
Chapter 1706

Chapter 1706
It took Yi Tian several days of hard work in the secret room to melt the bones and flesh of the Burning Dragon into the bones of the Thunder Python. What was unexpected was that the originally mediocre monster body had already shown signs of turning into flood dragons. Now after merging the Burning Dragon After the skeleton, it directly transformed into the body of Lei Jiao.Coupled with the strengthening of flesh and blood, its original level has been raised by more than one level.

After the sacrifice was completed, Yi Tian took back the Wuminghuo he had cultivated, and was surprised to find that he had made a breakthrough in the Nine Changes of Lihuo he cultivated.The Wuminghuo, who has been unable to enter the Dacheng realm for a long time, has broken through the final bottleneck after such a sacrifice.Now the Lihuo Nine Changes Kung Fu that I practiced has reached the peak of the seventh floor, and it must have surpassed the strength of Lihuo's elders, almost at the same level as senior brother Ji Xuanyuan.

It's just that Ji Xuanyuan must be practicing the strongest Liyan Kungfu, even if he is also at the peak of the seventh level of Lihuo Nine Changes, he still seems to be a little weaker than him.Unless Li Yan is also practiced, and then enters the eighth floor, it can be regarded as a sure victory.

After tidying up his mood, Yi Tian naturally had a happy expression on his face. This time, even he made a breakthrough by mistake.Even the cultivation base has been improved. Although there is still some distance from the middle stage of the fusion, the initial state has already been stabilized, but it still has increased.

Put the last trace of ignorance back into Niwan Gong Yi Tian opened his eyes and looked at the Leijiao in front of him. He saw that it was about two feet long, with a body as thick as the mouth of a bowl, and red horns on its forehead.Four claws have grown out of Lei Jiao's body, and his head has undergone considerable changes. The original slender python tail has also become like a dragon's tail.

It's just that Yi Tian stared at it for a long time and always felt that something was wrong, but when he thought about it carefully, it was an indescribable taste, and he always felt that something was missing.

If even he can see the problem, then Yishun must be able to find more things that are wrong.After thinking about it, Yi Tian had no choice, took out Zhang Lingfu and pasted it on Lei Jiao's forehead to lock the spiritual power on his body, and then put it in the storage ring temporarily.

After doing these things, Yi Tian sat cross-legged in the secret room and began to recover. Half a day later, his spiritual thoughts moved slightly and found that there was a spiritual light flying towards the secret room where he was.Stopping outside the barrier for a while, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to open the barrier and let the spiritual light in.In the halo is a message talisman, and after Yi Tian took it, he scanned the information on it with his spiritual sense and found that it was a message left by Senior Brother Putian.

It also mentioned that Han Liu and Taiqing Pavilion Qinglianyun had already met with Lihuo Palace, and they were sent away soon afterwards.

But this jade talisman still invites to meet again, and the people of Daleiguang Temple will leave soon.This time, after Putian returned, he had to retreat and cultivate to try to improve his cultivation to the late stage of integration before leaving the customs, so after this meeting, we don't know when we will see you next time.

After reading it, Yi Tian simply replied, then stood up and walked out of the secret room slowly.

People from Daleiguang Temple lived in 'Piaoxian Tower', but people from Lihuo Palace also met there to avoid suspicion.

After walking out of the 'Tongyou Waterside Pavilion', Yi Tian put on the breath-suppressing cloak and used a concealed movement technique to shuttle through the streets and alleys of Yaojun City, and arrived at the Dog Clan residence not long after.

This place can be regarded as my lodging place. If I choose to meet Putian here with the backing of the lion clan and tiger clan, I don't think there will be any spiritual practitioners who dare to disturb me, and I can avoid people's eyes and ears.

In the deepest part of the courtyard, in the room where he was temporarily staying, Yi Tian opened the restriction barrier and settled down on the right seat in the house.Half a moment later, there was a wave of spiritual light from the outside world, and a golden light came through the gap when he stretched out his hand to open it.Later, he rushed directly to the courtyard house and landed on the seat in front of him.

After the halo faded, Pudian's true face was revealed, but at this moment he looked at himself with a tired face before he smiled and said, "Junior, just wait?"

"Senior brother, I'm just a quarter early." Yi Tian hurriedly replied, "It's really helpless to ask senior brother to cover up for me this time."

"Junior Brother, I don't need to explain much, I can already guess a thing or two about your origin," Putian said with a hearty laugh, "Actually, with the ability of Junior Brother, you can easily become one of the three schools in the spiritual world." Lord, it’s not a solution if you just avoid it.”

Yi Tian smiled wryly and said: "Senior brother is very true, but I also have a mission, and some things are beyond my control. I hope my brother will forgive me."

"This is what I understand. Even though we have reached this level of cultivation, each of us has our own difficulties, and we are still restricted by the superiors," Putian also sighed.

Seeing that he was also troubled, Yi Tian changed the subject and asked, "Let's not talk about these disappointing things. I don't know why senior brother invited you this time?"

"To tell you the truth, I have also immersed myself in the middle stage of fusion for thousands of years. Fortunately, I only realized it after meeting you twice. Now that the mundane things are over, I will learn the truth after returning to the sect this time." The younger brother is so closed to death, I still want to see you once before I leave, and I don’t know when I will see you again," Pu Dian said with a serious expression on his face.

Afterwards, the two began to chat, during which they also briefly talked about their respective experiences, and finally exchanged their cultivation experience.

In the end, Yi Tian remembered the corpse of Lei Jiao that he sacrificed before, and immediately reached out and took it out.Then Jishou asked: "Forgive me for my poor eyesight, brother. This is a body refined for a friend, but after the sacrifice is completed, I always feel that something is missing. Brother has unique eyesight, so please help me to find out what is missing?"

Putian's complexion changed drastically after seeing this thunder dragon's body, the aura left by such a monster plus what Yi Tian said.After three breaths, Putian knew what the problem was, and said with an unprecedented seriousness on his face: "Junior Brother, tell the truth, is Yishun of the Huojiao Clan still in your hands?"

Knowing this, he couldn't hide it from the past, and Yi Tian simply told the whole story of how Yishun was ambushed, how he relied on him, and how he and Xiong Erbao took care of Daoist Hunyun.

Pu Dian also took a deep breath after listening, and said after calming down, "Junior Brother is so brave, he dares to wade into this muddy water even in the demon world."

"Senior brother is ridiculously praised," Yi Tian said with a wry smile: "I have no choice but to be dragged into the water by Yishun. Now I have finally completed the sacrifice of his demon body, but I always find something is missing .”

Putian slightly nodded his head and turned around to stare at the Lei Jiao's body for a long time before he sighed and said: "I think Junior Brother Yi spent a lot of effort in refining the Lei Jiao's body."

"Exactly, that's why I want to be perfect and give an explanation to Fellow Daoist Yishun," Yi Tian replied modestly.

(End of this chapter)

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