
Chapter 1727 End

Chapter 1727 End
Faced with Xuanjizi's understatement, many people present showed suspicion on their faces.Especially those demon cultivators naturally know that after cultivating the Dharma to a solid state, they can refine the second soul incarnation. With the strength of Qingxuan Mountain, although there is still a little distance from that state, it is not far away.

Unexpectedly, Xuanjizi responded in such a way, which naturally made people feel a little confused.It's just that Yi Tian's eyes showed an extremely dignified look. From the three tortoise shell charms, it can be seen that this move is just an ordinary defensive magical power.

But if Xuanjizi is a proficient array talisman master, it is another matter. The three-talent defense formation formed by the three tortoise shell talismans around him seems simple, but it is not fully activated. Once attacked, it will change.

Sure enough, after the crisp bird song, the phantom of Qingluan behind Qingxuanshan under the seal of both hands turned into a sharp blue light, cut through the black void, and greeted Xuanjizi.

The spiritual pressure fluctuations in the air were aroused, and the place where the two fought was about a hundred miles away from everyone, but the protective shields made by the rapidly surging spiritual power fluctuations around them trembled rapidly.It seems that it will only appear after being severely criticized.

Then a wave of spiritual pressure struck, and in front of everyone, a hurricane of more than ten sheets long swept across, covering the figures of Qingxuanshan and Xuanjizi.

I didn't expect that the two of them would fight in this alien space to cause such a big battle. If they really shot in the sky above Fengming City, it might destroy the entire city.At this time, Meng Luan also turned his head to look at Yi Tian, ​​deeply admiring his far-sighted vision and the strength of this space magic power.

Now that he has taken action as a witness, Meng Luan, who is the host of this place, is naturally duty bound.At least the prestige of the Fire Phoenix Clan should not be underestimated.

A red aura flashed in front of him, and Meng Luan, who was standing aside, also made a move at this time.I saw the two spells on her hands were sacrificed and submerged into the hurricane to fix them in place. After three breaths, they slowly disintegrated.

At this time, the figures of the two people in the distance once again appeared a cyan halo, which hit Xuanjizi's defense and was completely blocked.The three tortoise shell talismans transformed into a golden transparent ball to protect the mysterious machine in the middle.

Although the green light transformed by Qingluan's phantom kept attacking the golden ball, it still couldn't break through the defense.

"Xuanjizi should be a grand master of formations. Although he can't rely on the spiritual veins of heaven and earth in the alien space, it is not easy to deploy formations with his own spiritual power to resist such a strong offensive," Yi Tian said slowly after seeing it. .

"Junior brother is also proficient in this way, so naturally he can see the clues. In your opinion, what is the result of this battle?" Qing Lianyun behind heard the words and replied.

"Xuanjizi has the upper hand to stabilize the pressure, and he doesn't seem to be planning to counterattack but just defuses the offensive with magical powers and secret techniques. It is really clever to subdue the enemy without fighting," Yi Tian said in a deep voice.

As soon as the words fell, Qingxuan Mountain in the distance seemed to have moved, and the whole figure flashed not far from the front of Xuanjizi.After clapping both palms, the blue light on the hands exploded and turned into a one-foot-sized blue light ball, and threw it towards Xuanjizi's face.

The place where the light ball went seemed to be safe, but Yi Tian could feel that the surrounding alien space was distorted.Mostly because it was too powerful and began to forcibly draw and devour the surrounding spiritual power.

Xuanjizi's face also showed an unprecedented solemn expression, and it seemed difficult to take the move if it remained the same.He reached out and patted his waist and took out a gray cloth bag, put away the tortoise shells around his side and exposed his body.

Muttering words in his mouth, he raised the gray cloth bag quickly and turned it into a size of ten feet. He opened his mouth and aimed at the blue ball of light and forcibly pulled it over.

After putting the light ball into the cloth bag, Xuanjizi hurriedly moved the cloth bag several times to a farther place in the different dimension.

There was a bewildering sound of 'crash', and the cloth bag burst from the inside and the outside after being torn apart again.The cyan light ball exploded at the same time, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations scattered around formed a series of spiritual pressure waves, which hit Yi Tian and the others.

Even thousands of miles away, those spiritual pressure waves made the protective shield shine violently in time.Wulian Daoist had to take care of the three people behind him, and it was naturally more difficult, and he even took out a defensive spiritual weapon and put it in front of him to resist it.

As for Yi Tian, ​​he stretched out his right index finger and drew a Tai Chi circle in front of him, and then cut off the space area again from his own different dimension space, and sent out all the waves of spiritual pressure in front of him.

This hand made the complexions of the nine-level demon masters present slightly changed. This inadvertent show of a hand can prove that Yi Tian's extraordinary strength is definitely not inferior to any one of them.

After a while, Qingxuanshan stopped what he was doing, as if he was talking with Xuanji through voice transmission in private.Not long after, Xuanjizi nodded and replied, as if he was not going to continue.I saw the two of them flew back to stop not far away, and Xuanjizi said: "Brother Xuanshan and I were evenly matched in today's competition. We also agreed to take a child back with us. , Let them reunite every 500 years. After leaving the teacher, they can follow their ideas, if they want to stay in the sect or return to the clan, they will not interfere."

"It's so good, do you know if the two can be assigned good candidates?" Wulian Daoist asked.

"This old man brought Qingling back to the clan, and it is his mission to carry on the family line, there is nothing wrong with that," Qingxuanshan said: "And I will devote all the strength of the whole clan to nurturing him, you can rest assured on this point."

"Qing Ling followed me back to Nine Immortals Mountain to practice Taoism. With her aptitude, she can inherit my mantle and carry forward the sect's orthodoxy," Xuanjizi continued.

"Since the two of you have made an agreement, it's a great pleasure to stop in time," Yi Tian stretched out his hand and swayed around the dark scene and changed back to the hall where he was sitting just now.

Those juniors were surprised to find that the positions they stood in hadn't changed at all after they came back, and the demon masters were still sitting in their original seats.

Even Deqing Lianyun secretly admired Yi Tian for being able to refine space magic to such an extent.On the contrary, Xuanjizi's face inadvertently flashed a strange color, and then he lowered his head and sound transmission seemed to mutter a few words.

When Yi Tian heard the words, there was a flash of light in his eyes, and then he just nodded slightly.

After the two children said their goodbyes briefly, Qingxuanshan led Qingling back to the clan land.Meng Luan said goodbye to the three fellow Taoists one by one, and then left together.

Shaoqing Xuanjizi said to Wulian Daoist: "Junior Sister, wait a moment, and I will have a few words with Yi Daoyou in private."

Wu Lian Hui Yi took Qing Lu and Qing Juan to retreat first, and Qing Lian Yun Hui Yi brought Cui Fu Ling back to the back porch.

(End of this chapter)

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