
Chapter 1694 After the War

Chapter 1694 After the War
After successfully solving the matter of Houtian, he didn't expect to beat the grass and rabbits and also solved the big trouble of Hun Yun.It is not an easy task to deal with these two nine-level big monsters after the war, even though the monster clan is full of treasures, it must be handled properly.Otherwise, you will get into big trouble in the demon world.

I wanted to give the Thunder Python Demon Pill to Xiong Erbao, but he replied nonchalantly: "This kind of thing is taboo in the demon world. If I swallow the demon pill, I will definitely have a little breath on my body, which is easy to be noticed. Yes, it’s better to leave it to you.”

After speaking, he took out Houtian's body and sent it over directly: "This thing is also hot, so it's useless for me to hold it by my side. Even if the old guy Houyuan knows it well and keeps his face, that lame Qilin might still Come to trouble me. So it’s worth giving it to you.”

Confiscating two demon bodies one after another, Yi Tian felt that he had taken advantage of it, but it was reasonable to think about Xiong Erbao's words.His own family and widows can do whatever they want, but he has to think more about his clan, so as not to provoke Qilinzi, which is not beautiful.

After a pause, he reached out to pick up Houtian's body and put it in a storage bag. Yi Tiancai replied, "It's not rewarding for you to work hard this time."

"Who said there will be no rewards," Xiong Erbao said with a big laugh, "This time in the main hall of Chengtian Sacrifice, our main competitors were the lion clan, tiger clan and unicorn clan, but now the lion clan has lost a strong one." My opponent, Hou Yuan will also sell my face. As for the Zhan Shanhu of the Tiger Clan, it will be much easier to find him after we have met each other this time."

"It seems that you have learned a lot from my side, and the relationship between the monster clan can also be handled with the technique of combining vertical and horizontal." Yi Tian suddenly realized: "It seems that you must It’s going to be a big hit.”

"That's natural. Our clan is not weak and there are many competitors. If everyone can negotiate in secret, we can naturally win greater benefits." We have to think about how to keep the race in the demon world for a long time and maintain its unfailing status for thousands of years is the right thing to do for the future generations of the clan."

"It seems that my plan this time has indirectly cleared up many obstacles for you, but the Qilin clan is the largest clan of beasts and is bound to be very strong. If you want to get a piece of his pie, you have to plan before you move," Yi Tian said. Said.

"That's a natural thing. Fortunately, I heard you said that the forces of Jiuxian Mountain have joined in this time. It will look good now," Xiong Erbao gloated.

"Looking at your gleeful appearance, I'll show you the way again," Yi Tian blinked and said, "You and Jiang Liuli have a kindness, and naturally you can follow this line to reach Jiuxian Mountain. Her master Wulian Zhenren is at this time It's in Yaojun City. If you want to join forces, go to her and discuss with her. I think there will be no problem with Jiang Liuli's recommendation."

"It's true, that's great," Xiong Erbao raised his brows and said, "If we can get in touch with the forces of Jiuxian Mountain this time, it will be even more powerful, and maybe we can also get in touch with the King Kong Demon Ape Clan. Then everyone will advance and retreat together. .”

Yi Tian was puzzled when he heard the words, Jiuxian Mountain is fine, but what kind of spirit beast is this Vajra Demon Ape Clan.Looking at the proud Xiong Erbao, Yi Tian immediately asked, "What is the origin of the Demon Ape Clan you are talking about?"

Xiong Erbao sized him up with a playful look before saying: "I don't know, this King Kong demon ape clan is not well-known, and they do things very low-key. But there is a great person in their clan."

"Could it be Senior Red Beard? In this way, the number one clan in the demon world should be relocated," Yi Tian said with a playful smile, "I guess the King Kong Demon Ape Clan must be very low-key, so their reputation is not obvious." .”

Xiong Erbao complained with frustration on his face: "It's really boring, you guessed it right." After three breaths, he cheered up and said mysteriously: "You don't know yet, there is a king kong demon ape clan. Some exercises and supernatural powers can be used by spiritual practitioners to study and practice. If you can use them to practice, you will not be seen through your real body among the monsters in the future. It can also have unexpected effects when fighting against high-level spiritual cultivation."

Hearing this, Yi Tian was also excited. He fixed his eyes and asked, "What kind of exercise is it? Since it can be as good as your Dharma Eye, it must not be easy. Let's talk about it."

This time, Xiong Erbao was finally able to pull back a victory. He had a satisfied look on his face, and then he said in a low voice: "It's the Demon Ape Transformation, you must have heard of it."

"Magic Ape Transformation," Yi Tian underestimated, and at the same time, his face changed slightly after quickly recalling the exercises he had learned.I remember that I saw records in the Daleiguang Temple in the Buddhist and Spiritual Realm, but it clearly said 'Divine Ape Transformation', but I don't know how these two exercises are related.

After thinking for a while, he nodded thoughtfully and replied: "This technique is not bad. If you can practice this technique, it may have miraculous effects. But I don't know if such a heavenly supernatural power can be used by foreigners. ?”

"Don't worry, this exercise can only be used by the Vajra Demon Ape Clan or spiritual cultivators, even if foreigners like me want to practice it, they don't have the foundation," Xiong Erbao replied.

"If that's the case, then I can consider it, but what I worry about is that the Vajra Demon Ape Clan may not be willing to show such magical powers," Yi Tian sighed, but glanced at Xiong Erbao to see him Is there any valuable information to disclose.

Let him be proud this time to sweep away his suppressed mood that has been suppressed by him for many years.In addition, I have cultivated to such a state, and my state of mind is naturally extremely stable, and it will not be affected by some trivial things, so it doesn't look like Xiong Erbao.

"Actually, it is not easy for you to achieve your goal. Fortunately, there is a huge opportunity in front of you. As long as you are willing, I can be the referrer. As for whether it will be successful or not, it depends on how you talk about it," Xiong Erbao said. .

It turned out that this circled around and finally came here, and Yi Tian felt as if he had fallen into his trap.From the very beginning, Xiong Erbao aimed at the appearance of wanting to introduce himself to the Vajra Demon Ape Clan.Moreover, he didn't ask for anything in return when he took the shot against Houtian this time, so he must vote for Li Baoxiao to agree to him to make it even.

After thinking about it, he replied with a smile: "Okay, I will let you be the referrer. But I also have conditions, and now I have a sensitive identity and don't want to see people in person, so any action must be done with a hidden identity. Other than that, there is nothing else.”

"It's a bit interesting to hide your identity, but I know you have your difficulties. This matter should be no problem. When I go back, I will explain it to the old gibbon. I believe they will agree," Xiong Erbao thought. down the road.

(End of this chapter)

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