
Chapter 1733 Longtan Swamp 5 Tracking

Chapter 1733 Longtan Swamp Five Tracking
Obviously, the three of Yan and Peigong forcibly opened the formation restriction under their joint efforts, so that he and Pu Dian were behind the mantis catching cicadas and cut off their retreat.

What's left becomes a situation of catching a turtle in a urn. According to visual estimation, even with the combination of Yishun and the three of them, the strength is still slightly inferior to the opponent.After discussing with Putian, the two still decided to enter the formation to check the reality, no matter how bad it is, they can rely on the four spirits to deal with each other.

At the same time, Putian also unambiguously took out a communication jade slip, quickly wrote down the message, activated it and sent it out.

After a while, Pu Dian replied in a deep voice: "Let's go, let's go in first to see the situation. I have already notified the Patriarch of the Huofeng Clan, and I think they will come directly after receiving the information."

"Okay, brother, wait for me to open the formation door and leave an entrance and exit for the people behind to enter." After finishing speaking, Yi Tian quickly made a seal with his hands and said to the formation door in front of him: "The universe is boundless, Follow my way." The light film of the formation opened the gate to a three-foot-wide and seven-foot-high formation, just enough for one person to enter and exit.

The golden light flashing through the doorway seems to contain the supreme Buddha power. If Yi Tian and Putian walk through this door, they will be safe. If it is Moxiu who stands out from it, it must be baptized and purified by the Buddha's light.

After entering the formation, Yi Tian found that this place is not as simple as the outside world sees it. The valley, which was originally thought to be only about [-] miles in radius, now looks like a Xumi space.The air is filled with extremely strong demonic evil energy, and its source seems to be in the depths of this Xumi space.

Looking up at the sky thousands of miles away, there seemed to be a phantom of a black dragon emerging, and the surroundings were filled with black evil spirit.Suddenly, the phantom of the giant dragon flickered a few times, showing some signs of instability.

Seeing this, Putian was shocked and said: "No, those three people seem to be extracting the original power of this monster dragon."

"The monster dragon itself is extremely powerful, and its original power can't be passed on casually. I think we still have time to rush over," Yi Tian said, and flew straight towards the source of the phantom under the flash of aura all over his body. go.

Putian behind him also followed closely, looked solemnly and said: "If it is an ordinary monster race, it must not be able to withstand so many original powers of demon dragons. I am just afraid of the flood that Yishun mentioned Alien species, what happens to such a creature is completely unpredictable."

Hearing this, Yi Tian also showed a trace of worry on his face, and his mind was obviously not as confident as before.

Half a moment later, the spiritual thoughts of the two were able to touch each other's location, and it was obvious that the three of them had also discovered their whereabouts.Unexpectedly, even if they noticed it, they didn't take the next step. Instead, they wanted to wait there for the two to go.

Without thinking, Yi Tian and Putian realized the problem in front of them, speeded up and rushed there.Flying all the way to Yitian, his eyelids jumped up for no reason, and he felt something was wrong in his heart.

From a distance, one could see a huge black dragon lying on the ground, its body curled up into a ball, as if it was hundreds of feet high.A withered bone dragon head was standing on the hillside, but there seemed to be several branches at the neck of the dragon head.

Yi Tian saw from a distance that something was wrong in his heart, and a voice came from the beast-controlling bag: "The body of that monster dragon should be the prehistoric monster Hydra, but I didn't expect that his three heads had already turned into dragons." If there were more than six head-shaped dragons back then, maybe the history of the demon world would have been rewritten."

"Does this mean that Huajiao or Hualong will inherit the innate magical powers of certain dragons?" Yi Tian asked.

"It's not inherited, but the supernatural power of the blood world that appears after the true dragon blood in the body is inspired," Yishun explained, and its power is definitely beyond your imagination.

"Then Yan Peigong came here to extract the blood of the demon dragon to activate himself so as to transform into a jiao or even a dragon?" Yi Tian asked: "If he is a double-headed snake or other snakes, I am afraid he can't bear such a powerful force." Bloodline?"

"Draining the blood of the Demonic Dragon is a sure thing. I can still detect the surge of blood in that Demonic Dragon's remains," Yishun said.

After hearing this, Yi Tian's eyes flashed with purple light and he checked it. Sure enough, there was a spiritual light flashed on the dragon's head of the demon dragon.A phantom flashed out of that light, and its shape turned out to be that of a hydra.And behind the Lingguang is Yan Peigong himself, but at this time, his upper body is naked and four snake heads are protruding from the shoulders on both sides.

Yi Tian was startled when he saw it, then slowed down in the air, and shouted at the same time: "I didn't expect that Yan Peigong was actually a Hydra of the prehistoric species, did he want to absorb the demon spirit of the demon dragon to strengthen himself? Woolen cloth?"

Putian followed closely and stopped, and said with a livid face after his divine thoughts swept over, "It's not like absorbing a demon spirit, but rather like merging."

"Fusion? Brother, do you really see it?" Yi Tian asked without thinking.

"It is undoubtedly the fusion," Pu Dian replied in a deep voice: "This Yan Peigong should be the clone of the demon dragon, and he is drawing the spiritual power from his original body to strengthen himself at this time. But it seems that the process is not very smooth. His body seems to be bound by some force."

Just as the scene in front of him changed again, golden runes suddenly appeared on the body of the demon dragon, and then the body shook violently, and nine golden rune chains suddenly appeared on the demon spirit, trying to stop it. Watch him enter Yan Peigong's forehead.

Yi Tian saw it clearly and said with great joy: "Maybe we still have a chance, we will deal with the other two first while Yan Peigong has no time to clone himself. I will take care of the earth dragon."

After finishing speaking, the spiritual light appeared on his body, took out the Taiyuan wooden sword and flew straight towards the place where the real Dilong was.Putian also locked his spiritual thoughts on Dugu Jackie Chan in an instant. They are old acquaintances, so when they meet again, they don't even need to say hello, and they directly attack with all their strength.

The opponent Dilong real person Hou Yitian didn't bother to talk to him too much, the ties between the two sides were deep enough, so naturally there was no need to stay behind when they met today.

After the Taiyuan sword was sacrificed in his hand, it turned into a sky full of golden light and attacked the opponent, and the real dragon directly revealed his true form after rolling in the air without hesitation.It turned out to be a giant black python. At this time, he had obviously cultivated horns, protruding high above his forehead.The original giant python's head has also changed, as if it has become a flood dragon. After a trace of red aura appeared on its body, a flame suddenly covered it.

Yishun's words came from the beast sac again: "This is the supernatural fire dragon body of the Huojiao clan. It is only a basic skill, but its defense is amazing. Simple tricks can't break through his defense."

 Thanks to friends 151108095747225 and 20190605232745911 for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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