
Chapter 1688 Siege 1

Chapter 1688 Siege One
After leaving the Taiqing Pavilion's business, Yi Tian and Golden Retriever King didn't wander around any more, and the two returned directly to the Dog Clan's residence.Now it seems that staying here is the most appropriate place. Only the patriarch of the whole clan knows about his existence, and the Golden Retriever King can solve any problems.

The two of them waited here for less than a day before they received a message from the patriarch Houyuan that the Lion Clan civil war will be fought tomorrow at Jindou Valley, which is [-] miles away.On Hou Yuan's side, Chou Shanhu, the head of the Tiger Clan, was also there to witness. As for the person who came to witness on the other side, he didn't know who it was.

Then Yi Tian took out the communication jade talisman without any hesitation to inform Xiong Erbao and Wu Lian of the movement on his side.Then he took the Golden Retriever King to bid farewell to the patriarch of the dog clan and went out of the city overnight. Although it was [-] miles away from Yaojun City to Jindou Valley, it was just a cup of tea for Yi Tian.

After coming here in advance to step on the spot, he took out the formation plate first to lay down the formation barrier according to the directions of the four royals to connect the ground veins within a radius of five hundred miles.At the same time, he also took out the Dao Spirit Talisman and pasted it on the chest of the Golden Retriever King, and asked him to take the Shengmen Qinglong seat in the east of the formation to sit in charge of the formation.

With the blessing of the magic talisman, the Yaozun who came here could not find out the exact location of the Golden Retriever King. Although it was foreseeable that this confrontation would definitely cause a huge reaction, as long as the Golden Retriever King stabilized the control formation, he could stop it. The retreat route of Patriarch Houtian, in the end, no matter how bad it is, it can grind him to death.

After all the arrangements were made, Yi Tian slowly flew up to the sky, took out the breath-suppressing cloak to cover himself, and hid himself in the void.

After waiting for a day, in the evening, four auras flew from the direction of Yaojun City, and the escape technique arrived at the top of Jindou Valley in an extremely fast and incomparable teleport.After the light faded, two people, Hou Yuan and Hou Tian, ​​appeared. As for the two standing next to each of them, there was a level [-] demon venerable.Hou Yuan's side is a demon cultivator with a white hair and tiger head, needless to say, it should be a mountain tiger from the tiger clan.

As for the gray figure standing beside Houtian, with the power of lightning circulating around him, it is the Daoist Hunyun of the Thunder Python Clan.Unexpectedly, Houtian invited him to come forward as a witness this time, but what Yi Tian didn't expect was that Qilinzi didn't come.

It is expected that there will be real people without love to deal with Qilinzi, and I can also let go of my hands and feet to deal with Houtian, but this time there is more variable Hunyun, I don't know how to deal with it.Yi Tian didn't dare to show any mood swings, for fear that the other party would notice that he was spying on him.

Soon the two lion clan monster masters took a stance, and the monster power around them rose sharply.In an instant, a large amount of spiritual power poured in from all directions, directly forming two hurricanes of similar strength in the air.As the two hurricanes collided together, the two figures came into close contact with each other and began to fight.

There was a constant 'bang bang bang' sound in the air, followed by the crackling sound of the spiritual pressure fluctuations caused by the intersection of the two monsters' fists and feet.It can be seen that Hou Yuan didn't hold back the slightest intention of punching to the flesh, and it was completely a way of playing with injuries for injuries. Presumably, the attack methods of the Lion Clan were simple, straight and not sloppy.

On the other hand, the opponent seems to be using the same move, but it is slightly inferior to Hou Yuan's side in terms of the sharpness and power of the move.Yi Tian also sneered in his heart, it seems that Patriarch Houtian is still as insidious as ever, on the bright side he is at a disadvantage everywhere.But who knows what backhand there will be in the dark, if it is used at a critical moment, it will definitely turn the tide.

Just as he was thinking about it, suddenly the two hurricanes dispersed, and Houtian stood firmly in the air, reached out and took out a black chain to offer in his hand.After the chain pieces attacked each other, they made a 'bang bang bang dang' sound, which made the opposite Hou Yuan also look frightened.Immediately blurted out: "Binding the demon rope, you actually took out such a shameless spiritual weapon, you are a shame to my family."

Unexpectedly, Hou Tian, ​​who was not far away from the opposite side, smiled disdainfully and said: "What shameless spirit weapon is needed, as long as it can win. Today it's only about winning or losing, no matter the means, Hou Yuan, you have controlled the Lion Clan for thousands of years It’s time to keep the authority, the times have changed and if you can’t keep up with the changes of the times, you will naturally be eliminated.”

Seeing the dark chains, the Shanhu in the distance also scolded with embarrassment: "Fellow Houtian, is this going too far? This bundle of demon cables is a special spiritual weapon to restrain my demon clan. You It would be unfair to use it in a duel like this."

On the other hand, Master Hun Yun raised his head and laughed loudly: "It's fair to win the king and lose the bandit. The loser can only linger on one side and cry. Facts are often written by the winner. After today, only You will know that you have lost, and who cares how you lost."

Hou Yuan's face was dark and full of anger and he said: "Originally, I would not take your life in our clan conflict, but I didn't expect you to use such a method. It seems that you didn't want to let me go this time."

"That's natural, you know that I have been in exile for three to four thousand years, thinking about regaining my position in the clan all the time," Houtian said with a grim face: "If I hadn't accidentally obtained this special restraint I'm afraid that the outcome of the fight between you and me is still unknown. But today you have used up all your strengths. After I arrest your physical body and set a restriction on your soul, you will always surrender to me and have no power to turn over again. Only then can I solve the hatred in my heart for thousands of years."

Speaking of this, Houtian couldn't help laughing, the laughter was mixed with the spiritual pressure fluctuations of the ninth-level demon master, which shattered the clouds within three hundred miles of the surrounding air.

But amidst this laughter was another majestic laughter, and the two demon masters who witnessed it looked along the sound and saw Hou Yuan grinning in agreement.

Unknown, he shouted at the sky, but shouted in a deep voice: "Immortal, you must have lost your mind. It seems that if you don't get Fa-rectification on the spot this time, it will be cheap for you."

"I'm just laughing at your way of doing things, no wonder you offended so many people," Hou Yuan said, his eyes swept over the direction of Yao Juncheng, only to see a gray aura flying towards the place where the two were fighting.After three breaths, he stopped in the air three miles away in front of the four of them, and when the light faded away, he revealed his figure, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body opened up, showing that his strength had also reached the category of a ninth-level demon venerable.

I saw Xiong Erbao flying forward and forming horns with Hou Yuan, sandwiching Hou Tian in the middle, stretching out his hand and pointing: "Old ghost, you must deal with this guy. You also come to the Big Thunder Snake Now, what day is it that I can still meet you, a bad person like you."

Master Hunyun stared at Xiong Erbao for a moment, then said: "Why are you here to wade into this muddy water? It seems that you are not idle, Hou Yuan, and even contacted someone else to help you punch."

Hou Tian looked at him with disdain on his face and said: "Could it be that he is your trump card? Hou Yuan, you are really living and going back, and you should find a better helper. Qi Linzi has already accepted it." When I summon him, he will leave half a quarter late, and now I’m afraid he’s already on his way.”

As soon as the words were finished, a ray of light lit up in each of the surrounding areas, covering a radius of five hundred miles.

(End of this chapter)

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