
Chapter 1725

Chapter 1725
Everyone in the hall was discussing how to make Qingling Qingjuan worship Jiuxian Mountain.Suddenly there was a voice in the air, and after three breaths, a cyan light was seen falling in the courtyard.

A [-]-year-old man walked out of the light, but Qing Lu was behind him.I saw the old man walking and saying: "Nine Immortals Mountain is so big, why don't you just take my people away without saying hello? Even if it is theory, you are at a loss in front of senior red beard."

Xuanjizi's complexion changed slightly and he replied: "It turns out that he is Taoist Xuanshan, the elder of the Qingluan clan. Please come in and discuss everything in detail."

I saw Qingxuanshan strode into the room, looked at everyone present, and finally locked his eyes on Qingling Qingjuan.A strange light flashed in his eyes, and his expression changed slightly, and he blurted out: "It's so rich in blood."

"Everyone is a guest, so please save face. Let's sit down and chat slowly," Yi Tian, ​​as the host, had no choice but to bite the bullet and say.

Hearing this, Qingxuan Mountain turned around and looked at Yi Tian, ​​then walked up and sat down on the empty seat on one side.Later, Cai Jishou said: "Qing Lu has already told me all the previous things, the old man Qingxuanshan is here to thank the human race friend Daoist Yi for his help."

"You're welcome, this is a big gift that can't be afforded by Taoist Xuanshan," Yi Tian replied with a smile on his face.

Judging from today's situation, I'm afraid it's not easy to deal with it, and Qingxuan Mountain's menacing approach may also be aware of this internal problem.On the other hand, the two people in Jiuxian Mountain also looked embarrassed. Who knew that it was a coincidence that Xuanjizi cut Qingxuan Mountain halfway after Xuanjizi arrived. At this time, he was probably already thinking about how to deal with it.

Qing Lianyun and the two who stood behind also lost their way and walked behind Yi Tian. They could only watch this occasion, and at the same time they were secretly worried that Yi Tian would show up and make enemies everywhere in the demon world.

Then I saw Qing Lu walk into the hall and salute towards Qingxuan Mountain before walking behind Wu Lian. The situation on the scene instantly became a three-party game.The Qingluan tribe wanted to take the two children back, even if they faced two demon cultivators from Jiuxian Mountain, they were not weak at all.

It's just that what he is worried about is the spiritual cultivation of the human race from the neutral side. It is obvious that the people from Jiuxian Mountain will be the first to get Yi Tian's approval.

The scene fell into silence for a while, and after half a moment, Xuanjizi coughed lightly and spoke first: "I don't know what is the purpose of Taoist Xuanshan's visit today?"

"Isn't this a question knowingly?" Qingxuanshan replied sharply: "My clan Qinglu came across Qingling Qingjuan brother and sister who were separated on the way home. Now, as the patriarch, I naturally want to take them back to the clan."

"Why, I heard from Qinglu that some people in the Qingluan clan don't want to see these two children go back this time. If Fellow Daoist Xuanshan insists on going his own way, it might be bad. What will happen in the Qingluan clan that will not benefit the two of them? , I'm afraid it will be the damage of my demon world," Wulian Daoist pointed out sharply from the side.

Qingxuanshan squinted his eyes and looked at Wulian for a while, then snorted coldly: "Some disputes in the clan are inevitable, but this old man can protect the lives of the two children by himself."

"Fellow Taoist Xuanshan's words are wrong," Xuanjizi said hastily, "These two are the chosen ones, their own blood is strong, as long as they teach them a little bit, their future achievements will surely surpass those of you and me."

"That's exactly what I'm concerned with. The Qingluan clan must be carried forward in my hands, so it's my unshirkable responsibility to take over their Hui clan," Qingxuanshan said: "Is this how your Jiuxian Mountain recruits talents from all over the world? , this matter must be explained to me, otherwise even if the trouble is raised in front of the red-bearded patriarch, you have to explain it clearly."

When Xuanjizi mentioned the name of the red-bearded ape, his face moved slightly, and he thought for a while before replying: "Even if this matter is brought before the master, I am afraid that Fellow Daoist Xuanshan will first seek the opinions of the next two parties. "

As soon as this statement came out, everyone's eyes lit up. Xuanjizi's statement was true. No matter what, the person concerned must agree to it.

Sure enough, when the two children had seen such a scene, Qing Ling was startled and cried 'Wow'.On the contrary, Qingjuan, who is the younger sister, said: "My brother and sister have come all the way from the spirit world, relying on the human race's spiritual cultivation to protect them. Today's matter is not something that the ancestors can decide with one word. Everything must be done." To be honest, if we are forcibly sent back to the clan, it is not what we think."

The tense look on Qingxuanshan's face relaxed slightly, and with kind Dema eyes in his eyes, he said: "Your mother, Caiyu, is also my youngest daughter. Back then, the clan insisted on marrying Lingxiu. Suppress it, otherwise the clan would have sent experts to the spirit world to hunt down and kill it. This time, I also meant to take you back to the clan. Although some people secretly blocked it, Grandpa promised that he would be good in the future. take care of you and cultivate you into talents."

Unexpectedly, Qingxuan Mountain would suddenly play the family card, and Qingling Qingjuan obviously acted after hearing her mother's name.Turning around, he looked at Qing Lu who was standing aside, as if asking her.

Qing Lu nodded helplessly, and slightly moved the corner of her mouth to explain to them through voice transmission.

Later, the two children came out crying with a loud cry, went forward and threw themselves into Qingxuanshan's arms.Yi Tian, ​​Qing Lianyun and the others all showed embarrassment when there was another turning point in such a scene.

In terms of emotion and reason, if Qingxuanshan really started with family affection, Xuanjizi would have to get Qingxuanshan's approval if he wanted to accept them as disciples.Even making trouble in front of the red-bearded patriarch cannot avoid this fact.

Yi Tian frowned slightly and said, "It's very lively today, and there are fellow Taoists coming to visit."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw another ray of light descending from the sky into the courtyard, and when the ray of light faded, it was Meng Luan from the Fire Phoenix Clan who came from it.After she walked into the hall, Jishou bowed to the four monks of the same rank and said: "It's so lively today, I didn't expect to make the four fellow Taoists suffer because of the two juniors of the Qingluan clan."

The four of them stood up and returned the salute. Naturally, they had to give enough face to the Yaozun, the most powerful clan in the demon world.As the host, Yi Tian had no choice but to put his head on the line and said, "It turns out that it is Fellow Daoist Mengluan, please take a seat."

"This Taoist friend is a stranger, we have never met before, how do you recognize me?" Meng Luan asked.

"The Huofeng clan is well-known, and Fellow Daoist Mengluan is also an important figure in the demon world, so I've heard of it a little bit," Yi Tian said casually as a compliment.He couldn't say that it was Xiong Erbao who got the news about her, otherwise it would definitely arouse her fury.

 Thanks for the support of Jiezhiyuan

(End of this chapter)

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