
Chapter 1695 Discussion 1

Chapter 1695 Discussion One
The Chengtian Sacrifice Ceremony in Yaojun City is scheduled to be held the next day, and the city has long been surrounded by many monster clans from all over the world who came to watch the ceremony.As for the Huofeng and Huojiao clans that dominate the demon world, they also sent figures of the level of Yaozun to watch the ceremony.

There are also many monks who were invited from other worlds to stay in the post house in Yaojun City.Not only for spiritual cultivation, after Yi Tian went out for a walk in the past few days, he found that there were people from the world of Buddha and spirit, and even people from the world of demons visited him.Although the demon world opened the passages leading to the other eight realms, it has never seen any visiting monks from the lower three realms.

Fortunately, the demon cultivators who came here were only descendants of the Heavenly Demon Clan, and they were not familiar with him, so Yi Tian didn't take them to heart at all.As for the person from the Buddha and Spiritual Realm who was my old acquaintance, Monk Pudian, this old alcoholic and his disciples also looked casual.Yi Tian knows how powerful this person is, so don't look at him like this on weekdays. If it really comes to a critical moment, he will not be sloppy at all.

I just caught a glimpse of it from a distance, and then hurriedly avoided it.At least now that dragons and snakes are mixed in Yaojun City, if I go to the door rashly, I am afraid that many monks of the same level will be alarmed, and it is not beautiful to startle the snake.

Yi Tian has been reclusive during this period of time, hiding in the Dog Clan's resident and dealt with the gains from this attack against Houtian and Hunyun.Before the Golden Retriever King was presiding over the defense of the four imperial formations, he was injured by the Hunyun Yaoying wrapped in a demon pill and forcibly breaking into the formation barrier.The impact power of the monster baby was no small matter, and the Golden Retriever King would suffer a lot of backlash afterwards.

After the war, Yi Tian naturally wouldn't treat him badly, and after collecting Houtian's corpse, he directly extracted the spiritual marrow and true blood from it for refining.After the blood from Houtian's whole body was taken out, it was finally compressed and refined into six drops of real blood, and Yi Tian took out three drops of which were taken by King Jin Mao for refining.

Unexpectedly, after taking it, the Golden Retriever King's aura skyrocketed, but it didn't take long for him to fade away from his human form, revealing that they themselves fell into a deep sleep.Seeing that there was no other way, Yi Tian had no choice but to take the Golden Retriever King into his vacant beast-guarding bag.

Anyway, he had nothing to do recently, so he digested the three drops of spiritual blood here, and his strength will definitely increase by a long shot after he wakes up.

After dealing with these matters, Yi Tian dismembered Houtian's body. A monster of this level is full of treasures.Even if it can't be used to refine pills or spiritual weapons, it is still a good spiritual meat.

After the processing was finished, Yi Tian thought for a while and prepared the four lion claws to refine into two sets of gloves.Lion skins can be used to refine cloak armor, and the whole body's bones are excellent materials for refining spiritual weapons.The most valuable thing is the mouth full of lion teeth, which can be integrated into the spirit sword or magic knife, which can not only improve its attributes, but also have the lion's prestige of the king of beasts.

Although this lion power is not as powerful as the bones of the golden retriever king integrated into the ancient lion clan, it can also deter demon cultivators below level eight.Even in front of those demon cultivators below level six, they can directly scare them to the point of peeing their pants.

As for Hun Yun's physical body Yi Tian, ​​he had some ideas. This time Hun Yun used the technique of peeling to get out of trouble.But this is also good for me to get an extra thunder python skin for no reason, as for his original physical body, it has fallen to a certain level.Now a piece of thunder python skin and a five-foot-long thunder python body are placed in front of him, but the thunder python body only looks like the top eighth step, except for the traces of the demon baby on the forehead, the rest are well preserved .

