
Chapter 1712 Caught

Chapter 1712 Caught
After coming out of the Spirit World Casual Cultivation Alliance firm, Yi Tian strolled on the street again. Now with his own strength, as long as he doesn't want to meet with the other party, Qing Lianyun will never be able to see his true face no matter what.

Although this is also a helpless move, she has already suspected that she has fallen in love, but she can't do anything about herself if she just refuses to meet them.

After wandering around Fengming City, Yi Tian found a few small shops to distribute his goods, and at the same time bought a batch of unique monster treasures here.In fact, after Mengxin left two tail feathers, Yi Tian had his eyes on this good thing. His Ziyan Wind and Thunder Fan was originally made from this sacrifice, but as his cultivation base continued to improve the rank of the treasure, it also became a treasure. It has been promoted from the earth level to the elementary level of the sky level.

It's a pity that the singleness of refining treasure materials inherently limits its growth. After browsing through a lot of clicks, Yi Tian found that if he could take the same level of Qingluan bird tail feathers for sacrifice, it could balance the extreme sun on the Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan. Attributes.

For this reason, Yi Tian went all over the Fengming City but couldn't find a shop with a sale, not to mention the ninth-level Qingluan tail feathers, and even the seventh-level ones were not in stock.Afterwards, Yi Tian inquired and found out that such tail feathers are regarded as treasures by the Qingluan tribe, so how could they be easily revealed to the market.What's more, this is the territory of the Qingluan tribe. They openly shot the tail feathers of the Qingluan bird here, which really ate the guts of a leopard.

At this point, Yi Tiancai knew that Mengxin left such treasures for himself because of the face of Patriarch Wuye.And she herself will also lose a thousand years of cultivation, and this tail feather is worth 500 years of cultivation.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian secretly planned in his heart and wanted to find an opportunity to go to the Qingluan tribe to see if they could get the Qingluan tail feathers.

Just as he was thinking, suddenly a spiritual light flashed in front of him, and it stopped straight in front of him.Yi Tian stretched out his hand and held it in his palm. He glanced over and found that it was a Jade Talisman of Communication.The person who sent it turned out to be Qingjuan who stayed behind in the mansion, and it was written on the jade talisman that the Sanxiu Alliance sent someone to give gifts to her, and now she is waiting at home.

Originally, these matters of human etiquette were handled by Qing Lu, but now that she has returned to the clan, the two little guys naturally dare not neglect each other, so they hurriedly sent a message to inform themselves.Seeing this, Yi Tian sighed helplessly, turned around and walked towards the location of the mansion.

Not long after, he returned to the outside of the mansion, and his divine sense sneaked in to check it out, and found that the people inside were Xi Tianying and Jian Shaoqing.Unexpectedly, they would come on behalf of the Sanxiu Alliance, Yi Tian restrained his breath after thinking for a while, adjusted his cloak to hide his face, and walked slowly into the gate.

Now that it is unavoidable, it is better to go to meet them carelessly, anyway, there is no need for Qingjuan to come forward to receive them in the whole process.

When they came to the entrance of the hall, the other two naturally noticed the coming person early, and they all stood up and bowed to Yi Tian.Although they didn't know their true identities, they both knew that the person in front of them must be a monk at the integration stage, so they naturally paid special attention to their words.

Yi Tian, ​​on the other hand, has the full authority to ask Qingjuan to come forward to answer, and she can convey any questions the other party has.

It didn't take long for Yi Tian's body to shake suddenly, and he felt uncomfortable.In his spiritual thoughts, he found that there were two people already at the gate of the mansion at this time, and these two people were Qing Lianyun and Cui Fuling.

Xi Tianying and Jian Shaoqing who were sitting in front of them also noticed the movement of the person half a moment later.I saw Jian Shaoqing stood up and said: "I have fellows from the three sects of the spiritual world who came to visit and want to thank seniors together. I hope you won't be surprised."

Fortunately, they couldn't see Yi Tian's true face at this time, otherwise they would definitely find Yi Tian's face embarrassed at this time, and they really didn't know how to deal with it.Sighing, her lips moved slightly, Qingjuan led the order and quickly walked out of the hall to the gate of the front yard and led the two of them in.

When Qing Juan brought Qing Lianyun and Cui Fuling into the hall, Cui Fuling was stunned for a moment, and then a smug smile appeared on his face.As for Qing Lianyun, she sized her eyes up and didn't speak, not knowing what she was thinking in her heart.

On the contrary, Jian Shaoqing, who was sitting on the side, moved his lips a few times, as if he was whispering something to the two of them in private.After hearing this, Qing Lianyun's complexion changed slightly, and after sizing up the person in front of him again, Jishou gave a salute and said indifferently: "Join seniors."

Yi Tian also felt helpless and just nodded slightly, then reached out and pointed to the vacant seat on the right to signal her to sit down.At this time, Xi Tianying and Jian Shaoqing's expressions also changed slightly. Since they came in to meet this mysterious monk in the fusion period, he didn't say anything at all, and it was completely conveyed by Qingjuan on the side.

But I didn't expect Qing Lianyun to be quite popular when he came, so far, the two of them have exchanged glances and saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

It was Cui Fuling who sat on the seat and observed first and then broke the calm and asked: "Little sister heard that you are from the Qingluan clan, where is your big sister?"

"Sister Lu went to the clan and ordered us to wait here," Qingjuan replied.

"Then aren't you afraid of living with this strange sorghum?" Cui Fuling asked again, and when she spoke directly, she turned her gaze to Yi Tian who was sitting upright.Although she couldn't see her face clearly, many clues could be found in this close contact, and she was deflated again and again.

Furthermore, Cui Fuling obviously realized that the other party had no malicious intentions at all, so she also became more courageous and wanted to investigate further.What she said surprised Xi Tianying and Jian Shaoqing present.They knew the strength of the person in front of them, and they dared to be so presumptuous in front of the monks at the fusion stage, so they really didn't know what Cui Fuling was holding.

The two immediately explained to Qing Lianyun through sound transmission in a low voice, and the latter's eyes flashed brightly after hearing this.As for Cui Fuling, she didn't take it seriously and didn't show any signs of fear. Instead, she mentioned: "Our master and servant came here today to express our gratitude to the seniors on behalf of the Shangmeng."

Qingjuan replied inappropriately: "Senior said thank you for your firm, and it's just a small matter. Didn't the four of you come here this time as agreed, and you have to come in batches to say thank you ?”

Cui Fuling was choked up with a short reply that made Cui Fuling's words reach her throat, and her face was slightly reddish, as if she was a little angry.Obviously, the two of them originally wanted to follow Jian Shaoqing, but they didn't expect to find the right owner by mistake.

At this time, Jian Shaoqing, who was sitting on the side, also came forward to defend: "Senior, it was a misunderstanding this time, and the two junior sisters also came looking for me."

"You don't feel complacent, if it weren't for the wishes of the two sect masters, we would talk to you," Cui Fuling said angrily.

"What Junior Sister Cui said is true. In fact, I am also a person who concentrates on cultivating the Tao. I have never thought about marrying Senior Sister." Jian Shaoqing replied, "After I return to the sect this time, I will let Master Bingming let me marry you." Let the marriage and childbearing be voided."

"That depends on whether he is willing or not," Cui Fuling turned her face and looked at Yi Tian with a playful face after she finished speaking, without hiding the playful expression on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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