
Chapter 1722 Conflict

Chapter 1722 Conflict
After entering the hall, Yi Tian found that the three women were chatting happily inside, and when he suddenly saw himself coming in, they all stopped talking and turned to stare at each other.Qing Lianyun did not expect that she would appear in front of the three of them like this, but as the hostess, she still had to make a statement.Immediately stood up lightly and said: "I'm back, is everything going well?"

With a slight nod, Yi Tian met her eyes and turned to Cui Fuling who was sitting on the side after recalling.At this time, she hurriedly stood up and stood behind Qing Lianyun and wished herself a blessing, just like a maidservant seeing her master.As for the arrogance and domineering strength before, it was gone at this time.

Knowing that Qing Lianyun had reminded him behind his back, now that he saw his real face and the aura of the fusion stage, Cui Fuling naturally did not dare to be presumptuous anymore.

Slowly walked forward and sat down on the seat next to Qing Lianyun, Yi Tian turned around and looked at Ji Xingzhu who was opposite, only to see that her eyes were full of surprise at this time, as if she had noticed something from the breath on her body. What.

And she looked at Qing Lianyun and Cui Fuling's appearance and naturally saw some clues, and the corners of her mouth moved slightly as if she was asking through voice transmission.Qing Lianyun looked hesitant and could only bite the bullet and reply a few words later, but seeing a gleam in Ji Xingzhu's eyes, he turned his gaze to look at himself.

Yi Tian shrugged helplessly and said: "I have met Chi Wuji, and he has something to tell you."

"Why did Senior Brother Wuji meet you? Who are you?" Ji Xingzhu asked hesitantly.

Without waiting for Yi Tian to reply, a voice suddenly came from the air: "Boy, if you secretly learn two secret arts and supernatural powers and secretly practice demon skills, you will definitely be tolerated by the spirit world. Brother Zong Daneng has arrested you and brought you to justice."

After a short while, a wave of spiritual pressure from a monk in the fusion period appeared out of thin air, and a ray of light fell in front of the courtyard, which was the Korean wave that he had fought against before.At this time, he walked into the room with a face full of anger, glanced at his eyes, and then locked his divine sense. Yi Tian said fiercely: "What did you do to Wuji? Why did I find that he was not in Fengming City when I came back? Don't think that I can't see that your real goal in trying to tune the tiger away from the mountain should be Wuji."

As soon as this remark came out, even Ji Xingzhu, who was sitting across from him, couldn't sit still anymore. He stood up and looked at Yi Tian who was in front of him, and then locked his eyes on Qing Lianyun.

But seeing the latter's shameful face deliberately avoiding his gaze, Ji Xingzhu, who is also a clever ghost, immediately noticed something strange in him, and then said to everyone in front of him: "I didn't expect you to be such a person, and Sister Lianyun deliberately came to me this time. Coming here should be part of it, right?"

"Don't blame my senior sister at this time, it's entirely my attention," Yi Tian hurriedly defended.At the same time, he took out a copy of the jade slip and handed it over, "This is the jade slip that Chi Wuji left for you, you will understand after reading it," Yi Tian explained.

Ji Xingzhu stretched out his hand to catch the flying jade slip in the air, opened it, spread it on his hand, and quickly read through the information on it.Later, there was a lot of doubt between the brows, and he raised his head and asked: "The content mentioned above is unheard of, are they all true?"

"What happened?" Han Liu who was standing on the side also sensed a strange smell and hastily stretched out his hand to brush over the jade slip, and then quickly swept it with his divine sense.After reading it, he was slightly stunned and turned to stare at Yi Tian for a long time, unable to speak.

"It seems that you are the only one who is kept in the dark," Yi Tian said disdainfully, "I'm afraid that the three monks in the Lihuo Palace have already known about the secret, so it's not something sensational It’s just that it’s a big deal in the eyes of ordinary people.”

"Who the hell are you, and why do you know such confidential news?" Han Liu turned around and asked, with a trace of killing intent faintly revealed in his words.

Yi Tian dealt with it indifferently, without a trace of timidity on his face, and said: "Facts speak louder than words, Ji Xingzhu, you are also a sensible person, you should understand the situation today. Knowing the ins and outs of this matter, otherwise, how could Chi Wuji suddenly become famous in the spirit world and worship into Lihuo Palace to become the Young Palace Master."

"I don't believe it." Ji Xingzhu turned around and said to Han Liu with a rosy complexion and a little annoyed, "Master, did you know about this early in the morning, so you set ten tests for Brother Wuji to get him the Young Palace?" The status of the master? As far as I know, none of the previous young masters of the Lihuo Palace would have to go through so many tests to determine their status like Brother Wuji."

It turned out that Han Liu was Ji Xingzhu's master, and Yi Tian remembered that Ji Xuanyuan didn't personally teach his juniors but found a master for her, which seemed to be well-intentioned.

But looking at the situation, it seems that Han Liu should have noticed Chi Wuji's problem long ago, but he kept silent.

"Chi Wuji wants me to relay a sentence to you, he is obsessed with the Dao and must cultivate to the peak of the spiritual world in this life," Yi Tian said.

"Where did senior brother go?" Ji Xingzhu turned around and asked.

"The Great Leiguang Temple in the Buddha Spirit Realm, you should arrive near the Jiemen after you leave now," Yi Tian said without hesitation, "I didn't hide his whereabouts, this time I just returned what belonged to him to Just him."

When Ji Xingzhu heard the words, he stood up and walked out actively, but before leaving, he turned his head and glanced at everyone present.After a sparkle flashed in the eye sockets, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body rose rapidly, and disappeared in the courtyard in an instant.

When Han Liu saw it, he sighed and said to himself: "The one who should come will always come, and the female college will not stay."

"Ji Xingzhu is also a monk over 2000 years old. She has her own thoughts and others can no longer influence her behavior," Yi Tian waved his hands.

When Han Liu heard the words, he restrained the expression on his face, turned his head and stared at Yi Tiandao: "Who is your Excellency? With your strength, you will definitely not be an ordinary person. Taiqing Pavilion and Scarlet Rain Sword Sect have never been There have been people like you, but since Qing Lianyun is here, you and Taiqing Pavilion are naturally inseparable."

Yi Tian didn't reply directly, but said to Qing Lianyun: "You and Fu Ling step back first, I have something to say with Fellow Daoist Han."

After hearing this, Qing Lianyun slowly stood up and moved her lips a few times before turning around and walking towards the back compartment with Cui Fuling.After the two left, Yi Tian changed his face, stared at Han Liu in front of him and said, "You and I will have a fight in the future, but unfortunately it's not my wish, but it's just a helpless move due to the situation."

"Fellow Daoists have contradicted each other. This time you admit that you are a monk of the Taiqing Pavilion. I don't want to entangle you any more because of the friendship between the two sects. As long as you exchange that wisp of flame with I can do it, you should also know the value of that ray of flames to me, right?" Han Liu said in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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