
Chapter 1713

Chapter 1713
On the scene, Cui Fuling did not move the monk in front of him at the fusion period, Jian Shaoqing and Xi Tianying looked at each other, and seemed to be gradually suspicious.

Originally, the two felt a little strange, but now it seems that they are going to try again.

Unexpectedly, Qingjuan suddenly turned to Jian Shaoqing and said: "The ancestor said that the sword spirit of senior Jian is extremely sharp, and he has already received the true instruction from the great sects. It's just that there seems to be something missing in the practice, so that the cultivation base and the sword heart are not the same. Matching can't bring out the strength that Scarlet Rain Sword Sect's unique art should have."

As soon as these words came out, Jian Shaoqing looked at the person sitting in the seat solemnly, and seemed to have something to say in his mouth.Without waiting for him to reply, Qingjuan took a step back behind Yi Tian and said: "It is better to hit the sun than to choose the day. Today, the ancestor wants to give advice to Senior Jian, so please don't hold back."

After speaking, the place where the six people were present suddenly entered the Xumi space, and the original positions of the six people did not change.It's just that Jian Shaoqing found that at this moment, only he and the monk in the fusion period in front of him were in the same latitude space, while the other four were excluded.

Yi Tian pulled the six people into the alien space out of thin air, then stretched out his hand and slowly moved forward.After the golden light on the fingertips shone, it turned into Lingyao Huaqian's sword thread, condensed into a lightsaber and flew slowly towards Jian Shaoqing's position.

The latter's Jiling naturally saw the tricks of this move, and also took out his saber, quickly knotted his hair, and then performed the same move.

It's just that Jian Shaoqing's sword moves were condensed in the air very quickly, and then dispersed into thousands of filaments, flying towards the golden light on Yi Tian's side.One is fast and the other is slow, it seems that the moves of the two are the same, but there is a qualitative difference after the shot.

The condensed lightsaber was lightly tapped with the fingers and slowly spread out to meet the overwhelming sword rain in front of him. The slow movement seemed to deliberately let Jian Shaoqing see clearly.

After the dense and noisy sound of 'ping ping pong pong' came, the sword wires of the two sides met at close range.Although the two of them were sitting only two feet away from each other, the sword move Jian Shaoqing raised had to fly several breaths before he could attack the sword thread in front of him.Moreover, Yi Tian's sword moves seemed to form a new domain space, but Fan Jian Shaoqing's sword silk lost its accuracy and power when it entered this domain.

Jian Shaoqing saw that his Lingyao Huaqian not only failed to break through the opponent's attack at all, but was also bounced away, and finally the sword silk in the field returned to its original state and condensed Compose the original look together.

Slowly flying a foot away in front of Jian Shaoqing, he stopped still. Yi Tian stretched out his hand to form a seal, and then tapped the lightsaber again before releasing it on the spot.

With a sound of "suddenly", the surrounding scene changed the appearance of the living room again. At this time, Jian Shaoqing's complexion was ruddy, his chest heaved rapidly, and his eyes were fixed on Yi Tian who was wearing a cloak in front of him, unable to say anything for a long time In a word.

On the contrary, the faces of the three people sitting on both sides changed drastically at this time. The fight between the two just now was just a matter of lightning and flint.But after going through the complete process, it seemed that the two had fought for at least half a quarter.

Suddenly Qingjuan said again: "The ancestor said that Senior Jian's sword heart seems to have flaws, if it can be repaired, it will definitely be able to break through the natural moat and enter the next realm with the sword. It's just easier said than done, but you have to go through a thousand things It takes all kinds of hardships to succeed. The trick just now is Lingyao Huaqianzhong's Special Victory Powder, the real wins the empty, and the slow wins the fast. Senior Jian can slowly experience it later."

Jian Shaoqing's body trembled when he heard the words, and he repeated those three sentences in his mouth repeatedly, and then he suddenly got up and bowed his hands to Yi Tian, ​​saying: "Today's seeing the true meaning of swordsmanship made Shaoqing suddenly realize, it turns out There are still flaws in the road I walked before. What the senior said is that if I can't make up for the sword heart, I'm afraid Shaoqing's cultivation will stop here. The junior will leave today and wait for the day when the magic power is complete, and then come to the senior for advice."

After finishing speaking, he turned to Qing Lianyun and said, "Junior Brother has never had any unreasonable thoughts about Senior Sister, it's all because the seniors of the sect messed up the mandarin ducks. This time when I return to the sect, Master Bingming will separate the two factions. Canceling the marriage will also reassure Senior Sister."

After speaking, he greeted Xi Tianying, got up and walked out without looking back.

Seeing such a situation, Cui Fuling muttered a few words with an angry expression on her face, but when she saw Qing Lianyun's expression, she did find that there was an unreasonable sense of relief on her face.Then he turned his gaze to the body-fit monk who was on the right seat, but he didn't dare to say any more, and even the arrogance just now subsided.

Shaoqing Yitian reached out and took out a storage bag to put the two spiritual weapons in, and then asked Qingjuan to take it to Xi Tianying.The latter took the storage bag and stretched his divine sense into it, and examined it carefully, his face remained unchanged for a moment, but his gaze gradually became clearer.

After Qingjuan walked back to her original position and stood still, she said again: "Senior Suwen is very powerful. Although he is not a disciple of the third sect in the spiritual world, his strength is not much less."

"You're welcome. Speaking of strength, I have a sworn brother who is great. It's just that I haven't seen him for a long time, and I don't know where he is now," Xi Tianying said with a smile.

"Senior Xi was joking, why should we rush to meet each other if we are destined to meet each other?" Qingjuan replied, "I heard that senior still has a long-cherished wish to compete with the No. 1 disciple of Lihuo Palace's younger generation, but I don't know what the result will be?"

Speaking of this, Xi Tianying's complexion changed slightly and he said: "Speaking of it, it's annoying. I invited Chi Wuji to fight twice, and it was all about weapons. That girl Ji Xingzhu's skill in refining weapons is really powerful. In terms of strength, it is probably stronger than Lihuo Palace Master Ji Xuanyuan."

"Then this time, Senior Xi should not be at a disadvantage again on the sword. If you can use Chi Wuji's vigor, I think Senior Xi's knots for many years will definitely be untied, and then the road will naturally be bright again," Qing Juan replied.

Putting away the storage bag in his hand, Xi Tianying stood up and cupped his hands towards the front seat, "So I'll leave first, sorry to bother you today. I think you still have a lot to say and it's inconvenient for me to be there , I'm retiring now." After saying that, Xi Tianying cupped his fists at the person sitting upright, then turned and left.

After the people left, Qingjuan was entrusted and said: "Senior Cui, please follow me to the inner hall to rest first," then turned around and walked directly into the inner hall.

And Qing Lianyun said lightly: "Junior Sister, you should step down first."

"Senior Sister," Cui Fuling's face showed a look of reluctance, but she just glanced at it and found that Qing Lianyun's face was not looking good at this time.She knew her senior sister's temper so she didn't dare to go against her intention at this juncture.

After the two left, Qing Lianyun stretched out his hand to open the restriction barrier and cover the main hall.Then he turned around and stared at the person in front of him, and said, "Should I call you Junior Brother Yi or Uncle Yi?"

 Thank you fellow Taoist for your support
(End of this chapter)

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