
Chapter 170

Chapter 170
Jiang Tai, the guardian of the Xingchen Iron Mine in Meteor Mountain, did not know what kind of bad luck he had committed. He has been guarding Meteor Mountain for four rounds, and his tenure is nearly 35 years.Fortunately, during this period of continuous polishing of his will, his cultivation has also reached the peak in the middle stage of foundation establishment.

During these four tenures, the Zongmen is also rarely visited by people, but before the end of each term, there will be deacons from the Discipline Hall leading people to issue new appointments.After guarding the sect for this period, he also agreed to recall him to the mountain gate and give him a ten-year vacation.

In the past thirty years or so, Jiang Tai has also touched the entire Meteor Mountain, and the disciples who came to the Qi Refining Period have changed one after another, but he is always hopeful that someone from the Foundation Establishment sect will replace him, even if Just come over and chat with him.

Yi Tian and Jiang Tai, the guardians of Xingchen Iron Mine in Meteor Mountain, sat facing each other. The two hadn't seen each other for more than [-] years.

From the bottom of his heart, Yi Tian still felt that he was really sorry for Senior Brother Jiang who was sitting across from him. If he hadn't implicated him by talking too much back then, he wouldn't have wasted so long here.

Looking at the excited Jiang Tai on the opposite side, the years have not left traces on his face. A monk in the middle stage of foundation establishment can live at least two or three hundred years. Jiang Tai is still the same as he was twenty years ago, with an old look He looks like a pedantic Confucian, but his face is a little fatter, and there are a few wrinkles on his brows, but his face is still filled with a happy smile.

After the two sat down, Yi Tian took out the spirit wine and poured it slowly, and the two drank three cups before they breathed a sigh of relief.I only heard Jiang Tai say: "Junior Brother Yi has remembered being a brother for many years. It is really rare. Five years later, after the completion of his term of office, Brother Wei will definitely come to your house to visit you when he returns to the sect. I hope Junior Brother Yi will not be offended by then. "

There was also something in his heart that felt sorry for him, Yi Tian just smiled and nodded in response: "That's natural, when the time comes, the little brother will naturally sweep the couch to welcome him."

The two also chatted very happily, chatting about what happened in the sect in the past few years, and Jiang Tai sighed for a while.However, when Yi Tian mentioned Jin Sheng, Pan Qiang, and Pei Ming intentionally or unintentionally, Jiang Tai began to show his strength, berating the three of them with the help of alcohol.

After hearing this, Yi Tiancai knew that Senior Brother Jiang and them were a group of beginner disciples 90 years ago, but they didn't get along well at that time, so they didn't seem to move around very often after the foundation was established.

Now Yi Tian's eyes lit up, and he was about to deal with these people, but he didn't expect that there was a ready-made channel in front of him to inquire about information.Taking advantage of Jiuxing, Yi Tian hit the snake with the stick and asked directly: "Senior brother Jiang, I don't know much about the situation of you as your group of senior brothers. I wonder how many of you are left at that time?"

Jiang Tai was also in a good mood, usually no one spoke, those disciples in the qi refining period saw him like a mouse seeing a cat, so that he didn't even have a chance to speak for a while.

So seeing Yi Tian coming to visit this time also opened up the chatter box. After having a drink, Jiang Tai replied: "Among the disciples back then, the three of them and I, as well as Lu Qihao, who is now the third leader of the Discipline Hall, are all in the same group. Shen Peiqi was the soul boy at that time, and the group of people left now are basically these few, and most of the others have not succeeded in establishing a foundation, either going out to create a family of cultivators or dying halfway."

Hearing this, Yi Tian knew that there were still these ways in them. These three people were his key needs to take care of, but now Yan Jungang only suspected and did not have sufficient evidence to testify against them. It seemed that he had to continue to wait for them to show their feet. OK.

