
Chapter 1690 Siege 3

Chapter 1690 Besieged Three

Under the plan to besiege Houtian Patriarch, Yi Tian, ​​Xiong Erbao and Hou Yuan didn't show any intention of keeping their hands back. They all fired with full firepower and came up with their own special moves.

What Yi Tian didn't expect was that Xiong Erbao's savvy is not low in understanding, and he didn't deliberately avoid it when he was practicing the Taiqing Pavilion magical power' so close to the end of the world'.At that time, Xiong Erbao stayed on the side and learned most of the essence of his own skills. Although he didn't use it on himself, he used it to integrate the moves and it was extremely sharp.

As soon as he made a shot, Fa Xianzhi hit Patriarch Houtian directly, catching him off guard.

At the same time, Hou Yuan harassed the opponent with the lion's roar, and the space where the lion's roar sound wave went was distorted, as if the inner time and space were a beat slower than the outside world.

With this kind of tactic, the flow of true energy in Houtian's body was naturally slowed down by [-]%, and even maintaining a normal defense was quite difficult.Moreover, it would take half as much demon power to maintain the defensive tortoise shield in front of him.

Above the high altitude, Yi Tian pinched the formula with one hand and pointed towards the sword silk that shot out from below, and said in his mouth: "Combined".Those Lingyao Qianjiansi gathered together and transformed into a three-foot green blade to stab the tortoise shell in front.

With a crisp sound of 'click', the tortoise shell shield cracked a gap, and then the gap became bigger and bigger along the tortoise shell from the left and right sides.After the cyan sword glow flashed, Taiyuan Sword took advantage of the situation and went straight through the tortoise shell and pierced out behind Houtian, leaving a hole the size of a fist.

Blood spewed out of his mouth and he roared furiously, "You forced me to do this, and you have to pay the price if you want me to die." Enduring the pain, he stretched out his hand and took the 'demon-binding rope' that was originally sacrificed. pushed out.

The 'monster-binding rope' stretched in the air and turned into a black demon dragon, wrapping itself around Hou Yuan's body.The latter was shocked when he saw it, he knew the power of this thing in his heart, he jumped up in the air and stretched out his two front paws to fight with the black dragon.

Temporarily holding back one, Houtian bent down and rolled in the air before revealing his real body.Yi Tian could see clearly from the air that he was a male lion about five feet long and five feet tall like Hou Yuan, but the color of the lion's mane on the neck was slightly different.

There was a huge blood hole on the back of the abdomen, and the hole shrank smaller and smaller under the replenishment of the demon power and true energy, but the aura on Houtian's body was not as strong as before.Yi Tian stood in the air and said: "Fellow Houtian is only mediocre in strength, and he showed his real body so soon. It's a pity for this good skin. Originally, I I thought you could take two more moves from me, but it seems that I overestimated you."

"Boy, don't be too happy, just now you just relied on a sneak attack," Hou Tian roared angrily.

"Don't be afraid to flash your tongue when the wind is strong. It's obviously a frontal defeat. You have a thick skin, little lion," Xiong Erbao said disdainfully in the distance. This time, there are two auras on the left and right sides, one black and one white, circling an arc to focus on Houtian's forehead and buttocks.

Xiong Erbao and Yi Tian have been together for a long time and know what it means to take advantage of someone's illness to kill someone, so it's really fun to beat a dog in the water like this.Moreover, the lion clan is also a strong opponent in the competition for the sweet marrow and jade dew in the Chengtian Sacrifice Ceremony. Naturally, weakening the strength of many parties here will fuel the arrogance of the clan in the future, so Xiong Erbao is also full of enthusiasm.

The two auras hit Houtian's deity accurately again, knocking him down three feet in the air before he stabilized his figure.At the same time, the fist-sized blood hole on Houtian's body shrank to an inch in diameter, and it was difficult to heal. At the same time, there was a faint golden light shining around the wound, which seemed to be purifying the demon power in his body.

Only to hear Hou Yuan yelling again: "What kind of exercise is this, why does it keep eating away the spiritual power in my body?"

"I didn't expect Fellow Daoist Hou Yuan to absorb the source power of the demon world to practice in order to return to the demon world. It seems that you are also a guy who uses all means to achieve your goals." The purpose of Zong Zhili is to reduce the hostility of swordsmanship and supernatural powers, but I didn't expect it to restrain your skills."

Just as he was talking, the black true essence in the wound on Houtian's back was drawn out by the golden light and purified directly in the air.It's just that the pain of purifying the power of the magic source made Houtian unable to help but scream, and at the same time his body was constantly twitching, as if he could no longer maintain the circulation of his spiritual energy.

Not long after, I saw an aura escape from Houtian's forehead, and the demon baby that was supposed to be golden had now turned half black and half yellow. Needless to say, Houtian must have absorbed a large amount of magic power to be able This result.

Seeing the situation, Yi Tian didn't chase after him, and directly jumped to the front of Hou Yuan not far away, and with the sword light in his hand, he raised his sword and slashed at the black dragon.After the sword light flashed, it hit the back of the black dragon's neck with a 'bang', allowing Hou Yuan to take the opportunity to get out of trouble.

Immediately said: "Leave it to me here, don't let the roaring demon baby run away, otherwise there will be endless troubles."

Hou Yuan knows that this time Yi Tian did it on purpose, if Hou Tian is allowed to escape, I am afraid that the whole lion clan will be the most restless in the future, and he will definitely suffer his crazy revenge.

At this time, a gleam of determination flashed in Hou Yuan's eyes, and he turned around and chased in the direction where Hou Tian Yaoying was escaping, but he roared out several times one after another.After the sound wave passed Hou Tian's demon baby, he immediately stopped and froze, and Hou Yuan then shortened the distance by half.

Yi Tian turned around and raised his hand to sacrifice the sword thread to firmly surround the black dragon transformed by the 'Demon Binding Cable', and stretched out his hand to sacrifice the magic formula to control it to surround it in the air.In the end, the demon-binding rope was forced by many parties to break its spiritual power and had to return to its original form. Yi Tian flew forward and stretched out his hand to take this spiritual treasure into his pocket.

Unexpectedly, Hou Yuan, who is also a ninth-level demon venerable, would be so afraid of this thing. He just happened to lack such a treasure to restrain the demon clan in his hands shortly after he was about to pick it up and walk.

Recently, I was the only one present who was not a demon clan, so this spirit weapon was well deserved if it fell into my hands.

Looking back at the battle situation, Xiong Erbao had already rushed forward to capture Houtian's monster body with a slap, and then cast a spell to seal it away and put it away.The Houtian Yaozu who was on the side also watched helplessly as their bodies were captured, but right now he still focused on running for his life.Visually, only the Hun Yun on one side can protect it completely, but under the shroud of the lion's roar sound waves, even the flow of true energy on the demon baby's body becomes extremely slow.

Without the blessing of the physical body, the effect was more than doubled, and Hou Tian was so frightened that he hurriedly shouted: "Fellow Daoist Hun Yun, save me, and there will be a big reward afterwards."

But at this moment, Hun Yun in the distance was also entangled by the mountain tiger, watching helplessly as the three of them teamed up and released Houtian in just twenty breaths of effort, and forced him to escape from the Yuanying.Hearing Houtian Yaoying's words, Hun Yun gritted her teeth and started the attack of the mountain tiger, turned around and flew towards the Yaoying's position.

(End of this chapter)

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