After careful consideration in Yi Tian's mind, he took out the wooden jade box for nourishing the soul that Yishun's demon spirit depended on, and then gently opened his mouth and shouted: "Friend Yishun is here, please show up."

After three breaths, several streaks of red spiritual light flew out from the soul-cultivating wood and condensed into light clusters in the air, and then Yishun's voice came out of it: "I don't know what's important, fellow Daoist Yi?"

Stretching out his hand and pointing at the ghostly body in front of him, Yi Tian said directly: "Didn't fellow daoist lack a physical body, can you see if the one I found for you can be used?"

The red aura turned into Yishun's human form after spinning around in the air for a few times, then stared at the ground and blurted out: "It's the traitor Hun Yun, I didn't expect him to end up like this, such a traitor is really It should be cut to pieces."

Yi Tian curled his lips and said in his heart, "It seems that Yishun also hates Hun Yun to the bone, but he doesn't know if it is feasible for him to use this physical body to rebirth." '

After thinking about it, he asked: "Fellow Yishun, don't you want to kill the enemy yourself? You must know that this is the kind of happy enmity, which is far more refreshing than it is now."

"Yi Daoyou's words are true, but even if I want to be able to achieve the current situation, I may not be able to achieve it," Yishun said with a sigh.

"Could it be that Hun Yun's physical body is not good enough? It's a shame that I used the 'Demon Binding Cable' to preserve his physical body as much as possible," Yi Tian said slightly dissatisfied.

Hearing his own tone, Yishun's demon spirit turned around in the air and cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, fellow daoist, for your kindness, but this chaotic demon body is indeed not an ideal place for me to place it. Please, fellow daoist, Think again."

"The Thunder Python clan is also a branch of the Huojiao clan. If that doesn't work, it seems that I can only go to the Huojiao clan to find it," Yi Tian joked.

Hearing this, the Yishun demon spirit showed bitterness and said, "Now that my physical body is destroyed, if I live in the Yunyun demon body, my cultivation can only be restored to the ninth level at most, and fellow Taoists, please look at it," he said Stretching out his hand and pointing at the Hunyun demon body, he continued: "I used the technique of shedding skin before, so my cultivation base will be greatly reduced. If you want to practice back to level nine, it will be difficult to achieve it without 2000 years of effort, and the power of the lost blood is also very difficult to achieve." big problem."

"One to two thousand years is long enough," Yi Tian murmured inwardly, "I don't even know when I will find Patriarch Wuye. If we really start a war with Lihuo Palace, then with Yishun's strength, we will naturally be able to find Wuye." It depends on the importance. It seems that I was a little muddled in my actions this time, and Hun Yun was so anxious that I even did the thing of dropping my cultivation base and running away."

He raised his head and stretched out his hand to open the forbidden barrier to seal the surrounding area, then took out a scorching dragon bone and said, "If I refine this bone and the fleshy body of Hun Yun again, can it be used together?"

Yishun didn't answer directly, but stretched out his divine sense on the burning dragon's bone and scanned it back and forth. After a long time, he sighed and replied: "Yes, it is almost a tenth-level burning dragon bone. If the sacrifice is done properly, it will definitely be able to completely recover. Integrate the corpse of Thunder Python. Moreover, the innate characteristics of the scorching dragon are very compatible with our Huojiao clan. If you possess it, you can directly reach the ninth level of elementary level, and it is not impossible to aspire to the tenth level in the future."

"That's good," Yi Tian also rarely showed a little bit of relief. Being able to make such a picky guy praise him endlessly shows that the power of this scorching dragon bone is still far beyond his expectations.

It's just that Yishun changed the subject and said: "The problem of the keel is solved, as well as the power of the blood. You must know that the cultivation potential of my Huojiao clan is all here, and now this Thunder Python only has less than a quarter of my original body." Bloodline divine power, if you directly possess it, it will be difficult to advance in the future, and it is not easy to turn a dragon into a dragon."

(End of this chapter)

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