
Chapter 1732 Longtan Swamp 4 Repair

Chapter 1732 Longtan Swamp Four Repairs
Yi Tian and Putian walked together in the Longtan Swamp. This time, both of their faces were full of worries. Needless to say, Putian and Yan Pei were restrained everywhere after the hand-off. If Yi Tian hadn't arrived in time, they would have been trapped .

Now the other three were probably on the alert, and the two of them had lost the opportunity in the Longtan Swamp, so it became very difficult to get closer to snoop.

Fortunately, now that the two are working together, even if they meet each other, they can leave calmly. After flying a certain distance, Yi Tian asked: "Why is senior brother staring at the three of them? Is there any other inside story?" ?”

Putian, who was leading the way in front, turned his head and sighed. The corner of his mouth moved a few times to transmit the sound transmission: "That Dugu Jackie Chan can also be regarded as my old opponent, a fit monk in the Heavenly Demon Clan. Back then, he and I had the same relationship." I have fought against him before, so I naturally know more about his personality than others."

"Why is there something wrong with this person?" Yi Tian asked with a slight frown. Hearing his brother's tone, he seemed to have some indissoluble bond with this person. They must have been old opponents for many years.

"Although Dugu Jackie Chan is a member of the Heavenly Demon Clan, he also practiced the mystical powers of other races. This man is a man of amazing talent. I also met him back then and knew that he traveled around all walks of life in search of secrets and ancestors. The ruins enhance one's own cultivation," Putian replied.

"Then senior brother thinks that Dugu Jackie Chan came to the demon world to focus on the remains of the monster dragon in Longtan Swamp, right?" Yi Tian asked.

"Nine times out of ten, it should be, and as you said, Yan Peigong and Earth Dragon Master are both incarnations of snakes, so they will be interested in the previous generation of demon spirits. It is not surprising that the three of them hit it off and joined forces to investigate," Pu said. Dian explained.

"It seems to be a troublesome matter, but it's not convenient for me to inform the Huojiao people now. The situation of fellow Daoist Yishun may cause some misunderstandings," Yi Tian said.

"Let's take one step at a time. Although our strength is obviously inferior to them, we can always find opportunities if we wait for the opportunity." Putian is not a person who will admit defeat. He was at a disadvantage in the hands of Yan Peigong before, but now he is full of thoughts. They are all thinking about how to deal with him.

The two were on their way, when suddenly they saw a golden light flashing from a distance, heading straight to the top of the sky.If you look at this scale from a distance, you can see it clearly from five thousand miles away. Maybe there will be a large number of foreign monks gathering near Longtan Swamp soon.It will be a matter of time before they even alarm the big clan demon cultivators nearby.

Yi Tian and Putian looked at each other, and they both saw each other's horror.Immediately, the aura around him once again increased his speed, speeding up by three minutes and galloping towards the location of the light source.

After a short time, they came to the vicinity, but found that the source of the golden beam of light was the formation pattern around the valley in front of them. At this moment, a three-foot-sized hole appeared in the northwest corner of the sealing formation.There are countless black evil spirits leaking out of it. Fortunately, it has the ability to self-recover after sealing the large formation to connect the earth veins. Now it is constantly absorbing spiritual power to repair the gap.

It's just that the leaked demonic aura instantly polluted the surrounding swamp area, and everywhere it went seemed to be covered with a layer of black ink.

Seeing this, Yi Tian opened his mouth and said: "Brother, quickly purify the evil spirits, I will check the formation and fill in the gaps, otherwise the leakage of the evil spirits will surely make the living in this world burn."

"Good junior brother, you should be careful too," Putian sat down cross-legged in the air after speaking, then took out the wooden fish Buddhist bead magic vessel and began to chant sutras continuously.

After the golden scripture characters came out of his mouth, they slowly formed a huge net in the air, covering the whole world.After the leaked black demonic energy was caught by the big golden net, it started to rush left and right as if it had encountered a nemesis.

Yi Tian took this opportunity to activate the protective cover around himself, and then quickly scanned the surrounding patterns to investigate.

There is obviously an ancient formation in these surroundings, and everyone does not enter the sealing formation to isolate the evil spirit inside from the outside world.And Yi Tian also knew in his heart that he did this only because he couldn't completely solve the besieged demon dragon inside.

If it is really the formation enchantment laid by the red-bearded spirit ape, then his formation attainment is very brilliant. After scanning with Yi Tian's divine sense, he found that the formation pattern here seems to have two layers.One is a trap formation pattern written in 'golden seal script', and there is another formation pattern inscribed in the spirit world script on the outside, which seems to be specially used to gather evil spirits.There is a difference of thousands of years between the two layers of formations, and it seems that one of the seniors realized the problem later and made another move.

It was only after seeing this that Yi Tian understood in his heart, it is estimated that this should be arranged by two people.The latter's formation skills are obviously weaker, but fortunately, there is still this layer of formation restrictions that restricts the interior and isolates most of the evil spirits.

Now that these formations are forcibly breached from the outside world, the magic energy will leak out. Fortunately, the inner sealing formation written in golden seal script and the ground veins here can absorb spiritual power to repair themselves.

Seeing this, Yi Tian had a plan in mind, took out the rune pen and ink and began to modify the original pattern.Yi Tian's idea is also very simple to make corresponding modifications on the basis of the original pattern.Originally, the surrounding demon-sealing formation could only be maintained to prevent the evil spirit inside from leaking out. In the long run, as the evil spirit inside continued to gather, there would be a day when it could not be maintained.

The Demon Sealing Formation is attached to the base of the Four Spirit Sealing Formation written in golden seal script, which is also a tricky thing to say.From the side, it is also constantly borrowing the spiritual power of the four spirits.

What I have to do now is not just to repair it, but to fully integrate the original parasitic Demon Sealing Formation into it, so as to intercept all the evil spirits inside.

Moreover, Yi Tian is still writing, deliberately converting all the spiritual world scripts into "golden seal script", and at the same time slowly injecting the power of the Buddhist sect into the array patterns.In this way, by relying on the power of the powerful Buddhist sect after the large formation is connected to the ground veins, the evil spirit in the sealing formation can be purified.

Although this process will last for a long time, there will always be an end under the ebb and flow, and it is indeed a hundred times stronger than the original method of just using the seal.

Yi Tian's divine thoughts swept across Pudian behind him, and he had already used his supernatural powers to restrain all the evil spirits leaking around him. Although the purification speed was not fast, he could clearly feel that the evil spirits around him were much thinner than before. .

The rune pen in his hand was stained with spiritual ink without stopping, and Yi Tianbi Zong Youlong quickly circled the valley in front of him to replace the original pattern.

When the last stroke was made, his hands were quickly knotted in seals, and he said after muttering: "Turn the world around, and the two formations will become one."

In an instant, the valley under the feet shook violently, and in an instant the golden light lit up, and the two formations perfectly merged together to form a new formation.And the gap that was forcibly opened was restored as before, and the entire valley was once again covered by a golden aura.

(End of this chapter)

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