
Chapter 1703 Avoidance

Chapter 1703 Avoidance
After entering the second part of the Chengtian Sacrifice Ceremony, it is naturally not as intense as the first part.But the patriarchs of those small races will naturally not be soft-hearted in order to strive for the greatest benefit. Since they can't eat meat, they have to gnaw off the bones, at least drinking soup is also a must.Otherwise, once it is compared with other races, it may not be able to rank above the Chengtian Sacrifice Ceremony again after a thousand years.

Because of the large number of participating races, these rankings are naturally difficult to decide in a short time.Fortunately, under the auspices of the Qilin clan's demon venerable, the patriarchs of these small races will make decisions in accordance with the previous ranking order, and then give priority to the suzerain who ranks at the bottom to exercise the right to challenge.

Even with this arrangement, there are not many races that can actually make a move, and most of them are relatively satisfied with the original ranking.So the whole process didn't last long before the ranking was decided.

Later, the traditional steps of the Chengtian Sacrifice Ceremony began. The patriarch of the Qilin tribe personally led a group of representatives of various tribes to pray to heaven, and then everyone sacrificed a drop of blood and dotted it on the "Introduction Stone" used for the sacrifice.It didn't take long for this 'Introduction Stone' to absorb enough blood, and the editor posted it, and a spiritual light shot out from above into the sky.

After ten breaths, a hole was opened at a high altitude above the altar, and a spirit liquid fell from it and was directly collected into the 'immortal introduction stone'.Then the Qilin patriarch hurriedly took out the jade vases that had been prepared earlier and placed them under the 'Yinxian Stone' one by one, waiting for the 'Yulu Gansui' that dripped from the top to pick them up.

It didn't take half a moment until the patriarch of the Qilin clan walked into the apse of the sacrificial ceremony surrounded by representatives of all clans.Presumably, these people will be redistributed according to the established rankings. These are monks who no longer need to come to watch the ceremony.

It's just that Yi Tian found out that he had already attracted the attention of many people when he made a move. These people were just afraid of his power, but they still looked at the area where he was from time to time.

At least Yi Tian has discovered that Qing Lianyun, who is sitting on the other side, has become suspicious of him at this time.Needless to say, in order to wipe Xiong Erbao's ass in mid-air just now, he had to use the supernatural power and secret technique of Taiqing Pavilion.Although I have already used the Buddhist secret technique to shine a dazzling golden light to draw the attention of everyone around, but there are always a few powerful figures who will see through the Taoism inside.

At this time, among the people sitting opposite, Han Liu, who was at the location of the Lihuo Palace, showed a serious look on his face, and lowered his head to transmit a voice transmission to Chi Wuji beside him: "The Taiqing Pavilion has secretly hooked up with the Daleiguang Temple, It seems that this matter is not trivial. When I return to the sect in the future, I will discuss the countermeasures behind closed doors with my senior brother. When you meet the monks of these two sects in the future, try not to get involved with them as much as possible."

Chi Wuji replied with a nod, and also shifted his gaze to Qing Lianyun and the others who were sitting not far away.

The people from Taiqing Pavilion also had doubts on the field, and the others couldn't even see the clues to Cui Fuling.It's just that Qing Lianyun, who is a big sister, doesn't change her face at the moment, but her heart is full of doubts.Before that, she had received feedback from the Zongmen Scripture Library that she had read the list of all monks who had checked that space spell in the past 2000 years.Among them was a familiar name.

But today, it was discovered that the iron-eating beast clan's ninth-level monster master's moves faintly had the shadow of the Taiqing Pavilion.It is reasonable to say that such monsters like to attack with talent and instinct, but this monster is very human-like, showing a rogue-like character in every gesture.

Usually only spiritual pets will be contaminated with the habits of spiritual masters.However, Qing Lianyun couldn't imagine how powerful the owner of the ninth-level monster would be as a pet.

In addition, what surprised Qing Lianyun was that the masters of Daleiguang Temple actually used the supernatural powers of Taiqing Pavilion.It is naturally impossible for outsiders to discover the mystery, but it is naturally impossible for Qing Lianyun who has cultivated the same magic power to hide it.Although the golden Buddha light shining in the sky just now blinded most people's vision and spiritual thoughts, she could see clearly.

Later, she turned around and told Cui Fuling behind her, "Then the monk who sent my greeting card to Daleiguang Temple is the junior Qing Lianyun who wants to meet Master Putian and study Buddhism together."

"Master, when will you be interested in Buddhism, or Master Naputian?" Cui Fuling joked: "It is said that Master Putian is usually crazy, and his combat power is not bad, but he doesn't know how much he has attained in Buddhism. .”

"Don't be so long-winded when I ask you to go," Qing Lianyun said with a grim expression, "There is something wrong with Master Putian, and I suspect it's the one who visited the store last time."

"Senior sister, you are talking about the monk who came with the dog demon cultivator," Cui Fuling replied, "There is something wrong with that person, and his strength must be higher than yours. I don't know why such a big man would condescend to kneel down and come here. I really don't understand our business name."

"There must be a reason for many things. I have a hunch that there may be unexpected discoveries," Qing Lianyun said after thinking for a while.

But it was said that after Yi Tian sat on the viewing platform, a sage monk came to report and presented a letter of worship.Holding it in his hand, Yi Tian glanced at it and actually received two copies this time, one from Taiqing Pavilion and the other from Lihuo Palace, and the two invitation cards were signed by Qinglianyun and Hallyu respectively.

Seeing this, Yi Tian knew that trouble was coming, so he couldn't refuse immediately.After a little thought in my heart, I told the Zhike monk to deal with it first, and then make arrangements after returning to the 'Juxian Tower'.

At the same time, he quietly took out the sound transmission and contacted Senior Brother Putian, and after expressing his concerns, he also explained the reason for the spatial supernatural power.Among them is to hide the secrets of Lihuo Palace, which is the foundation of his foothold in the spirit world and cannot be easily revealed for the time being.

Not long after, the distribution link in the Chengtian sacrificial ceremony was over, and those patriarchs who got the jade dew nectar came out of the hall happily.It's just that the demon masters of the Vajra Demon Ape Clan and the Iron-eating Beast Clan didn't show up for a long time. Later, someone came to the viewing platform to invite the eminent monks of the Great Leiguang Temple to enter.

Yi Tian knew that Brother Putian was covering him up, so he ordered the left and right to take a rest, and he walked down the viewing platform and strode straight to the sacrificial ceremony from the passage behind the platform.

After a while, I came to it from the side door and found that Putian and Xiong Erbao were waiting.Yi Tian made a long story short and took two greeting cards and handed them to Putian: "Brother, please be patient, Qing Lianyun is my junior sister who should be aware of something, don't say anything later to avoid trouble. "

"Junior brother, don't worry, I think your junior sister may have feelings for you, but she can find out about this," Putian replied with a smile on his face.

Knowing that he couldn't argue with anything, Yi Tian didn't make any distinctions, but Jishou saluted Pu Dian as a way of thanking him.Then he turned around, looked at Xiong Erbao, and reprimanded him through sound transmission: "You have learned my exercises and haven't refined them to perfection. Aren't you afraid of causing confusion if you use them indiscriminately?"

Hearing this, Xiong Erbao was startled, he had never seen such a serious reprimand from Yi Tian before.He bowed his head with shame on his face and replied, "I know, I won't use it indiscriminately next time."

Sighing lightly, Yi Tian took out a copy of the jade slip and handed it over, "This is the complete jade slip of martial arts and supernatural powers. I will pass it on to you today. I hope you will practice well and don't cause any more trouble."

(End of this chapter)

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