
Chapter 1711

Chapter 1711
After returning to the merchant ship, Yi Tian found Qing Lu and the two juniors and explained the previous things in detail. After hearing this, Qing Lu fell into deep thought.Later, he sighed helplessly and said, "Thank you Senior Yi for the opportunity you won for me and my two juniors. As for this matter, I will handle it as appropriate. After the family affairs are over, I will bring Qingling Qingjuan back to Jiuxian Mountain , choose a suitable master for them.”

"Why didn't you accept them as apprentices, instead of finding someone else?" Yi Tian tried to ask.

Qing Lu replied politely: "This is my Jiuxian Mountain's rules. I don't allow monks of the same clan to be my disciples. This is also to prevent sectarianism caused by racial categories."

So it's no wonder that Qing Lu's master is a monk of the Huojiao tribe. It seems that the senior red-bearded spirit ape also wanted to break the racial prejudice of the demon world, so he made such an arrangement.Let the demon cultivators of the two originally hostile races become the closest master-student relationship, so that the inherent prejudice between the races can really be eliminated.

After deciding on his thoughts later, Yi Tian ordered Qinglu to take care of Qingling Qingjuan's affairs, and after returning to the Qingluan clan, he kept the two of them by his side for the time being.After she finished dealing with the matter at hand, she returned directly to Jiuxian Mountain to avoid unnecessary complications.

Qing Lu is very grateful for this arrangement, and it is naturally the safest to stay by her side at this time.

Yi Tian went back and forth without disturbing the people on the merchant ship. After entering the territory of the Qingluan tribe, it was obvious that the people on the ship were relieved.There was an accident on the way this time, and it was naturally unexpected to have noble people to help after the robbery.

After entering Fengming City Airport, Yi Tian got off the merchant ship with Qing Lu and her two children.After knowing Qing Lu's identity, the boss forcefully gave him a house, which was nominally a gift to Jiuxian Mountain.In fact, it may be that he mistakenly regarded himself as a monk in the fusion stage of Jiuxian Mountain. In this way, Yi Tian was naturally proud of himself, and he could use the banner of righteousness as a cover after inheriting the name of Jiuxian Mountain.

After coming to Fengming City and entering the courtyard donated by the company, Yi Tian asked Qinglu to handle the affairs of human relations, but he hid in the depths of the courtyard and found a quiet courtyard to live temporarily.Half a day later, after Qinglu packed up the trivial matters here, she left directly and went to the Qingluan clan, while Yi Tian took a jade charm and pasted it directly on her forehead.

And told her that if she encounters trouble, this talisman can protect her for half a day, and during this period, he will go to the Qingluan clan to try to rescue her.

Afterwards, Qinglu entrusted the two children to Yi Tian, ​​then turned and left and returned to the place where the Qingluan tribe gathered alone.

Yi Tian didn't expect that he originally promised Wulian Daoist to be a caretaker for her disciples, but now he has become the nanny of two children.Don't look at Qingling Qingjuan is just a fifth-level monster, and she is not much younger than herself in terms of age.

When the two children saw him, there was also a little fear in their eyes, and Qing Lu had already made it clear to them about her identity.With such a huge difference in cultivation base, there will be a sense of fear naturally, Yi Tian didn't hesitate to let them live in the small courtyard next to his other courtyard, and then each gave them a suitable magical power and secret technique for them to retreat and practice.

It is inexperienced and inexperienced to take care of children by yourself, but it is very simple to find them some work.

After both of them retreated, Yi Tian placed heavy restrictions around the courtyard, and he went for a stroll in Fengming City wearing a breath-suppressing cloak.

This time, I didn't expect to meet Jian Shaoqing and Xi Tianying on the way. As old friends, I couldn't bear to check their situation.It is not unusual to meet so many disciples from the three sects of the spirit world during this trip to the demon world. I thought about it and wanted to visit to see what happened.

After turning a few turns, Yi Tian came to the commercial street in the city. After walking along the street for a short time, he found the firm of the Loose Cultivation Alliance with a slight movement of his mind.After restraining his aura and disguising himself as a cultivator at the Transformation Stage, Yi Tian went straight in. Shen Nian searched the shop but couldn't find the whereabouts of the two of them.

When he was wondering, he suddenly heard a coquettish voice behind him: "Master, has the bodyguard you hired ever left?" The voice of the speaker was very familiar, it was Cui Fuling.

Yi Tian put away his divine thoughts, and after looking away, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Qing Lianyun didn't come with him.Then he walked straight through the crowd to the inner corridor of the store.

It's just that such actions can't be hidden from Cui Fuling's gaze, not to mention that she recognized her whereabouts at a glance after the intersection last time.

In full view of everyone, Cui Fuling teleported to block the corridor, but she couldn't see through the reality of the cloaked man in front of her with her divine sense.Her sudden action naturally alarmed the surrounding crowd, and many people who didn't know what was going on poked their heads out to find out what happened.But when they noticed that the spiritual pressure on Cui Fuling's body was fluctuating, they turned their heads wisely and didn't dare to say more.

In the entire store, only the big shopkeeper and Cui Fuling had the same level of cultivation, but their backgrounds were so different that even the guys in the store avoided them for fear of offending this aunt.

After three breaths, a sound transmission sounded in Yi Tian's ears: "I don't know why you hide when you see me. It was the same in Yaojun City last time. I wonder if you dare to show your true colors?"

It seems that this girl didn't learn the lesson from last time, and Yi Tian also secretly smiled angrily.At the moment, he thought that it would be better to use the old method to get rid of the other party's entanglement, and suddenly a thought flashed in his mind, secretly thinking that something is wrong.Her real purpose is to wait for Qing Lianyun to come over, maybe they have already become suspicious, and now they are sure that she doesn't want to show her true colors.

Under the slight movement of his spiritual thoughts, he found that Youdao's familiar spiritual pressure fluctuations were rushing towards his position.Immediately, a cold snort sounded in the minds of the people in the whole house.When they came back to their senses, they found that there was no one in front of Cui Fuling.

To be able to do such a situation, I am afraid that the strength must be at the peak of the distraction period or the fusion period. I saw Cui Fuling's complexion moved slightly, and there was cold sweat oozing from her forehead. But doing it was enough to save face. Naturally, she didn't dare to have other thoughts in her mind.

After three breaths, when the green light flashed by the door, Qing Lianyun, who was dressed in a green shirt and a plain robe, arrived in time, then Cui Fuling hurried forward and whispered: "It's that person again. The space supernatural power of the great achievement of the door secret technique 'So close to the end of the world' slipped away alive under my nose."

After hearing this, Qing Lianyun frowned slightly and replied softly: "Can you find out how strong he is?"

"At least it's at the peak of the distraction stage or higher. It's much better than you, senior sister. Fortunately, he doesn't have the same experience as me," Cui Fuling replied.

"Of course he doesn't have the same knowledge as you. You haven't been in his eyes back then. The person he wants to avoid is me. It seems that there is something unspeakable hidden. Let's not force him too much. If he wants to show up and I want to see him Naturally, you will see that you don't need to deliberately force it," Qing Lianyun said helplessly.

 Thanks to Yang Jiayilang for his support
(End of this chapter)

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