
Chapter 1726 Negotiated

Chapter 1726 Negotiated
In the hall, Meng Luan's sudden visit must be the reinforcements invited by Qingxuan Mountain. With Meng Xin's relationship, Yi Tian knows that it is best not to conflict with Meng Luan.

On the scene, the four ninth-level demon venerables looked at each other in pairs and saw that they were about to reach a stalemate, and Xuanjizi said again: "Fellow Daoist Mengluan's visit today was also invited by Fellow Daoist Xuanshan, but at this time, I still need to listen to the details in the middle, and I can make a judgment later?"

"I have nothing to do," Meng Luan found a vacant seat beside Qingxuan Mountain and sat down, and then replied calmly: "I have nothing to say to others, and I also like to spread things out. If the cause and effect are clarified, I believe there will be twists and turns in everyone’s minds.”

Having said this, Wulian's face brightened, and she continued: "At this time, the cause and effect of the little apprentice Qinglu is involved in it, and it is most appropriate for her to describe it."

Seeing Meng Luan nodded slightly, Qing Lu stepped forward and briefly explained the ins and outs of the matter under Wu Lian's gesture.The content in it is naturally the same as what Qingxuan Mountain said before, without any embellishments.

After hearing this, Meng Luan also frowned slightly, and after Qing Lu stepped back, she turned around and bowed to Yi Tianji, who was in the middle, and said, "Thank you, Fellow Daoist Yi, for your generous help."

"Fellow Daoist Mengluan is polite, it's just a little effort for me," Yi Tian replied with a smile.

Qingxuan Mountain on the side found an opening to interject: "Fellow Daoist Mengluan, can you listen to the old man's words before making a decision."

"Fellow Daoist Xuanshan is polite, please go ahead and listen carefully," Meng Luan's voice sounded again.Although she got the general idea of ​​the matter from Qing Lu's mouth, she could guess some of the truths in it.But today, she was entrusted by the Qingluan clan. If she is overwhelmed by the Jiuxianshan faction, she, an elder of the Huofeng clan, will sweep down the majesty of the clan in the future, and it will not be easy to make up for the impact she received.

After Qingxuanshan understood, he revealed his relationship with the two children in detail, and made a promise that in the future, the Qingluan tribe will appropriately divert resources to train these two children.

After he finished speaking, Meng Luan sighed and said: "Speaking of which, both of you have your own opinions, but the family relationship is hard to break. How can the two fellow Taoists in Jiuxian Mountain ignore the relationship between their children?"

After all, Mengluan was still helping Qingxuan Mountain, Wulian and Xuanjizi looked at each other, naturally they could see the meaning in their eyes.But such good disciples are not allowed to give in at will, and it is not difficult to see from their vicious eyes that maybe it is the two children in front of them who will be able to carry forward their morality thousands of years later.

After thinking about it for a while, Xuanjizi lowered his head and began to discuss with Mengluan through sound transmission. Today, it seems that it is impossible to accept them all.The best way is to soak one side with rain and dew, so that both sides have money and will not lose face.

Hearing this, Meng Luan's face seemed to have finally softened a little, he nodded slightly and began to communicate with Qingxuan Mountain again.After hearing this, the latter first revealed a bit of unwillingness in his eyes, and then sighed and lowered his head helplessly to agree.

It's just that when Mengluan discussed with Xuanjizi again, the two sides seemed to have some disagreements, and in the end even Mengluan's face became ugly.

Only Xuanjizi said: "Since we have discussed the solution, can we listen to the opinions of the two children?"

"No, this matter must not be judged by the child's own opinion," Qingxuanshan interrupted hastily, obviously if he suffered a big loss by this method, he would naturally oppose it with all his strength.

Meng Luan also spoke up to defend: "Since fellow Taoist Xuanjizi proposed the solution, we need to listen to fellow Taoist Xuanshan's opinion on how to implement it."

Even though it was Mingli's help, Li Xuanji was immediately stunned and had nothing to say, so he had to bear with it for the time being.Qingxuanshan thought for a while before saying: "Since we each take one back, then of course it is a question of who will choose first. How about I propose a gamble with fellow Taoist Xuanjizi, the winner will be the first to choose."

Xuanjizi has a difficult face. In terms of strength, he is not much different from Qingxuan Mountain. It is difficult to predict the outcome of a fight.But there is still Meng Luan of the Fire Phoenix Clan here, who doesn't know what they will do next.Xuanjizi couldn't make up his mind for a while, but Wulian Zhenren on the other hand bowed his head and spoke to him through voice transmission.

Later, Xuanjizi said: "The gambling time is too long, why not limit it to three moves and let the three fellow daoists present make a judgment."

"It's a good deal, I don't want to offend the fellow Taoists of Jiuxian Mountain, so the test is just right," Qingxuanshan said: "Then let's make a quick decision, let's go outside and compete in the air."

"Wait a minute, the two fellow daoists are at the level of Yaozun. If they fight in the sky above Fengming City, it will definitely cause panic in the city," Yi Tian said in a timely manner: "It's better to compete in my alien space, or let go of your hands and feet. scruples."

After saying that, he stretched out his hand and waved, and a black and white light gathered above everyone's heads, forming the appearance of a Tai Chi diagram.Then it fell from top to bottom, covering the space around it, and everyone realized that the sitting scene changed again in an instant.At this moment, everyone has appeared in the endless black space, and Yi Tian has a blue light protecting Qing Lianyun and Cui Fuling behind him.

As for Wulian Zhenren, a golden ray of light appeared on his body, enveloping Qing Lu and the two children.But Meng Luan looked at Yi Tian solemnly and said, "The space supernatural power 'Different Space' of Taiqing Pavilion is really powerful, and Daoist Yi is a real person who doesn't show his face."

"You're welcome, Fellow Daoist Mengluan praises you a lot, a little trick is nothing to worry about," Yi Tian replied with a faint smile.

Cui Fuling who was behind was Chuanying and Qing Lianyun and said: "What a small way, this guy is obviously pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. I'm afraid that few people in the sect who cultivate supernatural powers close to each other can reach this level."

Qing Lianyun replied with a smile: "You have also cultivated this supernatural power, as long as the refining is great, you don't need to be inferior."

A strange look flashed in Cui Fuling's eyes, and then she looked at Yi Tian who was standing in front, but she didn't know what she was thinking.

At this time, Xuanjizi and Qingxuanshan flew to the distance, and the pressure fluctuations on their bodies were raised sharply, and then they each took out their spiritual weapons and sacrificed them in their hands.A little later, I saw a phantom emerging from behind Qingxuan Mountain, which turned out to be a blue luan bird as big as three feet.Xuying raised his head high and a crisp bird song resounded from his mouth.

Yi Tian's complexion changed slightly and he said inwardly: "This Qingxuan Mountain really has a few brushes, and it can be cultivated to the point where the body of the Dharma is solid, but I don't know how much strength his Dharma can exert on the body."

As for Xuanjizi in front of him, he didn't show any timidity on his face. After looking at it, he reached out and took out three turtle shell-shaped charms, offering them up and wrapping them around his body.

(End of this chapter)

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