
Chapter 1707 Rebirth

Chapter 1707 Rebirth
In the temporary temporary residence deep in the Dog Clan's garrison, Yi Tian took out the Leijiao body that had just been sacrificially refined and showed it to Putian, hoping to find out his shortcomings through him.

After watching it for a long time, Putian smiled slightly and said, "Do you know the biggest difference between a living body and a dead body?"

One word awakened the dreamer, Yi Tian, ​​his complexion changed drastically, and he said, "I was short of anger, no wonder I always feel that there is always something missing in this thunder dragon body."

"That's true. Originally, the prototype of this thunder dragon should be Lei Mang. It's just that the younger brother fused the skeletons of thousands of years of death into it in order to raise its level, which naturally dilutes its original vitality," Putian stretched out his hand and pointed.

"It's true, I also refined a piece of scorched dragon's flesh and blood into it," Yi Tian said, thinking about the solution in his heart.

"This matter is easy, after I recite the scriptures to get rid of the dead energy, and then pour the water from the Hualong Pond of Daleiguang Zen Temple into his body," Pu Dian said casually: "But I also have one condition, and I ask my brother to agree. .”

Speaking of this, Yi Tian also felt that he had no room for bargaining, and only hoped that Putian's request would not be too troublesome.Immediately bowed his hands and said: "Senior brother, but it's okay to do what only I can do."

"I would like to ask my brother to clarify this matter with Nayishun Taoist friend. Although I prayed for him to pour water into Hualongchi, please let him settle the worldly affairs and go to the Daleiguang Temple in the Buddha and Spiritual World. He will be stationed in our temple for 3000 years. Yes," Putian said.

Hearing this, Yi Tian was troubled, if it was a request to himself, it would be no problem.But this matter is for Yishun to take care of, but I don't know what kind of thoughts he has in mind.Immediately, he said with embarrassment: "I don't know if Fellow Daoist Yishun can agree to this matter, what should I do?"

Unexpectedly, Putian didn't care about it, took out a jade slip, quickly wrote a letter, handed it over and said: "Please trouble me to hand this jade slip to Fellow Daoist Yishun, after he reads it, he will definitely feel something It’s been decided, it’s just a matter of doing it.”

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hands and put his hands together, and began to recite the mantra of the past life. After the recitation, golden lights came out of Putian's mouth and passed directly over Lei Jiao's body.Shaoqing's black aura leaked from his body and was completely purified by the golden light. Lei Jiao's body, which had lost the black lifeless aura, obviously gradually regained its vitality.

Yi Tian could instantly notice that his body looked very different from before, the whole body was no longer lifeless, except that there was no soul living in it, everything else seemed to be the same as a living thing.

Later, Putian took out another jade bottle, turned around and said, "Release Yishun's demon spirit, and take out the demon pill and embed it in Leijiao's body. After I pour the dragon water into his body, I can make his soul completely If he fits with the physical body to reach a perfect state, it will be up to him to practice in the future."

After Yi Tian nodded, he took out the jade box of the soul-cultivating wood with his right hand, and held the jade bottle storing the demon pill in his left hand.With a slight blow in his mouth, he lifted the seal talisman on the jade bottle, and a red demon pill with a diameter of three inches slowly floated up.

With a light wave of his hand, he sent the demon pill to Lei Jiao's forehead, and the spiritual power on Lei Jiao's body trembled and suddenly rose to the ninth intermediate level, and then slowly fell to the elementary level.

I just heard Yi Tian chanting: "Daoist Yishun, your true spirit body is ready, please show up and possess the spirit." After opening the jade box, several auras of aura condensed in the air and appeared Yishun's appearance. At this moment, he looked vigilantly at Pudian in front of him, but hesitated to speak.

But after turning his head and looking at the body of the thunder dragon, his face became extremely dignified, and later he cupped his hands and bowed to Yi Tian: "Thank you, fellow Daoist Yi, for the kindness of rebuilding, I can detect that the thunder dragon is There is the breath of the ancient scorching dragon in the body, if it can be integrated, it will definitely increase its strength."

"Fellow Daoist Yishun, don't forget to thank my brother Pudian. It was he who chanted scriptures and prayed for you to get rid of the dead energy left in the bones of the burning dragon. This battle is a blessing in disguise, and you can become a dragon even if you lack the true dragon blood in the future," Yi Tian said in a persuasive way.

Hearing this, Yishun still didn't understand the identity of the person in front of him, so he immediately turned around and bowed to Putian three times, saying repeatedly: "Thank you for your help, Yishun will never forget it."

"The time has come. How long will fellow Taoist Yishun return if you don't hurry up?" Putian reached out to touch the Thunder Dragon Avatar after reciting the reincarnation mantra, and the golden Buddha's light swept over and purified all the strength of his life.

Yishun didn't bother, the demon spirit circled in the air, aimed at Lei Jiao's forehead, and flew straight to Lei Jiao's forehead, and submerged in it after three breaths.Then the entire body of Lei Jiao shook violently in the air, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body also kept rising and falling.Seeing this, Putian lifted the jade bottle containing the water from Hualong Pond in his hand, and a stream of golden spiritual spring water flew out of it and poured it directly onto Lei Jiao.

I saw Yishun opened his eyes with pain on his face, and after his whole body shook violently, the original blue and red scales on his body all faded away, and a layer of golden dragon scales appeared in turn.

The head has also changed from the original dragon shape to that of a real dragon, and the tail has also become a dragon tail.It's just that this appearance lasted for half a moment and then returned to the original Lei Jiao's appearance.

Yi Tian was confused about this, and opened his mouth to ask: "Brother, I don't know why this change happened. He was already transformed into a real dragon, but why did he transform back into a thunder dragon?"

Shaking his head slightly, Pudian said helplessly: "It's still the consequence of not having enough blood power. If Fellow Daoist Yishun still has the original true dragon blood, he will be able to transform into a dragon instantly under the infusion of dragon water, but now only It can only be activated to become a real dragon when the blood of the real spirit in the whole body boils."

Yishun, who was in the air, rolled into a human form and stood in front of the two of them. Then Jishou thanked you and said, "Thank you for your help. There is no way for Yishun to repay this situation. The great kindness must be remembered in my heart." .”

"Fellow Daoist Yishun, you're being polite, you heard what brother said just now, right?" Yi Tian said.

Yishun bowed his hands to Putian to thank him again, and then replied: "I will remember what the master said, I just need to get back my lost three-quarters of the real dragon blood, and it will surely inspire me to transform into a real dragon."

"It's time for me to go back now. Junior brother Shaoqing hand over my papers to Fellow Daoist Yishun. He will make his own choice in the future, and he must not force it," Putian said and got up to leave.

After he walked out of the other courtyard, Yishun couldn't detect his breath anymore, then turned around and asked with a serious face: "I don't know what Master Putian has to say, but I would like to ask Fellow Daoist Yi to say it together, okay?" Make me feel at ease."

These things are all arranged by Pu Dian, and there must be deep meanings when you think about it, Yi Tian handed over the jade slip casually and said: "You can see for yourself. It's up to you to choose, I won't interfere indiscriminately."

(End of this chapter)

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