
Chapter 1708 Leave

Chapter 1708 Leave
After leaving the Dog Clan's residence, Yi Tian's face was finally settled, and Yi Shun was also lost in thought after reading the Jade Slips left by Senior Brother Putian.Soon he made a decision to take care of his own affairs first before going to the Buddhist and Spiritual Realm.

And Yishun didn't hide it from himself, Pudian invited him to go to the Buddhist and spiritual world to practice Buddhism together.It also mentioned that Yishun was given scriptures to pray for blessings. After the Hualongchi water was poured into his body, he hoped that he could devote himself to practicing in Daleiguang Temple. At the same time, he also mentioned that Yishun was nominated as the guardian of the temple. worship.

In this regard, Yishun was grateful for Pudian's help and naturally made up his mind to go. Coupled with the temptation of being able to study Buddhist secret arts, it was definitely a great opportunity for him.

But before this, Yishun also mentioned that the time of the demon world should be ended first. At this time, the other two who plotted against him are still at large. If they can't be completely solved, they will naturally not let it go.

After getting a new body just now, Yishun continued to rest for a period of time before he could fully achieve the same degree of compatibility between the soul and the body.During this period, he had nowhere to go, so he nestled directly beside him, found a beast-controlling bag and hid directly in it.

Later, I went back to 'Tongyou Waterside Pavilion' and asked Wulian Daoist to briefly explain what happened here.The latter also personally penetrated the Divine Mind into the beast-controlling bag to check the situation, and found a fire dragon with a golden light all over its body, sleeping soundly in it.Judging from its state, its strength and cultivation base are constantly recovering.

Later, Wulian Daoist gave a few instructions and asked Yi Tian to take Qing Lu to the land of the Qingluan tribe as soon as possible.Yi Tian is also happy to be at leisure, anyway, there are quite a few people staring at him in Yaojun City, so it is better to take this opportunity to leave early.

Half a day later, they quietly took Qinglu out of the city from the north gate, and then set up an assault boat and flew straight towards the Qingluan clan.Yi Tian was not very familiar with the terrain and race divisions of the demon world, so he had to let Qing Lu drive. Presumably, with her cultivation base, she would not encounter any troubles.

The assault boat continued to fly in the air for dozens of days, and suddenly slowed down at noon on a certain day.Yi Tian thought he had arrived at the land of the Qingluan Clan, but his eyes looked out from the window and swept around for hundreds of miles, and he didn't seem to realize that he had entered the land of the Qingluan Clan.

At the same time, there was a voice in his ear saying: "Senior Yi has a distress signal from a merchant ship in front of him. It seems that there is some trouble. Let's go and have a look."

Only then did Yi Tian stretch out his divine sense and sweep three thousand miles away, as if a merchant ship was being besieged by a group of monsters.I didn't expect to encounter such a situation in the demon world. Most of these merchant ships belong to large companies, and everyone knows that they are backed by big sects from all walks of life.Snatching food and robbing merchant ships in the demon world is tantamount to directly declaring war on these behind-the-scenes forces.

And after the accident in the demon world, those demon clans belonging to the earth are naturally inseparable.It's not too far from the Qingluan Clan's border here. Qinglu probably wanted to check it out because she didn't want the clan to be implicated.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian simply replied: "Okay, go and have a look. You can deal with it later, and call me when you encounter trouble."

"Thank you, Senior Yi," Qing Lu replied respectfully.

At the same time, the assault boat turned around and flew towards the scene of the incident.It didn't take a moment to fly thousands of miles away, but Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting in the cabin, frowned slightly.In his spiritual thoughts, he discovered that the merchant ship that was attacked came from the spirit world. The monks on board were all spiritual practitioners, and there was no obvious upper mark on the bow.

Yi Tian was very worried at this moment, if he met the caravan from Taiqing Pavilion or Lihuo Palace, it would be unavoidable.It took a lot of twists and turns before to avoid Qing Lianyun, Han Liu and others. I don't want to run into the gun again.

Fortunately, judging from the costumes these people wore, they didn't look like the men and horses of the three major sects, but more like merchant ships organized by the Sanxiu Alliance.Such Yi Tian was relieved, and after the divine sense swept over, he stopped talking, anyway, it would be more than enough for Qing Lu to make a move when the time came.

Just thinking about it, the assault boat had already traveled less than a hundred miles away from the merchant ship, and the besieging robbers naturally discovered such an uninvited guest, and separated a team to turn around and fly towards this side.Qing Lu also went out of the cabin door and flew forward to actually negotiate a few words with the other party.Then there was a big fight when there was a disagreement.

This group of robbers surrounded the merchant ship gathered all kinds of monster monks, birds, fire dragons, and even beast tribes.Among them, the ones with the highest level of cultivation are comparable to Qing Lu in the middle level of the eighth level, but there are four in number, and six in the elementary level of the eighth level.As for the seventh-level monsters, there are as many as [-], and there are forty or fifty monsters at the sixth level.

Obviously, the forces that can dispatch such a strong lineup should not be underestimated. Yi Tian has never seen eighth-level monsters coming out in groups to rob.This kind of strength is almost as strong as that of the entire demon army, and there must be a big problem with the firm that can attract them.

Spiritual thoughts glanced over the merchant's warship and found that this ship should also be the car of a certain ancestor in the fusion period. The defensive formation on it is well-fitted. are blocked.

As for the fierce battles in the sky, Yi Tian didn't miss them either. After passing by his divine sense, he found that his old acquaintance Xi Tianying was among them.At this time, his cultivation base was at its peak in the middle stage of distraction, and he was not at a disadvantage in fighting against two monsters of the same level alone.

On the other side was Scarlet Rain Sword Sect's Jian Shaoqing, who also defeated his opponent with one enemy and two, and after holding them down, he had no time to clone himself.

It's just that the four eighth-level demon cultivators who fought against the two of them were not weak, but after Yi Tian observed it, he found something strange.The eyes of these demon cultivators were red, and they exuded a heavy demonic aura, which obviously only appeared after absorbing the power of the demonic source.

As for the demon cultivators who fought against Qing Lu also had the same characteristics, Yi Tian immediately said inwardly, "It should be people from the Tianmo clan who are behind the shots. I am afraid that these monster clans are affected by the evil force. Sometimes I can’t be independent.”

After thinking about it, he sat cross-legged in the cabin and took out the Brahma Golden Bell, and then chanted the eight-tone secret art of Tianlei along with the ceremony.The streaks of golden light blurted out and then swept over the monks in front.Wherever he went, all the demon cultivators who were contaminated with the power of evil spirits suddenly froze, and then their whole bodies shook violently.

It didn't take a moment for several streaks of black spiritual power to emerge from the seven orifices on their faces, which disappeared without a trace under the purification of the golden light.

The sudden change in the scene naturally gave the human spirits the upper hand. After the defensive barrier on the merchant ship was broken, these originally defensive spirits rushed out in a swarm and pressed towards the robbers blocking the way.

(End of this chapter)

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