
Chapter 1721 Detailed Chat 2

Chapter 1721 Detailed Chat II

It was already night in Fengming City, but there was no difference between day and night for the monster monks.Yi Tian finally found a chance to have a detailed chat with Chi Wuji in the courtyard deep in the Sanxiu Alliance.After revealing his identity, Chi Wuji really seemed a little surprised, but when Yi Tiandao revealed his previous identity, he really couldn't accept this fact.

After calming down, under Yi Tian's suggestion, Chi Wuji stretched out his hand suspiciously to take out the Buddhist bead from the jade box, and suddenly thousands of rays of light appeared on his body for no reason, illuminating the surroundings.Immediately afterwards, a soaring beam of light went straight up to the sky, turning Fengming City, which was originally in the dark, into a daytime mode.

That beam of light naturally attracted the attention of many outside cultivators, and soon they followed the light source to find the source.Many monks with good deeds hurried over to find out the truth, but Xi Tianying sitting at the gate naturally discouraged many people.

But there are always some good-for-nothing people who are not afraid of death will try to approach the courtyard of the Loose Cultivator Alliance, but when they have not entered within a hundred meters, a majestic momentum erupts from the inner courtyard.The strength of spiritual pressure fluctuations has exceeded the perception of most people present. Many late-stage distracted or eighth-level top-level demon cultivators suddenly changed their expressions, turned their heads and left desperately in the opposite direction.

These crowds came and went even faster, and the whole process lasted for less than half a moment before Fengming City fell into peace again, but it was so dark on the surface that many people turned their attention to the resident of the Loose Cultivation Alliance.

Sitting in the courtyard, I saw that Chi Wuji was holding a Buddhist bead in his hand, and his whole figure seemed to be in a daze. A steady stream of golden light flashed out of the Buddhist bead and directly sank into his forehead.

The whole process lasted for about half a moment, during which Yi Tian didn't dare to disturb him and just sat on the side to protect him.It was a little later that the golden light suddenly subsided, and at this time the glazed golden light on the Buddha bead returned to its true color after dissipating.Yi Tian looked at it and it turned out to be a bead carved by ten thousand years of ambergris. No wonder it can store so much information.

Thinking back to when he met Senior Brother Yizhen when he was in the spirit world, he received this Buddhist bead before he met him, and then gave it to himself. Presumably, he wanted to hand it over to the reincarnation of the devil prince Qiu Yu through his own hands.

When the golden light sank into Chi Wuji's forehead and left a Buddhist swastika mark in the middle, Yi Tian showed a knowing smile on his face when he saw it.It seems that this time his calculations still fell to the point.It's just that I don't know how much Buddha's light Chi Wuji has absorbed at this time and how much memory he can retrieve.

After half the payment, he sighed lightly, then his eyes showed a gleam of clarity, and he turned to look at the person in front of him and said: "Thank you, Daoist Yi, for running around for me for so many years, I didn't expect there to be such a reason for the past."

"You don't need to thank Equatorial Friends," Yi Tian hurriedly replied: "Over the years, I have also received a lot of teachings from Master Jie Ding, and I have been following the clues to find out the reasons for those things that year."

"Then I wonder if Fellow Daoist Yi has discovered anything?" Chi Wuji asked.

Reaching out his hand, he took out the Fenyu slip and handed it gently, Yi Tian replied: "These are the information I found after traveling the world of Buddhas and spirits, the world of ghosts, the world of demons and the world of Asura. Qin's clues, I think it may be mainly related to Master Ding's joining the demon world back then."

Chi Wuji took the jade slip and put it on his forehead to read it quickly, with a puzzled look on his face.Later, he said: "So I will go to the Daleiguang Temple in the Buddhist and Spiritual Realm first. Only by retrieving the dusty memories can I find an opportunity to break the situation."

"What Friends Equatorial said is true, it's right to go back to the Daleiguang Temple first," Yi Tian said after he paused for a while, as if he was hesitant to speak.

Chi Wuji smiled and said: "Now I have recovered some of the memories of my previous life, thanks to Yi Daoyou. As for what you are worried about, I also know, but please rest assured that I will not interfere in Lihuo Palace in the future. I would like to ask fellow Daoist Yi to send a message to fellow daoist Wuye for me."

"Friends of the Equator, please speak," Yi Tian replied.

"Thanks to his care for everything in the past, the past and the past are all thanks to his care. To decipher the Zen of good and evil, the only way is to directly point to the original mind. Good and evil come from the heart, and one thought is good, and one thought is evil, which is up to one's own choice," Chi Wuji said.

After savoring it carefully, Yi Tian nodded and replied: "I made a note, and when I see Patriarch Wuye, I will definitely tell him the original words."

"That's good, so I won't bother you here, and I ask Fellow Daoist Yi to pass on the message to Junior Sister Ji, and say that Chi Wuji must cultivate to the peak of the spiritual world to escape from the Dao of Enchantment," Chi Wuji showed his determination. color way.Then he took out the jade slip and quickly wrote a summons before handing it over.

After Yi Tian took it knowingly, he nodded and replied: "I admire Master Jie Ding and the comprehension of the Zen mind of Buddhism. It is a good thing that Equator Friends can return to Da Lei Guang Zen Temple to find their original mind."

After speaking, he reached out and took out two jade slips and handed them over: "This is the Prajna Kuzen and the Sun Crown Golden Sun Technique of Buddhism that I have practiced. Now I give it to Equatorial Friends as a reward for the many times I received the care of Master Precepts. Please also ask Wanwu to decline."

Chi Wuji was slightly taken aback, then reached out to take the jade slip without hesitation, put it away and said, "Thank you, today's result is the cause of the past, and today's cause must be the result of the future. Fellow Daoist Yi, we will meet later."

"Go slowly," Yi Tian said with a faint smile.

Shaoqing saw Chi Wuji pull away and leave, and Yi Tian was relieved that at this time Chi Wuji no longer had the previous hostility.Instead, the auspicious aura of Buddhist monks surrounds his body. Needless to say, after he returns to Daleiguang Temple to study Buddhism, his cultivation will surely improve by leaps and bounds.

Although I am slightly higher than him by two ranks at this time, a talented person like Master Jie Ding will soon narrow the gap.Even overtaking himself, Yi Tian didn't feel any grievances in his heart, but an unusually relaxed mood emerged spontaneously.Since I entered the spirit world, I have been troubled by this trivial matter, and today I finally dealt with it properly, so I feel very comfortable.

As for when Chi Wuji left, he had to tell Ji Xingzhu what he had told him, but it was troublesome.The only way to tell me before the return of Hallyu is that there will be no trouble, otherwise once the two meet, I really have nothing to say.

After thinking about it, Xi Tianying hurriedly transmitted the sound to briefly explain the situation here, and then slipped out through the back door of the Loose Cultivation Alliance.Chi Wuji made such a big commotion here before that it would definitely arouse everyone's suspicion, and I don't know how many people in Fengming City have the same cultivation base as himself, so it's better to be careful in everything.

After crossing several streets, Yi Tian returned to his temporary mansion. His divine sense reached out to investigate and found that Ji Xingzhu hadn't left yet, and Qing Lianyun was chatting with her in the hall with Cui Fuling.

 Thank you fellow Taoist bill88888 for your great support

(End of this chapter)

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