
Chapter 1709 Join

Chapter 1709 Join
After the golden halo swept over the robber who robbed the merchant ship, the devilish aura was drawn from his body, and after a while he seemed to regain consciousness.When they saw the situation in front of them clearly, they immediately scattered away, not as ruthless as before.

Sitting on the assault boat, Yi Tian stretched out his divine sense and naturally saw this situation in his eyes, and he became secretly vigilant in his heart.The person behind the fact that so many demon cultivators can be infected with evil spirits may not necessarily be at the level of demon venerables.

It's just that for some reason, they are eyeing the merchant ship of the human spiritual cultivation. It seems that there must be something strange about it.After thinking about it, he directly summoned Qing Lu to ask about the situation, and besides, he didn't want to expose his identity so that she would not lie to avoid unnecessary complications.

Qinglu is the descendant of Jiuxian Mountain. This time she got the order of the teacher, so she naturally knows how to deal with emergencies. After replying, she flew directly to the human merchant ship to facilitate the negotiation.

After a while, when Qinglu returned to the assault boat, Jishou reported back in the cabin: "Senior Yi, the other party is a merchant ship of the Human Race Loose Cultivation Alliance, and the destination is Fengming City on the border of our Qingluan clan."

"Does the other party have any losses?" Yi Tian asked.

"It's been counted, there is no major hindrance," Qing Lu said after looking at her for a while, then seemed hesitant to speak.

In his eyes, Yi Tian asked straightforwardly: "If you have something to say, don't be vague, is the other party asking to go with you?"

"Senior Yi said that the spiritual cultivation of the human race wanted to invite us aboard so that we could take care of them," Qing Lu replied cautiously, "I didn't reply them directly, I just said that I would go back to Senior Bing and give it to you later." reply."

"Okay, but it's not appropriate to tell them my real identity, you can arrange other things," Yi Tian thought for a while and replied.

Qing Lu smiled and nodded in response, then left the assault boat and flew to the other party's merchant ship to discuss with it.

Not long after, Yi Tian and Qing Lu officially boarded each other's merchant ship, but Yi Tian wore a cloak to cover his face.The cultivators on the other side knew in their hearts that they would not dare to use their spiritual thoughts to detect their own reality.

When they passed by Xi Tianying and Jian Shaoqing, their expressions changed slightly but they dared not say anything. They looked at each other after bowing their heads respectfully.The two naturally saw the doubt in each other's eyes, but they both pretended to be nonchalant after the eyes were fleeting.

Naturally, they couldn't hide their actions from Yi Tian, ​​but no matter how suspicious they were, they dared not spare their beards.

After entering the cabin, Yi Tian and Qing Lu were separated into two adjacent VIP cabins. When they reached the cabin door, Yi Tian informed him via sound transmission: "Come here, I have something to ask you."

Qing Lu was stunned, not daring to disobey and followed Yi Tian into the cabin.Later, the two sat down in the room, and Yi Tian raised his hand to open the barrier before he asked, "Do you still have selfish intentions in agreeing to board this time? connection."

With a sudden change in her complexion, Qing Lu hurriedly cupped her hands and replied: "Senior Yi knows clearly, it is indeed my fault this time, and it is helpless to involve Senior Yi."

"Tell me what's going on?" Yi Tian said in a flat tone: "As a disciple of Jiuxian Mountain, it is understandable for you to return to the clan to visit your relatives, but there is a reason why Fellow Daoist Wulian insists on me escorting you. "

"Senior Yi clearly learned, in fact, my Qingluan clan, as the Fire Phoenix clan, has always been fighting internally. That's why I made up my mind to go to Jiuxian Mountain to stay away from the disputes within the clan," Qinglu slowly moved the The reason said: "This ship also seems to have escorted two junior disciples of my Qingluan clan, so the juniors agreed to the invitation of Sanxiu Company to board the ship."

"So that's the case, that's understandable," Yi Tian said after thinking for a while, "How about you take the younger generation of the clan to your cabin, so you can have someone to take care of you along the way."

Qing Lu replied respectfully with a smile on her face: "Thank you, Senior Yi, for your care, and this junior will leave now."

"Go ahead and remember not to reveal my identity," Yi Tian instructed again.

Sitting cross-legged in the cabin, Yi Tian slowly stretched out his divine sense and searched the entire merchant ship up and down, during which time he found that Qing Lu took two boys and girls from the Qingluan tribe to the cabin next door.These two juniors of the Qingluan clan only have the fifth level of cultivation, but being able to transform into form so early is naturally a gift.

After a blink of an eye, Yi Tian still turned his attention to Xi Tianying and Jian Shaoqing. These two had intersected with him back then, and they were the most likely to discover his flaws.

Especially when Xi Tianying and himself drank wine and songs for a while back then, and the two had a lot of interaction, it would be normal for him to feel suspicious.Fortunately, now that I revealed my cultivation base, it also forced them not to dare to make mistakes easily.

After the spiritual investigation, it was found that Xi Tianying returned to his cabin after the battle and could not retreat. As for Jian Shaoqing, it seems that he was hired by this caravan to control the overall situation in the main cabin.

Everything seemed to be in order. After the merchant ship continued to fly for half a day, Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting in the cabin, opened his eyes again with a thoughtful look on his face.

In his spiritual thoughts, he found that the spiritual pressure fluctuations that are not weaker than his own in thousands of miles away are rushing towards the merchant ship, and it seems that the visitor is not good.And most of them came for the two disciples of the Qingluan tribe on the boat, so he lowered his head and moved the corner of his mouth a few times to transmit the sound transmission to Qinglu who was in the next room.

After ten breaths, I heard a 'dong dong dong' knock on the door, and after opening the barrier, I saw Qing Lu walking in with two children.With a slightly nervous expression on his face, he asked, "Why did senior call us in such a hurry?"

"The chasing soldiers are here, and they are staring at these two juniors," Yi Tian replied in a deep voice, and then glanced at the two Qingluan monks in front of him.The boy's blood was still full of power, and when his eyes turned to the girl's body, his expression was stunned, and he knew the problem this time.

Sighing, he said, "I didn't expect that the descendants of the Qingluan clan and Lingxiu's intermarriage would have such strong blood and divine power, but the treasures in this clan should be guarded by veteran monks, so how could they be left outside?"

"Senior Rong Bing, I just learned that Qingling and Qingjuan are all clansmen born in the spirit world. This time, they recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestral land," Qinglu replied.

"If you are involved in this matter, you must be prepared, because some people don't want these two children to go back," Yi Tian said in a deep voice.

After hearing this, Qing Lu's face changed slightly and she was thinking about something in her heart. After a while, she replied: "If the clan can't tolerate them, I will take them back to Jiuxian Mountain. I will teach them myself."

"It can only be like this," Yi Tian sighed and said, "Let the merchant ship go first later, and I will follow after I solve the troubles in front of me." After speaking, the figure disappeared out of thin air.

(End of this chapter)

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