The two chatted for two hours and drank all the monkey wine on Yi Tian's body before giving up.Look at the henna bottle that Liu Piaopiao gave him, at least more than ten catties, Yi Tian only drank less than [-]% of it, and the rest went into Jiang Tai's stomach.

Seeing that Jiang Tai's complexion was rosy and his mind was still relatively clear, Yi Tian explained the purpose of this visit: "Senior brother Jiang, although the younger brother is the first master of the weapon hall, there are not many stars and irons that he can transfer privately, so If you want to come to the ore to see if there is any surplus raw ore, you can even it out a bit, and the younger brother can add [-]% to the market price, and I hope Senior Brother Jiang will come to the door of convenience."

Jiang Tai, who was full of alcohol, took a nap after hearing this, then sat up straight and said, "Junior Brother Yi is serious, I have been guarding the mine for more than 30 years, and I still have seven or eight catties of work in my hand, so I also You don’t need to increase the price, you and I are in the same mood, just give it to you at a par price. I just don’t know if you can exchange it with me for the elixir of skill improvement, as a brother, I will definitely not let you suffer. "

Now Yi Tian laughed, originally planning to buy it with spirit stones, but now he saves the whole thing, and then took out a jade bottle and evened out a drop of 'Xuan Ling Clear Liquid', and added two bottles of Haoqi Yuntian wine.

Looking at these two things in front of him, Jiang Tai's drunkenness completely awoke.After lifting the lid of the wine bottle and smelling it, he stretched out his index finger and put a drop in his mouth to taste it, and then his eyes lit up, the aura contained in this thing was comparable to the top-grade Condensing Origin Pill.

Jiang Tai put down the wine bottle with a smile on his face, and then looked at the small jade bottle suspiciously.And Yi Tian nodded to him to signal him to check the contents of the bottle.

After opening the bottle cap, Jiang Tai swept the drop of spiritual liquid in the bottle with his spiritual sense, his expression changed a few times, and finally he took a deep breath and looked at Yi Tian and said, "Thank you so much, Junior Brother Yi, this is the Xuanling sect." The spiritual liquid of the foundation-building period is the 'Xuanling Qingye' that everyone is scrambling for in the market. I heard that there are several pieces of Xuanling's rewards this time, and there are only a handful of them that can really flow to the outside world. It looks like a drop of [-] spirit stones in the city."

Unexpectedly, Yi Tian said with a flat face: "It's okay, Brother Jiang can use it if he needs it, and please ask him to keep this matter a secret, and the younger brother is also afraid of being missed."

"Definitely, junior brother, don't worry." Jiang Tai is also an old man, he knows what to ask and what to keep silent.

After the two people summed up the meeting, there were three catties of star iron and thirty catties of raw ore in Yi Tian's storage bracelet, and a more than three catties of black Yao Jinjing raw ore.This time, Yi Tianle was broken. With level [-] materials in hand, it would be more useful.

Before leaving, Jiang Tai also told Yi Tian that there will be an auction in the nearby family market in a month later, if Yi Tian is interested, he can go directly to try his luck, maybe there will be unexpected discoveries.

As if not to miss any chance, Yi Tian still decided to participate in this auction.But there was a little spare time, and Yi Tian didn't bother the two masters, so he settled down in the Meteorite Mountain mining area carelessly.

Taking time out, he also helped Jiang Tai re-sacrifice his spirit weapon. Originally, there was no shortage of fourth-level materials here. Jiang Tai also knew Yi Tian's ability, so he directly took out the materials he had kept for many years from the storage bag and handed them over to Yi Tian. To Yi Tian.

As the saying goes, the hands of people are short, and so many materials are obtained at once, and Yi Tian is a little embarrassed now.In the secret room, after looking at the spiritual artifacts Jiang Tai sent, they were a single-handled crescent shovel and a fine steel bowl, Yi Tian had an idea, and directly melted these two things together, adding Mithril , Black Iron, and Star Iron were re-refined, and then restored to their original appearance on a one-to-one basis.

