also extremely rich. If you can't get all the items mentioned just now, you can give seven or eight points. Come on." After speaking, he took out the jade slip catalog that he had prepared long ago and handed it over.

Cui Fuling took the hand and stretched out her divine sense to probe it. After that, the expression on her face changed a few times. After ten breaths, she replied: "The amount of treasure materials needed by fellow Taoist Golden Retriever exceeds the inventory of this account, and some of them still need more materials." It is transported by a small cross-border teleportation array, so I am afraid that the price will be more than [-]% more expensive than usual."

Seeing her sitting on the ground like this, the Golden Retriever King's expression naturally became a little unnatural. He originally followed Yi Tian in to fight the autumn wind.Many precious materials have never been heard of before, and it is really at a loss to talk about the price with him now.What's more, the Golden Retriever King's cultivation base has entered the eighth level of demon cultivation, and the strength of the demon cultivator is less than ten days old. Naturally, there are not so many commensurate spirit stone materials on hand to exchange.

Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting on the side, quickly took out a storage bag filled with spirit stones and sent it over.When Cui Fuling saw it, she was stunned for a moment, and then she put her spiritual sense into the storage bag and swept it, but after three breaths, a shocked expression appeared on her face.Speaking of which, she is also someone who has seen the world, but she has never had such a large number of spirit stones.

The key is that the quality of these spirit stones is much higher than those usually traded. At this time, Cui Fuling was once again looking at the person in the cloak in front of her.Obviously this demon cultivator named Golden Retriever is just its spokesperson, but this person is the real master.It's just that he couldn't check his cultivation and strength, so Cui Fuling didn't dare to act rashly.

After accepting the spirit stone, he said with a smile: "Since you two are so kind, then the shop will not let you down. Please wait a moment for me to pass on the information to the owner of the shop so that she can try to gather the supplies together." Bring it."

"Oh, so fellow Daoist Cui isn't the big shopkeeper here?" The Golden Retriever King asked jokingly, "So I don't know if the things I want to trade this time can be arranged properly?"

"Fellow Daoist Golden Retriever is just joking. I was indeed the chief treasurer of this place. But someone from the sect came, so I can be regarded as the principal," Cui Fuling said without giving in. Similar."

After finishing speaking, his eyes kept looking at the cloaked man beside him.

The scene immediately fell into silence, and after a short while like this, Yi Tian suddenly stood up, stretched out his hand and gestured to Jin Mao, and then walked towards the door with his legs open.

Cui Fuling, who was sitting on the side, also thought of the scene in front of her, but then a flash of spiritual light flew into her hand, which turned out to be a jade amulet of communication.Cui Fuling's complexion changed drastically after reading the Jade Letter of Communication, and she hastily got up and said coquettishly, "This fellow Taoist, please stay."

It's just that the golden retriever king followed Yi Tian out of the room as soon as she said the words.With the strength and cultivation of the two, no one in the company dared to stop them, so Cui Fuling hurriedly stood up and chased after them.

But when she walked out of the room, she saw that the two of them were already in the passage leading to the front hall. She tried to catch up with her, but the space in front of her seemed to be distorted So far out of reach.

At this moment, Cui Fuling's feeling of shock can be imagined, such strength is naturally far beyond the range of her cognition, perhaps even her master may not have such strength.At the same time, cold sweat oozes from the temples. Naturally, such a strong person will not be aimless when he comes to the store. Fortunately, the other party has no malicious intentions, otherwise everyone present may not be able to see his whereabouts.

After three breaths, Cui Fuling felt that the space in front of her had returned to normal after the figures of the two disappeared in front of her. After her figure flashed past, her divine sense appeared on her face, but her face showed suspicion. It seemed that the two hadn't left. Instead, it stopped in the lobby of the main hall of the company.

Quickening her pace, she walked through the corridor to the main hall and found a figure standing in front of the two of them. With a happy face, Cui Fuling hurried forward to greet her and said, "Miss, you are here."

(End of this chapter)

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