
Chapter 1701 Start

Chapter 1701 Start

After the start of the Chengtian Sacrifice Ceremony, the Qilin clan and others took the stage to give speeches, and then began to distribute according to the previous rankings. If any race among them wants to challenge the previous rankings, they can propose it on the spot.

The original order is in descending order of Qilin clan, lion clan, tiger clan, and iron-eating beast clan, and each race is calculated according to the number of nine-level demon masters remaining in the clan.As soon as the Qilin tribe came up, three ninth-level demon masters appeared, naturally controlling the right to speak.As for the Lion Clan, only Hou Yuan participated in the grand ceremony this time, and those demon cultivators who knew the inside story immediately thought about it.

This lion tribe internal strife is definitely not groundless. Although there is no publicity about Houtian's return to the lion tribe, at least the unicorn Guo Rui is an insider.Seeing such a situation now, it is natural not to say much, but Hou Yuan is really thinking about him in his heart.

Among the big clans, only the iron-eating beast clan has an extra ninth-level demon master, so they must have a share in the right to speak.Moreover, under the negotiation of the several major races on the spot, it seemed that they wanted to deliberately improve the status of the iron-eating beast clan, and by the way, they could also take an extra share of Yulu Gansui.

However, Yi Tian sat on the viewing platform and glanced over, and found that the patriarch of the Vajra Demon Ape seemed unwilling to be excluded from the big clan, and personally came forward to negotiate with the representatives of several major races.It seems to be trying to get a place in the distribution.

It's no wonder that it is related to the millennium plan of the race. The distribution of resources is naturally a battle for every inch of land. No one wants to be disadvantaged in this regard, and the result will cause the strength of the next generation of the entire race to drop a level after a thousand years.The chain reaction that occurred in this way was something that these big races could not afford.

The results of the deliberations came out soon, and the positions of those Yao Zun who had already become famous thousands of years ago naturally remained the same.This time there are more Kirin Clan Guo Rui, Iron-eating Beast Clan Xiong Erbao and the Violent Demon Ape Clan of Vajra Demon Ape, who can choose the front ones to fight against each other in turn.The winner will occupy the opponent's ranking, and the loser will be deferred one place later.

This distribution arrangement is also very reasonable, and Guo Rui, the unicorn son, came forward to do the first challenge soon.As a Qilin clan, he naturally wouldn't trouble his clansmen, so Hou Yuan, who was ranked third, would definitely become his target.

It's just that the victory and defeat of the intermediate level at the ninth level is self-evident, and the current situation of Hou Yuan is clear to Yi Tian. Although it solved the hidden danger of Hou Tian, ​​it is absolutely impossible to say that Hou Yuan did not pay any price. of.

But since he was challenged to come to the door and knew that he was invincible, he had to hold on. The two demon masters flew into the air and shot at the same time.Hou Yuan pushed his hands flat on his chest and gathered a huge ball of light to hit the opponent.

Qilinzi Guo Rui looked disdainful, but stretched out his hand to gather two red halos and formed a protective net not far in front of him, and roared Yuan's kung fu to concentrate behind the protective net. Then he got stuck in it and didn't have the expected performance at all.

Then Guo Rui retracted his ten fingers, gathered the protective net, and dissolved Hou Yuan's tricks invisibly.After showing his hand like this, it was natural to frighten the monks who came to watch the ceremony.

Even De Yitian was silently making comparisons in his heart after seeing it, and immediately thought, "It's really powerful, no wonder that old monster Houtian is so afraid of Qilinzi."This hand alone is already beyond the strength of most of the Yaozun present, I am afraid that even I may not be able to take Hou Yuan's move so easily. '

Just thinking that the situation on the scene was changing, Hou Yuan seemed to have seen clearly the strength of his opponent and immediately surrendered.It is obvious that Guo Rui is stronger than him, and if he uses his hole cards, he can be evenly matched.But everyone will have a hole card. Hou Yuan doesn't know Guo Rui's hole card and is unwilling to delve into this issue. After all, there is no need to spend any more on the strength.

After the fall of the two big monsters, the ranking naturally changed. Qilinzi Guo Rui ranked third with a branch, and at the same time, he was able to occupy a high position in the distribution.

As for Xiong Erbao going to fight on behalf of the Iron-eating Beast Clan, his clan was originally ranked after the Tiger Clan, so if he wanted to challenge, he would naturally go to the first two clans.The Lion Clan Hou Yuan made a move just now, if he is elected now, it will be an excuse to take advantage of others' danger.

Such a challenge to the tiger tribe naturally became a matter of course. I saw Xiong Erbao stood up and seemed to bow his head to negotiate with the mountain tiger through sound transmission. After a while, two spiritual lights flew out from their respective camps to the sky.

Although the two monsters had crossed paths in the previous ambush against Houtian, they still stood in the same camp.But today is different, everyone is fighting for their own race, so naturally there will be no slack.

What's more, the two monsters had seen each other's attack that day, and they had already planned in their minds. Yi Tian sat on the viewing stand and silently watched the development of the situation in the sky, but he couldn't help but cheer for Xiong Erbao in his heart.With his strength on par with his opponents, and the fact that he has heard and witnessed many things after staying by his side for many years, he should not only use brute force to solve the situation.

Three breaths later, several gusts of wind blew over the venue of the Chengtian Sacrifice Ceremony. Xiong Erbao stretched out his hands to condense two auras, one black and one white, and then blended together to form a Tai Chi pattern.The Shanhu on the opposite side showed an unprecedented solemn expression on his face, and it was not the first time he saw such a trick.Of course he knew the power of it, and it was a verbal agreement of the two monsters to use all the moves without holding back their hands.

It would not be a problem if the ninth-level demon master really wanted to fight a protracted battle for ten days and a half months, but the current situation could not tolerate so many of them.Therefore, Xiong Erbao proposed to use three moves as a speed-limited battle. Of course, Zhan Shanhu had no reason to refuse.

Seeing that the other party made a move, a phantom slowly emerged from behind the tiger, which looked like the king of all beasts, and the aura on his body suddenly raised without restraint.

His lack of scruples made all the demon cultivators below vomit bitterness. This power has no effect on the level of the demon master, and the oppressive monsters below level nine are extremely uncomfortable.Even the spirit cultivators who came to watch the ceremony, Moxiu were affected by this.

Except for the Hallyu from Lihuo Palace who can protect the two people around him, the others can only open their protective shields to forcibly resist such coercion.Suddenly a golden light flashed from the viewing platform, and then passed over the people on the viewing platform, making them feel less stressed, and the sense of coercion on their bodies was immediately eliminated.

Then the golden light swept over the monster races present again, and it also made them less affected by the power of the king of beasts.Many demon cultivators hurriedly turned their heads to check the source of the golden light, and found that it was in the area where many monks of Daleiguang Temple sat on the viewing platform that there was a majestic chanting sound that helped them relieve the oppression on their bodies feel.

Among the people present, Qing Lianyun from the Taiqing Pavilion stared at the source of the golden light, and the suspicion on his face became more and more serious.

 Thank you fellow Taoist for your support

(End of this chapter)

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