One month later, Yi Tian appeared in the married market. At this time, Yi Tian was still dressed as a casual cultivator, and he was wearing a human skin mask.

When he came out of Meteor Mountain half a day ago, Yi Tian had already handed over the re-refined spiritual weapons to Jiang Tai. The latter saw that they were all four-level top-level spiritual weapons, and he was so happy that he couldn't help but praise Yi Tian. craftsmanship.

After explaining the things to pay attention to, Yi Tian said goodbye in a hurry, and went straight to the family market.On the way, I found a place to dress up, and after feeling that there was nothing wrong with it, I swaggered in through the main entrance of the Chengjia Bazaar.

After many inquiries, this auction was initiated by 'Qibaozhai' who was temporarily staying in the Chengjia Bazaar, and the items to be auctioned were mainly fourth-level spirit weapon pills.Among them, there are many who can accept private commissions to auction items, and the handling fee can be as high as [-]%, but many people are hesitant.

According to Yitian's current net worth, it is comparable to those monks at the early stage of Jindan. With the idea of ​​not revealing his wealth, this time Yitian is only going to participate in the auction as an ordinary bidder.Even if you have a level [-] spirit weapon, you can't sell it through the channel of 'Qibaozhai'. The key is that their handling fee is too dark.

After slowly strolling to the shop of 'Qibaozhai', Yi Tiancai found out that this auction was held in the side hall of the town guard's mansion in Chengjiafang City after inquiring about it. , directly use the name of the tutelary mansion, Megatron Xiaoxiao.

A quarter of an hour later, Yi Tian successfully entered the side hall of the guarding mansion, and after paying 100 yuan for spirit stones at the door, Yi Tian got an unremarkable box seat.

Before the auction started, the monks walked into the venue one after another. The side hall of the tutelary mansion was originally set up for the auction. About [-] or [-] monks in the Qi training period sat in the hall without feeling crowded .The lights outside a circle of boxes on the second floor were lit one by one, indicating that the guests in these boxes had already taken their seats.

A total of nearly [-] items were auctioned in the entire auction. Yi Tian got the list at the door, which was an extra bonus for renting a box. Ordinary monks would have to spend at least five spirit stones to get a copy of the same item. list.

After looking at the densely packed catalogue, Yi Tian just scanned with his divine sense and locked two pieces of raw ore in it.I took a closer look at the two hundred catties of black iron essence and ten catties of obsidian sold by the same seller.

Although Yi Tian already has Heiyao Jinjing, but he can't use it for the time being, this piece of obsidian can be mixed with black iron essence, red copper iron and other materials to make a complete set of flywheels.

Since the last retreat, Yi Tian has practiced the Xuanyang Fire Wheel Formation, but there is no suitable spiritual weapon carrier.The fifth-level spiritual weapon can't be counted on for the time being, so use the fourth-level top-level spiritual weapon to replace it.

The only fifth-level spiritual weapon, the Fire Emblem Shield, can be directly paired with the spell of 'Spiral True Fire Shield', while the Xuanyang Fire Armor can be cast using itself as a carrier.

After a while of distraction, Yi Tian saw female cultivators in their 30s walking up the high platform on the first floor. A gong and drum sounded, and the female cultivator said: "Everyone, the auction of 'Qibaozhai' is starting now. I, Lishui Lan, are today's auctioneer, and now please submit the first auction item, a fourth-level mid-level spirit sword."

Seeing that this auctioneer also has the initial stage of foundation establishment, there is spiritual power in her voice, even if there is constant noise below the entire venue, people sitting in the box can still hear her voice clearly.

The things that Yi Tian needs are located in the tenth item, and it is enough to just glance at the things that are currently being auctioned.As we all know, those things before the tenth auction item were also "Qibaozhai" deliberately found some fourth-level spiritual weapons and pills to boost their popularity, in order to make the monks who participated have something to look forward to.

(End of this chapter)

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