
Chapter 1700 Doubts

Chapter 1700 Doubts
After all the monks from the Great Leiguang Temple had left in Juxian Tower, the scene became calm again.It's just that the three of Lihuogong who were sitting by the window changed their expressions slightly and bowed their heads silently transmitting voices, as if they were discussing what happened just now.

And Yi Tian, ​​who was pretending to be Pudian, never dreamed that he would meet the monks in the fusion stage of Lihuo Palace here. Fortunately, everyone just had a face-to-face meeting without close contact.But in his heart, he was extremely sure that the other party must be a senior figure in Lihuo Palace, maybe it was Ji Xuanyuan himself.

Thinking of this, I felt a faint chill coming from behind, and after three breaths, my mood calmed down.He directly rejected the previous idea. If that person is really Ji Xuanyuan, the standard of reception will definitely be increased several times.The only answer is that this person may be one of the two elders of Lihuo. Thinking of this, Yi Tian couldn't bear it anymore. He had never fought head-to-head with the monks from Lihuo Palace.

Although they must face each other in the future, but now that they have the opportunity, they still have to test it out to know the reality of the other party.The famous Patriarch Wuye once mentioned the appearance of Lihuo and Lihuo's cultivation base in the early stage of fusion. Although it is difficult to make progress, the time that has accumulated for thousands of years is far beyond his own comparison.

In addition, they have all cultivated the Lihuo Nine Changes to the seventh level, so it is perfect to measure their current strength.

Thinking about it, Yitian didn't have a plan in mind to test the other party, and everything had to wait for the Yaozu Chengtian sacrifice ceremony to find a chance.Moreover, it is very difficult for him to act as a Pudian now, and if he does not do well, his identity will be exposed and it will be unattractive.

After the group left Juxian Building, they went straight to the venue where the sacrificial ceremony was held. There were already demon cultivators of the Qilin clan waiting outside, and later they led a group of monks into the viewing platform and sat down at the designated position to wait. stand up.

Yi Tian led a group of monks to sit on the viewing platform, and then slowly cast a blindfold to hide himself. This is usually a method often used by monks in the fit period or demon venerables.

Therefore, the waiters of the Qilin tribe were not surprised, and left after making arrangements.

After sitting firmly on the viewing platform, Yi Tian slowly stretched out his divine sense and looked at the major races participating in the sacrificial ceremony today.Looking around, those big races had already occupied good positions, and all the demon masters who participated in the battle entered the venue surrounded by their clansmen.

Fortunately, the venue where Chengtian Sacrifice Ceremony was held was not small, about a mile in size.Except for the hundred-foot round platform in the middle, there is enough space around it.Soon Yi Tian discovered that the two sides of the Qilin tribe were the territory of the lion tribe and the tiger tribe, so the Houyuan and Gedihu were naturally sitting in the front positions.In a blink of an eye, the iron-eating beast clan was next to the lion clan, and the one sitting in one of the two front seats was the idiot Xiong Erbao.

Next to the Tiger Clan is the Vajra Demon Ape Clan, Yi Tian stared at the head of the berserk Demon Ape, feeling a little emotional in his heart.This Senior Brother Putian really performed the Divine Ape Transformation so well that he was able to confuse the fake with the real one. If he didn't know the details, he would have fooled him.

Behind those big monster clans are subordinate small clans, like the fox clan, the dog clan are attached to the tiger clan and the lion clan, so naturally they sit next to each other.It's just that Yi Tian's eyes glanced at everyone in the fox clan, but he didn't see Jiang Liuli's figure.As for the four maids beside her, they were clustered around the patriarch at this time.

After a while, some monks from different races who came to watch the ceremony also entered the venue one after another, so Yi Tian could pay attention to the three people from Lihuo Palace.It's a pity to find that they were arranged on the opposite side of the viewing platform, and there were some other two factions who got spiritual cultivation and were also arranged on the left and right.The difference is that neither the Taiqing Pavilion nor the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect sent a team of monks at the integration stage to lead the team.

The leaders of the two factions are Qing Lianyun and Jian Shaoqing, followed by several sect disciples.After they saw the three people from Lihuo Palace, they all stepped forward to salute the middle-aged scribe.

Needless to say, the identity of this person is self-evident, Yi Tian didn't dare to keep his eyes on him, but he just skipped a glance and didn't mean to pay any more attention.

At this time, the monk sitting next to Chi Wuji stared at the direction of the Daleiguang Temple with a slightly suspicious look on his face, but the seriousness on his face did not decrease.Chi Wuji, who was on the side, asked through voice transmission: "Does Master still have doubts about the monk who is the Daleiguang Temple?"

Yi Tian didn't recognize this person, but the leaders of the two spiritual worlds around him knew it in their hearts. This is the Hallyu, one of the two elders of the Lihuo Sect, and the leader of the contemporary Yanlong Aojian.

I saw Han Liu staring at the Daleiguang Temple for a long time, and a little starlight flashed in his eyes as if he had performed some mysterious magic power to check, but he sighed and replied after ten breaths: "It is so, there is no reason A little bit of feeling. I just feel that this person seems familiar, and there is a shadow of a big brother in him."

"Master's shadow, Uncle, you can't read it wrong, right? This person should be an authentic Buddhist monk, how could he have anything to do with me from the Fire Palace?" Chi Wuji hurriedly replied.

"I don't know, it's just a momentary feeling, and you know that the sixth sense of a monk in the fit period is often very accurate," Han Liu said in a deep voice.

"Then now that we are so close to him, can we see clearly the suspicious points on him?" Chi Wuji asked again.

Han Liu shook his head slightly and said: "I used the dazzling light method to see through his blindness, and found that the Buddha's light on his body shined far more than any other Buddhas who practiced in the integration period I have seen. It seems that he is a person with profound Buddhist attainments. People, you must remember to treat each other with courtesy when you meet in the future, and you must not be negligent, so as not to embarrass me in Lihuo Palace."

Hearing this, the doubt in Chi Wuji's eyes gradually dissipated. Since Master Han Liu said so, it is naturally true.And it is estimated that it was because of this reason that the uncle paid so much attention to him.

Little did they know that Yi Tian was sitting cross-legged at this time, silently reciting the eight-tone secret art of heavenly thunder, wrapping the Buddha light produced by the magical spell around himself.At the same time, Niwan Palace restrained Lei Yan and Ziyan in order to cover up the traces of Lihuo Palace on him.

It didn't take long for the sound of a gong to attract the attention of all the participants in the venue to the central platform, and then three nine-level monsters of the Qilin clan appeared one after another.What surprised Yi Tian was that the unicorn from that year was also on it, and it is not difficult to see from the fluctuation of spiritual pressure on his body that his strength has been raised to the ninth intermediate level.

No wonder Patriarch Houtian was so afraid of him back then, obviously this person is much stronger.Fortunately, Yi Tian found Jiuxianshan Wulian as a helper to entangle Qilinzi, otherwise he would not be so easy to deal with Houtian and Hunyun.

 add another chapter

(End of this chapter)

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