
Chapter 1720 Detailed Chat 1

Chapter 1720 Detailed Talk One
A ray of light cut through the sky and flew towards Fengming City at a high speed. In the ray of light, Yi Tian let go of all the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body and was urging it at full speed.

Just now I set up a formation plate to trap Han Liu in order to buy myself more time.With the strength of the Korean wave, the array can only trap him for a moment at most, so there is not much time left for him.

Yi Tian was thinking that he wanted to meet Chi Wuji, and the fight between him and Xi Tianying should be decided at this time.Coupled with the things he entrusted to Xi Tianying to give to the other party, Chi Wuji must have a lot of doubts in his mind at this time.

After receiving the subpoena, Yi Tian knew that Xi Tianying had brought Chi Wuji back to the business alliance's resident, and initially calculated that he still had about half an hour.

The journey of thousands of miles is just a cup of tea time for him. After returning to Fengming City, Yi Tian used a concealed body technique and went directly to the residence of the Sanxiu Alliance.After entering, he moved his mind slightly and realized that Xi Tianying was sitting cross-legged in the courtyard in the depths of the firm's residence, and beside him was an aura of considerable strength, needless to say, it must be Chi Wuji.

Yi Tian didn't want to think too much. The figure flashed directly to the outside of the courtyard, and then walked in. His eyes swept over and he saw two distracted monks sitting and chatting face to face.

Seeing his arrival, Xi Tianying hurriedly stood up and bowed his hands, saying, "Brother Yi is here."

Then he turned his head to Chi Wuji and said: "Talk slowly, I will take my leave for the time being. If you need anything, just come to me." After speaking, he walked straight to the gate of the courtyard, and disappeared from the eyes of the two after three breaths among.

But Yi Tiancha found that Xi Tianying's aura at this time was very different from the previous one. Although his cultivation hadn't changed much, his state of mind must have changed a lot.Needless to say, after the fight with Chi Wuji, he must have fulfilled his wish and had a breakthrough in his state of mind.

As long as he maintains this state, plus hundreds of years of penance, Xi Tianying will soon be able to raise his cultivation level to the peak of the distraction stage, and then as soon as the opportunity comes, he will be able to break through the bottleneck and achieve the integration stage.

Later, Yi Tian walked forward slowly and cupped his hands towards Chi Wuji in the gazebo: "Time has passed and we have met again, Equatorial Friends, in the spiritual realm of Langhuan and Dongtian."

Chi Wuji also stood up neither humble nor overbearing, bowed to Yi Tian and said: "I have seen the senior."

In an instant, Yi Tian appeared beside him, raised his hand lightly and said: "Friend Equator will definitely be a member of my generation in the future, so naturally there is no need for so many etiquettes. Besides, Xi Tianying and I also treat each other as peers, such red tape Let’s avoid it if we can. Why don’t we all address ourselves as fellow Taoists of the same generation.”

Chi Wuji's face moved slightly when he heard the words, his eyes flashed again and again, and he didn't know what he was thinking.He only paused for a moment before replying: "Since that's the case, I'd rather be respectful than follow orders."

Both of them sat down slowly after a while, Yi Tian first stretched out his hand and opened a restriction barrier, then turned his head and glanced at Chi Wuji.After three breaths, he slowly opened his mouth and said: "Friend Equator has refined the sixth-level peak of Lihuo Nine Changes and is about to touch the threshold of the seventh-level elementary level."

Chi Wuji's complexion moved slightly, but Chi Wuji looked suspiciously before he sighed and said, "Actually, I have doubts in my heart, but I don't have a chance to contact Yi Daoyou for a while."

"Lihuo Palace, Lihuo Nine Changes, will naturally have a strong response to fellow monks. I know the doubts in your heart," Yi Tian stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers lightly, only to see a trace of green Liyan flames Appearing at the fingertips, Shaoqing was wrapped in a bright white flame and was directly refined on the spot.

"This is the natal true fire Liyan cultivated by Master Han, and what you cast is Uncle Zeng's Wuming Flame. It seems that you have reached the realm of great accomplishment," Chi Wuji blurted out.

"This ray of Li Yan was exchanged between me and Han Liu, but he was careful, so I can only punish him a little bit." Yi Tianman said indifferently: "Friends of the Equator, look at my innocence. Ming Huo and Senior Brother Zeng, which one is stronger and weaker?"

Hearing his own reply, especially the address, a look of surprise flashed in Chi Wuji's eyes, and he fell silent after awe-inspiring expression.

Yi Tian ignored him and said: "Actually, it's very good to judge. Brother Zeng has been immersed for thousands of years in the early stage of fusion. In terms of the cultivation of Wuminghuo alone, he is far superior to me. In comparison, everyone is also in the supernatural power of the Dacheng realm. My flame of ignorance will be half a chip weaker than his."

"I didn't expect Yi Daoyou to be from my master's generation. It stands to reason that I should call you uncle," Chi Wuji said, "No wonder I felt that your aura was very strange when I was in the spirit world. It fits very well with the exercises I practice."

"That's natural. When I first arrived in the spirit world, Lihuo Nine Changes could only refine the fifth-level high-level refinement. By the time I reached Langhuan Cave Heaven, I had already reached the sixth-level intermediate level. Wouldn't it be better than yours? You will find out on the spot."

Chi Wuji didn't realize it until now, he turned around and looked at the person in front of him, he didn't know what he was thinking.After a long time, he sighed and said: "Then what is the purpose of Master Uncle looking for me today, and what is the purpose of the things you gave me?"

After finishing speaking, he reached out and took out a jade box and gently opened it. There was a multicolored glow in it, mixed with a little soft golden Buddha light. It was the Arhat Buddhist beads that Senior Brother Yizhen gave him back then.

Yi Tian looked at it and said with a faint smile: "What is giving you, it should be said that it is returning to the original owner."

"Return it to its original owner?" Chi Wuji stared at Yi Tian with a startled expression, looked at Yi Tian for a few breaths, and then said: "Forgive my nephew for being stupid, please show me my uncle."

"I can't bear the sound of Master Uncle anyway, you should call me Fellow Daoist Yi," Yi Tian said with a straight expression, then moved his lips and bowed his head to transmit a few words.

After hearing this, Chi Wuji's whole body trembled violently, his chest heaved up and down as if he was surprised by the words.It took a long time to calm down his restless mood, but at this moment his face showed an extremely serious expression, and he asked in a deep voice: "Are you sure?"

Shaking his head, Yi Tian replied bluntly: "It can't be [-]% accurate, but the clues I found from those clues after traveling in the world over the years are all pointing the finger at you. Demon Saint Prince Qiu Yu, Master Jie Ding of Dalei Guang Temple and Chi Wuji of Lihuo Palace in the spiritual world are the reincarnations of the same person."

"Then why did you give me this Buddhist bead?" Chi Wuji asked in bewilderment.

"Leading you into the Tao is also my promise to Master Jie Ding and Qiu Yu," Yi Tian replied, "After you pick up that Buddhist bead, you will know whether what I said is true or not. Speaking of which, you are my senior." .”

(End of this chapter)

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