
Chapter 1731 Longtan Swamp 3 Escape

Chapter 1731 Longtan Swamp Three Escapes
From time to time, strong spiritual pressure fluctuations came from the fog in the Longtan swamp, which was the result of the fierce attack of two spells.Yi Tian stared at the attack of the spiritual pressure fluctuations, set up the light and quickly approached the fighting area ahead.

No need to think about it, it must be Yan Peigong who has this strength, Yi Tian held his breath and approached less than three miles before he found that the two people in front of him stopped suddenly.Then an old voice came and said: "Who is sneaky and hasn't shown up quickly."

After listening to Yi Tian, ​​he saw a ray of spiritual light piercing through the fog and attacking in his direction.Unexpectedly, Yan Peigong was so powerful that he could find himself approaching secretly at the first time.

Without thinking too much, Yi Tian combined his hands together, chanting words in the seal of the law, and golden characters flew out to meet the aura of the other party.

This kind of Tianlei eight-tone secret technique Pudian naturally recognized it, so he immediately knew the identity of the visitor.Then he pulled back and walked around directly in the direction of Yi Tian.

Tianlei Bayin and the opponent's aura exploded immediately after the fierce collision in the air.Under one move, neither side took any advantage, and Yan Peigong also noticed Putian's movements, only to see that he didn't care about the identity of the visitor and even chased him from behind.

Under the unfavorable situation of one pair and two, he did not show timidity, but Yi Tian's complexion changed drastically. Although the other two have not been detected in the divine sense, they must not be far away at this time.

Putian teleported to him not far away, then bowed his head and transmitted the sound transmission: "That guy is not easy to mess with, and his strength is extraordinary, what is the best strategy for the younger brother?"

"Before the other two accomplices arrive, let's get rid of him first." After speaking, Yi Tian put his hands together and drew a three-foot Tai Chi pattern on his chest.

At the same time, he muttered something in his mouth and said, the Yin-Yang fish opened in the middle is a space channel.Immediately he shouted: "If you don't leave now, when will you wait?"

Putian also knew how to get out and turned into Dao Jinguang and entered headfirst, and Yi Tian followed closely behind and entered.In an instant, the figures of the two disappeared into the space passage, and the Yin-Yang Fish disappeared without a trace after the passage gate of the Yin-Yang Fish was closed.

A little later, the familiar aura pierced the void and knew exactly where the two of them were just now.A huge snake shadow appeared in the mist, and after swaying in the air, it returned to its willful appearance.If Yi Tian is still there, maybe he can find out Yan Peigong's real appearance from the clues.

At the same time, a gate with a three-foot-sized Taiji pattern appeared in another part of the Longtan Swamp for no reason.After the middle opened, two figures flew out from it, it was Yi Tian and Putian.

After reversing in the air, he stretched out his hand and made a gesture towards the Tai Chi Gate, and then disappeared without a trace.Taking a breath, Yi Tiancai asked, "Why did senior brother bump into Yan Peigong?"

"I don't know how I was discovered by him. I have been restrained and kept a very long distance from them. I only narrowed the distance after entering the Longtan Swamp," Pu Dian replied.

"How is Yan Peigong's strength? Although I didn't fight him head-on just now, I can also feel that his strength is extraordinary, definitely above you and me," Yi Tian asked.

"I found that he seems to have a good location, and the most troublesome thing is that I can't see the true face of Lord Yan Pei," Putian replied helplessly.

He stretched out his hand and patted his waist, and a golden light flew out from it, turning into a humanoid figure of Yishun not far in front of the two of them.After seeing Yi Tian and Pu Dian, Yi Shun said first, "I've seen two fellow Taoists, but I don't know why I'm suddenly summoned at this time?"

"I don't dare to be sent, but now we have gone deep into the Longtan Swamp. Brother Qianfan has already fought with Yan Pei, so I want to ask fellow Taoist Yishun to ask," Yi Tian hurriedly replied.

Putian flew forward and briefly explained how he followed the three of them and how he fought with Yan Peigong.Finally, he thought for a while before asking: "I found that Mr. Yan Pei's strength is extraordinary, and he can activate some of the dragon's secrets after activating the blood of the real dragon."

"Activating the blood of the real dragon, I didn't expect him to be able to do this so quickly," Yishun said with a surprised face when he heard the words: "What trick did he use?"

"The two moves of Longwei and Longhou," Putian thought for a while before replying, "Then Longwei forced me to keep my mind tight after the actual battle, otherwise I would be in chaos under his influence."

"This is a relatively common move in the secret arts of the Dragon Clan. Has Master Putian discovered anything else?" Yishun asked.

"If you want to say it's weird, it's the dragon's roar. Speaking of which, it's not the first time I've heard a dragon's roar, but Yan Peigong's dragon's roar seems to be mixed with a lot of noise, as if there are other people screaming together. " Putian replied.

"Why are there other people here?" Yi Tian said puzzled, "If that's the case, the other party would have attacked the senior brother long ago."

Unexpectedly, Yishun's complexion changed drastically when he heard the words, and he pondered for a long time before he said: "Before, I also had doubts about Yan Peigong's true identity. If he peeped at my real dragon blood, it must be a dragon or a snake. A family. But I found that he does not seem to be any kind of snake demon cultivator I am familiar with."

"What kind of monster would it be?" Putian asked: "I can feel unprecedented pressure when I fight against him, as if I am outnumbered."

"If this is the case, I can already know why he got so close to the two traitors, Dilong and Hunyun," Yishun said, "Maybe it's the mutant monster double-headed snake, or other snakes. Wild alien species."

As soon as this remark came out, Yi Tian quickly searched for the corresponding information in his mind, and then sighed and said, "I have never seen the kind of demon spirits you mentioned, Fellow Daoist Yishun, but I don't know what to do next." How should I deal with Yan Peigong?"

"I hope he's just a mutated snake. If it's really a wild species, that would be amazing," Yishun also sighed, "There was a wild species in the Yuanhao Dynasty 6 years ago, but After the collapse of the dynasty, he was also killed on the spot. I hope that he will not have anything to do with Yan Peigong."

Hearing this, Yi Tian showed a dignified expression and said: "I think it should be the seniors of the Huojiao clan who made the move. If Yan Peigong is really a descendant of that prehistoric alien species, he would not let any of the Huojiao people go. .”

"That's natural. If the worst happens, it will be a catastrophe in this world," Yishun said angrily.

"It's too late to say anything now, let's discuss how to deal with it," Pudian who was on the side interjected.

After thinking for a while, Yishun silently communicated with the two through voice transmission, and then said later: "The next time you see Yan Peigong, you can use this method to test it out. You may not be able to force him to show his feet, and I will be in the imperial beast If you observe quietly in the bag, as long as you have some clues, you will be able to find out his truth."

(End of this chapter)

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