
Chapter 1702

Chapter 1702
On the scene, the sudden attack of Buddhist monks relieved a lot of pressure on ordinary people, and many of them nodded and saluted to the viewing platform.There are also quite a few ninth-level demon venerables and monks in the fusion period, although their faces did not change, but their eyes flashed again and again, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

At the same time, the sound of the two fighting against each other broke out in the sky, and the black and white aura struck towards the Gedihu's position head-on.And the latter's fists were sent out and turned into two huge phantoms with tiger claws.

After the two spells slammed into each other in the air, it immediately caused the distortion of the void, and at the same time, the devouring black hole aroused continuously sucked all the surrounding spiritual power.As the two sides were evenly matched and refused to give in to each other, the two refused to hold hands, and the two sides continued to maintain the output of spiritual power in their hands.

In a short time and space, a gap in the void was forcibly opened by the black and white two-color spiritual energy, and it continued to expand, absorbing all the surrounding spiritual energy crazily.Moreover, under the control of Xiong Erbao, this gap kept pressing towards Zhan Shanhu.

Obviously, this kind of supernatural power method has surpassed the knowledge of ordinary demon cultivators. So many people below are naturally scared, and even those nine-level demon cultivators have noticed the problem.If it continues like this, it will definitely affect these low-level demon cultivators below, and many of them with high strength will naturally see the way.

Even Han Liu, who was sitting on the viewing platform in the Lihuo Palace, saw it in his eyes, but muttered a few words: "Why do I think this iron-eating beast has the space magic power of Taiqing Pavilion in its moves?" ', and he has achieved a lot and is quite hot."

"How is it possible? Uncle Master has misread it. How could Taiqing Pavilion's tricks be easily spread to the outside world, and even taught by demons?" Chi Wuji exclaimed.

"Of course it's impossible in ordinary situations, but the facts are in front of us. Although there are some clues, I don't know how they will stop. If they don't do well and open the gap in the void, it will be impossible to end. I want to see this iron-eating beast take over. How do you deal with yourself when you come down," Han Liu said with a serious face.

At this time, the Shanhu was also feeling the pressure, the gap in the void in front of him had expanded to a radius of ten feet, and it was constantly being squeezed.If he hadn't resisted desperately, he might be sucked into the gap in the void at this time.

Immediately, Zhanshanhu roared loudly: "Friend Daoist Xiong, please accept the supernatural powers, I admire and bow down."

It is said that Xiong Erbao put his hands together and tore off the black and white spiritual power in his hands to stop the output of spiritual power, but the ten-foot gap in the middle of the void was only slightly shortened, and then continued to devour the surrounding spiritual power. , with no intention of stopping.

This kind of tricks out of control really made Xiong Erbao look ugly, he just listened to Yi Tian when he was studying the exercises on weekdays.Although he had learned the inner secrets, he had not been able to use his cultivation to reach the level of great achievement. When it was his turn to make a move, he could use it as a trump card, but he was helpless in dealing with the aftermath.

All the demon masters below also spoke voice transmissions to ask Xiong Erbao to put away his magical powers so as not to cause big trouble, but he couldn't solve it with several spells, at best he could only stop the trend of the gap from spreading.

"Amitabha," a resounding Buddha's chant suddenly came from the position of the monks of Daleiguang Temple on the viewing platform when everyone was at a loss.Then a golden light flew up from the ground to the front of the gap in the void, and at the same time flashed violently, as if a second sun appeared in the sky.Under the strong golden light, the low-level demon cultivators around were unable to open their eyes, and even the eighth-level demon cultivators and distraction cultivators couldn't look directly at the sky.

Only the demon master and the integrated monks of the same level can perceive the situation in the sky.I saw the monk quickly pinched the magic formula with both hands and closed the huge gap in the void directly, without any muddling in the movements.

After cleaning up the mess, the golden light faded and the monk slowly landed and flew back to his original position.Sitting cross-legged on the futon, he heard the Buddha's name and chanted again: "Amitabha, the two benefactors can continue." After speaking, he closed his eyes and closed his eyes again to rest.

At this time, the spiritual practitioners around the viewing platform all looked at the monks of the Daleiguang Temple with strange expressions in their eyes, and the hands they showed just now are really powerful.Unexpectedly, the master Putian invited this time is so powerful, and he is also well versed in the supernatural powers of space, which can easily clean up the mess left by Xiong Erbao's tricks.

Even quite a number of ninth-level demon masters got up and bowed to Master 'Putian', which seemed to have solved a big problem for the Chengtian Sacrifice Ceremony.

On the other hand, now Xiong Erbao in the sky is sweating on his forehead. It was obvious that Yi Tian came forward to clean up the mess for him just now.He didn't expect that the tricks would cause such a big trouble, and just now Yi Tian had warned him not to use such tricks lightly to avoid being targeted by interested people.

After the two demon masters in the air slowly descended from the clouds, people from the Qilin tribe came forward to judge, and the result was naturally that Xiong Erbao won.As a result, for the first time ever, the Iron-eating Beast Clan pushed the Tiger Clan behind the Lion Clan.

Even though he was only one, he would gain a lot of advantages in terms of distribution, and the nine-level demon masters all around avoided his sharp edge when facing Xiong Erbao.This kind of demon cultivator who does not play cards according to common sense and has practiced human supernatural powers is the most terrifying.

After the previous rankings are settled, it will be the turn of the less powerful clans.Among them, a berserk demon ape came out of the King Kong demon ape clan to challenge the wolf king of the wolf clan.

Such a situation was naturally within Yi Tian's expectation. Senior Brother Putian would not go too far and choose an opponent of comparable strength.

After the two big monsters Shaoqing confronted each other in the air, they fought directly. From Yi Tian's point of view, the violent demon ape transformed by Brother Putian seemed a little unexpected.Although his behavior is exactly the same as that of the real Vajra Demon Ape clansman, his body is less hostile and more peaceful.

In this way, there will be no imaginary effect. Fortunately, senior brother Putian has been immersed in this technique for many years. Even if he is slightly insufficient in attack, his own strength is slightly higher than that of the opponent, and his cultivation makes up for the technique. In contrast, the lack of strength repeatedly suppressed the wolf king.

From the confrontation between the two, Yi Tian also noticed the shortcomings of the "God Ape Transformation". Compared with the "Magic Ape Transformation", it is indeed a bit less ruthless and the way to win with one move.

He secretly began to compare the two exercises in his heart, and at the same time, he kept deducing and trying to combine the exercises in his mind.

After a while, the results of the fight between the two monsters came out. There is no doubt that it was Brother Putian who beat the Wolf King to win a valuable share for the King Kong Demon Ape Clan.

Afterwards, the rankings among the big clans did not change any more, and the leftovers were left to the smaller races to compete for.

(End of this chapter)

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