
Chapter 1724

Chapter 1724
After solving the matter of Lihuo Palace, Yi Tian can finally breathe a sigh of relief temporarily, and after staying in Fengming City for a few days, he ushered in Wulian Daoist.Before, Qinglu sent a message that she wanted two people from her tribe to worship in Jiuxian Mountain, so she had to take a school test to decide whether she could be admitted under the gate wall.

After she arrived, Yi Tian brought Qing Lianyun, master and servant, and Qingling Qingjuan out to meet her in a hurry, and Wulian, after Jishou thanked her, fixed her eyes on Qingling and Qingjuan in a blink of an eye. The true biography of Xianshan found a problem at a glance.

After sizing up, there was an eager look on his face, he turned around and bowed to Yi Tian, ​​and then said: "Thank you, Fellow Daoist Yi, for your help. The blood power of the Qingluan clan in these two juniors is different from ordinary people. The future achievements of the sect of Xianshan will definitely be far superior to those of the same rank."

"That can only be done under the careful guidance of fellow Taoist Wulian. Such a beautiful jade needs to be carefully carved to become a talent." Yi Tian smiled back and said: "I think that with the strength of Jiuxian Mountain, there will be no shortage of good teachers, so I can be regarded as a good teacher." You can fulfill Qing Lu's entrustment."

When mentioning Qinglu Wulian, he hurriedly asked: "I don't know how many days it has been since I returned to the clan, so it is reasonable that there will be no delay."

"Fellow Wulian is also an eager lover. Qinglu has been away from Fengming City for about a few days, so there shouldn't be any problem," Yi Tian explained, "I gave him a talisman when he left. When this talisman is activated, I will receive the induction as soon as possible."

After hearing this, Wulian's expression became a little bit better, and he continued: "I see that Qingling Qingjuan has a good foundation, so I want them to worship under my senior brother Xuanjizi."

"This matter is all up to Fellow Daoist Wulian. It is the blessing of the two of them to enter Jiuxian Mountain, and it is inconvenient for me, an outsider, to say anything," Yi Tian replied.

"Then I'll send a message to invite my senior brother to come here immediately, and I'll be harassing Yi Daoyou's residence again during this period," Wulian said.

"It's okay," Yi Tian said, turning his head and telling Qing Lianyun: "There is a senior sister who is in charge here, please arrange the residence of Fellow Daoist Wulian and others properly, and we can leave together after the visit of Fellow Daoist Xuanjizi .”

Qing Lian Yun nodded in response when she heard the words, and then said: "Please also invite Senior Wu Lian and the two children to stay with me in the backyard."

Wulian heard the words, but looked at the relationship between the first three people below with a casual smile on his face, then stood up and cupped his hands towards Qing Lianyun and said: "Then interrupt for a while, fellow Taoist Qing can remove the word "senior" , I think it won't be long before you will be a member of my generation, so there is no need to pay attention to some red tape."

After everyone entered the inner courtyard, Yi Tian sat cross-legged on the hall. During this period of time, he only needs to sit here until the mysterious machine arrives.

Sitting in the hall, Yi Tian soon fell into a state of sedation after opening the forbidden barrier. I don't know how long it took for his spiritual thoughts to move slightly, only to feel a faint wave of spiritual pressure coming from outside the door.

After opening his eyes, he realized that someone was knocking on the door. With a slight movement of his spiritual thoughts, he realized that the person coming was not weaker than himself, and it must be the mystery of Jiuxian Mountain.

After gently opening the barrier in front of the door, he said through voice transmission: "Respectfully invite fellow Daoist Xuanjizi of Jiuxian Mountain."

Not long after, an echo came from outside the door: "You Daoist Yi, you are welcome."

Shaoqing only saw a forty-year-old Taoist, wearing a Taoist robe and with three long beards, walked slowly into the hall, and bowed his head when he saw him.At the same time, hurried footsteps came from the corridor in the back hall, and it was Qing Lianyun, master and servant, and Wu Lian who had received the news from him, leading Qing Ling and Qing Juan to come.

After a while of greetings, everyone sat down as guest and host. Xuanjizi glanced at the two children and locked on to the two children. With successors, it can be guaranteed to be passed on for thousands of years."

Being able to make him say such an evaluation shows that these two juniors of the Qingluan clan do have great potential.Wulian Zhenren also said with a smile on his face: "It's rare to see senior brother laughing so heartily. It's really rare. Forgive my poor eyesight, I wonder if senior brother has discovered any differences in these two children?"

Xuanjizi glanced at the look of hesitating to speak, Yi Tian naturally understood, and hurriedly said: "This matter may involve the secrets of the monster clan, if it is too inconvenient for me, please leave first." After finishing speaking, he was ready to get up
"Yi Daoyou is polite, but there is no need to be so," Wulian Daoist hastily opened his mouth to stop him: "Yi Daoyou is favored by the red-bearded patriarch, brother, don't lose your courtesy."

Hearing this Xuanji's complexion changed suddenly, he stood up hurriedly and said to Yi Tian again: "I don't know that it's the patriarch's year-end friendship, Xuanji is rude. This time, thank you Daoist Yi for his kindness to make me such a good disciple in Jiuxianshan. "

"Brother Dao doesn't need to be polite, please take a seat," Yi Tian hurriedly replied.

"There are no outsiders here, please tell me the truth," Wulian Zhenren said.

Xuanji nodded his head before returning to his seat, and then explained: "There are many branches in the monster clan, one of which is the descendant of the intermarriage between the big monster and the monks of the human race, commonly known as the 'half demon'."

Wu Lian heard the words, but her face was foggy and she asked: "What is a 'half demon', please tell me everything?"

"Usually the monks of the monster race will focus on the concentration of blood as their path, but this branch of the 'half monster' is not. It can usually bring together the advantages of the two races," Xuanjizi said, stroking his beard.

"That means that this 'half demon' is far more powerful than the monks of the two races, and will be able to go further on the road in the future," Cui Fuling who stood aside blurted out.

It is not uncommon for monks in the integration stage to be interrupted by monks in the distraction stage. Seeing this, Cui Fuling hurriedly took a step back and stood behind Qing Lianyun, very much like a child who has done something wrong.Qing Lianyun had an embarrassing look on her face, and hastily explained: "The servant has offended senior with his words regardless of good or bad, please calm down."

Wulian Daoist hastily moved his lips a few times and explained to Xuanjizi through sound transmission. After sweeping his eyes, the latter replied with a smile: "You don't need to blame yourself, Fellow Daoist Cui. What you said is not bad. Yao's potential is far higher than that of the same level, if it is properly cultivated, it will definitely become a generation leader in the future."

After hearing this, all the people present came back to their senses. It turned out that this was the case. No wonder Xuanjizi came here in such a hurry after receiving the summons.

Suddenly Yi Tian frowned slightly and shouted loudly: "That fellow Taoist, please show up when you visit."

There was a wave of spiritual pressure fluttering over the courtyard, and the intensity was not weaker than that of any ninth-level demon venerable present.Yi Tian weighed it up and found that the person who came was slightly stronger than himself, and immediately explained to everyone around him with a solemn expression.

(End of this chapter)

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