
Chapter 1723 Calm down

Chapter 1723 Calm down
Facing the question of Hallyu, Yi Tian didn't take it to heart at all, sat in his seat and didn't answer, but looked at it with a playful face.Han Liu has never been so underestimated before, but at this time he can only swallow his anger. Speaking of the person in front of him is not weak, using strong is naturally the last resort.

Yi Tian reached out and waved his hand, and the scene around the two of them became pitch black in an instant. This is the independent space opened up by him through space magic.Speaking of it, this is also the result of the Taiqing Pavilion's space secret technique and supernatural powers after it has been cultivated to great success.

Han Liu's complexion changed slightly. He realized that this is the alien space domain that swallowed Yanlong's Aojian before. Here he has lost the ground, and the balance of victory and defeat has already been tilted towards the opponent.

"Fellow Daoist Han said we don't have any festivals," Yi Tian said suddenly.

"What do you want to say?" Hallyu said.

A golden light flashed all over Yi Tian's back, and a red corona appeared behind Yi Tian, ​​and he said with a serious expression behind him: "You should also understand the relationship between the Buddhist sect's precept master, the devil prince Qiu Yu, and Chi Wuji." you know?"

"The secret of the Buddhist sect's utter learning that cannot be passed down is the golden sun body, you are from the Daleiguang Temple?" Han Liu revealed the origin of the supernatural power with a surprised expression.

"Fellow Daoist Han really has sharp eyes, let me introduce you officially. Yi Tian is a disciple of the Taiqing Pavilion, and he was taught by Master Huisheng of the Great Leiguang Temple in the Buddha and Spiritual Realm to teach the supernatural power of the corona," Yi Tian said slowly, only to see Han in front of him The tense expression on Liu's face also eased.

After all, Buddhist monks in the spiritual world have always been on good terms with the spiritual world, and since he showed his identity in this way, he obviously didn't want to do anything anymore.But the matter of Chi Wuji was indeed calculated, Han Liu thought about it and asked in a deep voice: "So, is this the attitude of Daleiguang Temple?"

"I was entrusted by Master Huisheng to find the great monk Jieding. Back then, brother Yizhen, the abbot of Daleiguang Zen Temple, personally handed over the arhat's Buddhist beads to me. This is also a deep meaning. Today, I return the Buddhist beads to the original owner and let Chi It is also a matter of course for Wuji to retrieve the memory of his previous life." Yi Tian paused and said: "If you have any questions from the Lihuo Palace, you can go to the Daleiguang Temple in the Buddhist Spiritual Realm and talk to Senior Brother Yizhen. Palace Master Lihuo would like to encourage him to have a long talk."

The words also put aside the responsibility first, and what he did today completely represents the Great Leiguang Temple.If Hallyu wants to pursue this issue vigorously, it can only go up to the next level and let the two suzerains come forward to discuss.

Hallyu fell silent upon hearing the words, and these words made sense.It is not uncommon for Daleiguang Temple to send people to retrieve the reincarnations of the great monks of previous generations.What's more, the countermeasures were done very skillfully this time, and the specific task was actually performed by a Taiqing Pavilion disciple.In this way, the third force is involved, and the current situation is faintly out of control, so he has no good way to solve it at this time.

Even if he catches up with Chi Wuji now, he will definitely not return to Lihuo Palace in the state where he has regained the memory of his previous life.Thinking of this, Han Liu shook his head helplessly like a deflated ball and said: "The thousands of years of painstaking efforts in Lihuo Palace were ruined, Chi Wuji left, Lei Kun fell, and Xingzhu followed. Three generations of disciples There are no outstanding figures in the world, and I am afraid that in the next few thousand years, they will be reduced to the end of the three sects of the spirit world."

"The world changes from weak to strong, and from strong to weak is an eternal principle. Fellow Daoist Han is too good-looking, and if he takes the sect's power too seriously, it will be difficult to extricate himself if he falls too deep," Yi Tiankai explained.

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers to sacrifice the ray of Liyan, then gently pushed it to Han Liu and said, "Speaking of which, it is not easy for you to repair this ray of Liyan, I can't exchange it with you with the flame of flames." It is for the sake of being a rare commodity."

Han Liu looked at Li Yan in front of him, but he didn't know what he was thinking. After three breaths, he took out a piece of blue ice and said, "Now that things are over, let's return this thing to Daoyou Yi."

He raised his head and laughed a few times, but Yi Tian waved his hands and said, "I know this thing must be of great use to Fellow Daoist Han, if that's the case, then give it to Your Excellency."

"Yi Daoyou's generosity makes me feel a little uneasy," Han Liu replied.

"Then how about this, if we fight again in the future, how about asking Fellow Daoist Han to be merciful, as long as you can agree to this matter, I have nothing else to ask for," Yi Tian said seductively.

"Since we all know each other now, will we still have the chance to fight?" Han Liu said playfully, "Or could it be that Daoyou Yi is planning for the two conflicts in the future?"

"Who knows what will happen in the future," Yi Tian replied, "But the weakening of the Lihuo Palace in the future is also the general trend. As for the Taiqing Pavilion becoming stronger again, it is a sure thing. It is better to prevent it before it happens."

Han Liu bowed his head and thought for a while before saying: "I can only promise that if I face you next time, I will consider it at my own discretion. As long as it does not involve the interests of the sects, I can make a little concession. This is the best I can do. It's the limit."

"Okay, if it involves matters on the sect level, then we are our own masters and we can't keep our hands. If it is my personal matter, I ask Fellow Daoist Han to fulfill today's promise," Yi Tian's eyes flashed a hint of inadvertent cunning road.

After Han Liu put away the ice cubes of Li Yan and Yan Hell Demon Fire, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and waved the surrounding scene back to its original state again.Hallyu said goodbye without any fuss, arching his hands, and then his figure appeared in the hall.

At this time, I'm afraid he will still chase Ji Xingzhu to the Buddhist and Spiritual World, and he will face Chi Wuji again and confront him face to face.As for the result, it doesn't matter to him anymore, it was beyond his expectation to wipe out all the three generations of disciples in Lihuo Palace today.Even leaving a trace of resentment in the heart of Lihuo's second old Hallyu, even if they fight against each other in the future, this resentment in his heart will definitely make him unable to display it.

Thinking of facing Lihuo Erlao and Ji Xuanyuan in the future, Yi Tian felt uncertain.But one foot was already on the boat, and he couldn't help himself. After a long time, he sighed helplessly and sat down in his seat to meditate.

After a while, Qing Lianyun came slowly with Cui Fuling from the back corridor of the main hall, found a seat in the hall and sat down before asking: "Senior brother, have you settled everything?"

"Yes, from now on, none of the three generations of disciples from the Lihuo Palace will be able to come out to compete with the Taiqing Pavilion," Yi Tian replied.

"Then Lihuo Palace will definitely not let this happen," Qing Lianyun said.

"It's true, although it's an indisputable fact, even though you're reluctant," Yi Tian said, "There will definitely be a big change in the power of the three sects in the spiritual world in the future, and you will naturally have to deal with it when you are in the whirlpool."

"What about you, Junior Brother?" Qing Lianyun asked eagerly.

There was a wry smile on his face, but Yi Tian waved his hands helplessly and said, "One step is one step, and now I feel the feeling of being unable to control myself."

(End of this chapter)

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