
Chapter 1689 Siege 2

Chapter 1689 Siege II

Four formation barriers suddenly lit up within a radius of [-] miles around Jindou Valley. Needless to say, this was the Golden Retriever King directly operating the formation disk to open the trapped formation after receiving the signal.

Although for the monks in the body-fit stage or the ninth-level demon venerable, the four guards can only limit them for a short time at most, but under the current situation, there is no doubt that the retreat of the two Houtians will be given to them. broken.

In a two-on-three situation, they couldn't free up their hands to break out of the predicament anyway.Immortal Hun Yun at the back saw it, but his face sank and he shouted: "Show me up, kid, I knew you were the one who was playing tricks. I'm afraid you've come here a long time ago when I see this silly bear again." .”

As soon as the words fell on the heads of the crowd, a vague figure appeared, it was Yi Tian wearing a black cloak.At this moment, his gaze was fixed on Houtian when he glanced over his divine sense, while Master Hunyun was directly ignored.

All of a sudden, on the right side of the scene, Hou Tian is not a fool, seeing that he is at a disadvantage, he is naturally thinking about retreating.In a two-on-four situation, if he is any more rampant, he is really ignorant of current affairs.After thinking for a while, Houtian raised his head and laughed a few times, then said to Yi Tian in the sky: "This fellow Taoist seems to be a formation mage, I asked myself to make friends with capable people and strangers, as long as you open the gate of the formation today and let me go A horse will be rewarded."

Yi Tian gently took off the cloak covering his head, and then said to the ancestor Houtian below with a tired face: "I forgot me so quickly, but it's no wonder."

Hearing this voice, the pupils in Houtian's eyes froze, and then he exclaimed in surprise: "So it's you, kid. I didn't expect to be able to escape from that fragmented space. It seems that I really underestimated you back then."

Before he finished speaking, the expression on his face changed again, and after three breaths, Houtian turned to look at it with incredible eyes, but said bitterly: "How come your cultivation base has improved so much, it must be in There were a lot of benefits there.”

"Why is Fellow Daoist Houtian still playing tricks up to now? You are just waiting for that unicorn," Yi Tian said with a sneer.

The patriarch was also quite angry when he was yelled out at the sky, he turned to look at the three big monsters not far in front of him and said: "Don't think that you are four against two and I will be sure of you, as long as you last for a while The help came back. Hou Yuan didn't expect you to learn how to combine vertical and horizontal, and find outsiders to deal with the clansmen."

"Clanman, do you still think that I am a clansman? Since even the 'demon-binding rope' has been taken out, we must decide the outcome today, not to mention what you said just now. Today, there is only one person between you and me Get out of here alive," Hou Yuan said decisively.The current situation is in his favour, so it is natural to beat the dog in the water, and what Houtian said before really made him completely decide to get rid of the opponent.

Looking up at Yi Tianhou, Hou Yuan said to the mountain tiger behind him: "Fellow Daoist invited you to come and witness this time, but I didn't expect you to see a joke, so please take a shot to entangle Hun Yun and wait for us Let’s talk about it after we’ve solved the problem.”

Zhan Shanhu is not a fool and immediately realized that Hou Yuan had set up a trick to lure you into the urn today, but he didn't inform him in advance.Although there was some displeasure on his face, but now the situation is so close that he has no choice but to let him not agree. After thinking about it, he moved his lips slightly and said a few words to Hou Yuan through voice transmission in private.

Knowing that Zhan Shanhu is sitting on the ground and raising the price, the conditions he proposed at this time cannot tolerate Hou Yuan's refusal.After a short while, the two monsters looked at each other and reached a consensus in secret after missing each other, and then Shanhu dodged to the side of Yunyun not far away, rubbing his fingers to get ready to go.

Seeing this, Houtian's expression sank again, it seems that today's battle is inevitable, and the only hope of getting out of trouble now lies in Qilinzi.Immediately, he couldn't help looking towards Yaojun City, hoping to see some light.

"Fellow Houtian seems to have put all his treasures on Qilinzi." In the high sky, Yi Tian did not know when he had held the Taiyuan Sword Sacrifice in his right palm and at the same time took out a palm-sized token and held it in his left hand.There was a sneer on his face and he said: "The Wulian Daoist of Jiuxian Mountain is entrusted by me. I'm afraid he has already sat down with that Qilinzi and chatted with him. Before Chengtian's sacrificial ceremony, I'm afraid the two of them should have no time to separate themselves. , I advise you to pay attention to your own situation, let you go in a three-on-one situation, I am afraid that we will not hang around in the demon world in the future."

As soon as the words were finished, the Taiyuan wooden sword in his hand came out, turned into thousands of thin threads in the air, and fell on Houtian like a rainstorm.This time, Yi Tian also made a move with anger. After seeing the process of the two people making a move just now, there is no need to test the truth.

Seeing Yi Tian who was in the air taking the lead and roaring Yuan, he didn't show any weakness at all, he shook his body and directly showed the appearance of the deity. After the golden light flashed, it turned out to be a lion with a head length of more than five feet and a height of one foot.Opening his mouth, a lion's roar sounded from his mouth and greeted Houtian.

On the other side, Xiong Erbao waved his palms together, and two auras, one black and one white, condensed in his hands and turned into a rapidly rotating Tai Chi pattern.Then he sent his hands forward to push this Tai Chi aura directly into the void.

This tactic was still figured out by him staying by Yi Tian's side for a long time, and there were faint traces of spiritual cultivation skills between the exercises.

The Tai Chi aura came first, passing through the void, appearing out of thin air from behind Hou Tian, ​​and smashed hard on his defensive cover.This sudden move really caught Hou Tian by surprise, he didn't expect that among the three, this iron-eating beast clan's demon master was the weirdest.The spatial law of spiritual practice is hidden in the tricks, which can break through the limitations of time and space in the area in an instant.

Before he had time to think about it, Roaring hurriedly took out the defensive spirit weapon and blocked it in front of him. With a 'boom', the powerful and heavy Tai Chi aura broke through the defensive shield and hit the defensive spirit weapon in the middle, shaking Hou Tian's whole body back several feet.

Immediately afterwards, the lion's roar sounded from all around, and the sound wave swept over Houtian with spiritual light, making his movements condensed.Immediately, the flow of true energy in the body slowed down by three points, and the defensive skills were not as smooth as before.

A loud roar came from Roar, but he said angrily, "You will die a terrible death, old thief."

"You want to take my soul, will I let you go?" After speaking, Hou Yuan opened his mouth again and covered Hou Yuan's body after several lion roars came out one after another.

At the same time, the sword silk rain that was falling all over the sky did not fall at all, and after besieging Houtian in the middle, they rushed up from all directions.

Those tiny sword wires hit the opponent's defensive spirit weapon and made a loud and dense "ping-pong-pong" sound. Yi Tian took a closer look and sighed and shouted: "It seems that the green hat old ghost has died in your hands. Come on, this tortoise shell should be behind his back. It's a pity that you will kill yourself if you do too much unrighteousness, and today you will not be able to escape no matter what happens."

(End of this chapter)

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