
Chapter 1734 Longtan Swamp 6 Fierce Battle

Chapter 1734 Six Fierce Battles in Longtan Swamp

In the depths of the sealing formation, Yi Tian and Putian found the whereabouts of the three of them. They didn't expect that Yan Peigong's body was the wild hydra, but at this moment he seemed to be fighting for control with the demon spirit, and he couldn't separate himself at all. Deal with things around you.

Yi Tian and Putian saw the right time and directly confronted Dugu Jackie Chan and Dilong Zhenren, the guardians at the side. Only when they were defeated could they face Yan Peigong directly.Otherwise, when he recovers, he will have no choice but to run away.

However, Yi Tian was really surprised when Daoist Dilong appeared behind him. He didn't expect him to refine the blood of the real dragon so quickly, and he also cultivated the defensive supernatural power of the Huojiao clan.

Yi Tian looked in his eyes and kept manipulating the blue sword silk to hit the opponent's body.After the raindrops of sword wires hit the real Dilong's body, there was a crisp sound of "ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping," and those sword wires were all bounced off by the flames attached to his body.

The previously invincible Lingyaohuaqianshu seems to have lost its due power in front of Daoist Dilong.

Yi Tian hurriedly backed away for a few miles to distance himself from the opponent, but Master Dilong would never let go of such a good opportunity, opened his mouth and walked around, his escape speed was not weaker than himself.

After Yi Tian saw it, he chased each other in the air with him, and his eyes showed an extremely dignified look after putting away the Taiyuan wooden sword.

At this time, Yishun's voice transmission came from next to his ear: "You Daoist Yi wants to make a quick decision. At this time, Yan Peigong has continuously captured the charm of the demon spirit. If things go on like this, it will be a big disaster when he recovers. "

"I also know this, but the real dragon seems to have absorbed your real dragon's blood and inspired several supernatural powers. You can see if there is any way to deal with it," Yi Tian also only thought about the seriousness of the situation. He couldn't get rid of his hands, so he hurriedly asked for advice.

"Earth Dragon has not yet fully refined the blood of the real dragon, otherwise he should have transformed into a jiao at this time. If you look closely at the part of his body that has not yet transformed into a jiao, it should be the gate of life," Yi Shunti pointed out.

Immediately, Yi Tian got 12 points of energy and divine sense to sweep over, and then a smile appeared on his face, and he said in his mouth: "So it's true, this dragon head and python tail really haven't transformed completely."

Focusing on the tail of the real dragon's body, he found that it has not yet evolved into a dragon's tail. It seems that he has not completely refined the blood of the real dragon.

Since Yi Tian is so determined, since there are flaws, he can naturally make use of them a little bit.Withdrawing and flying three miles away, the Brahma Golden Bell in his hand shook rapidly.

After a golden light wave passed by, Dugu Jackie Chan who was on the side was also affected.Wherever the golden halo went, clusters of purifying flames flashed in the air for no reason.

When the golden light shone on Daoist Earth Dragon, he was startled suddenly, his body trembled violently, and a lot of black spiritual power was separated from the flame armor and purified directly.At the same time, Daoist Dilong's tragic cry came from the air: "Boy, you are actually a descendant of the Buddhist sect. I really can't keep you today."

"It's not afraid to flash your tongue when the wind is strong," Yi Tian said with a proud face: "You should have switched to the magic way, but it's a pity that you can't use [-]% of your strength when you are born to be restrained by the Buddhist sect. .At first I was still thinking about how to deal with you, but now it seems that it is really easy to grasp and no need to spend more effort."

After saying that, the Brahma golden bell in his hand shook quickly, and the thunder eight-tone mystical power was hurriedly recited that day, and then it turned into a series of golden characters in the air and swept towards Daoist Dilong.The golden character directly penetrated the flame armor on his body and then submerged into the dragon scales. After three breaths, countless black air precipitated from the position of the golden character, which immediately made the aura of the real Earth Dragon sink.

So Yi Tian didn't hesitate to take out Putian's vajra crouching pestle and sacrificed it in his hand, muttering something in his mouth: "change," the vajra crouching pestle turned into a golden halo in response and hit Daoist Dilong .

Yi Tian shook the Brahma golden bell with his left hand rapidly, and with his right hand, he controlled the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle, drew an arc in the air, and then struck straight at the unmelted python tail of Master Earth Dragon.

Obviously the other party also found out about this situation, and Daoist Dilong could afford to let it go and directly abandoned Yi Tian and dodged back.After staying away from the area of ​​Tianlei Bayin, the evil spirit energy on his body seems to have not been rapidly purified again.And he also rolled his body into a circle and hid the snake tail at the same time, making the Vajra Crusade in Yi Tian's hand lose the target for a while.

Under the transition of offense and defense, Yi Tian was not in a hurry, and the two sides fought against each other for a while, and fell into a stalemate.God's mind flitted across, but Brother Putian was dominant everywhere and had already suppressed Dugu Jackie Chan, but the opponent's defense was tight, even if the evil spirits on his body continued to be purified.But there is a new demonic force in the body, and even though he is at a disadvantage, he does not seem to be defeated.

On the contrary, Yi Tian was a little anxious at this time, seeing that Yan Peigong in the distance was already continuously drawing the spiritual power from the demon dragon and demon spirit, and in the long run, he would be in an undefeated situation.After thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and stretched out his hand to pat the beast-controlling pouch on his waist, saying: "If there is an emergency, come out and help."

After the two auras flew out, a golden dragon appeared beside Yi Tian, ​​and the aura shrank around him and turned into the human form of Yishun.It's just that at this time, his body was filled with a faint Buddha's light, which completely covered up the hostility of the original fire dragon.

As for the other spiritual light hovering in the air for a while, it landed on Yi Tian's left shoulder, revealing the original image of the Great Immortal.After sizing up the real Earth Dragon in front of him, he yelled with lingering fear: "What a big deal you have caused, this boa constrictor has already transformed into shape, how can I help you?"

"Just use your innate magical powers, and I will create opportunities for you," Yi Tian replied impatiently.

"Okay, I'll only make one shot," said the Immortal Quack, who dared not be answered directly, seeing the angry look on his master's face.

Yishun, who was standing beside him, looked at the situation ahead and lowered his head to transmit the sound transmission: "My skill is less than [-]% recovered, and I can make two shots at most due to my limited ability. Friends Daoist Yi, watch the timing."

After speaking, he turned his head and fixed his eyes on the real dragon in front of him, looked at him and shouted: "You traitor peeped at me with the blood of a real dragon, but it's a pity that you can't use it to activate it and become such a different state after cultivation. Violence."

The real Dilong stared at Yishun with a fierce look in his eyes, and then called out: "As expected, you got a quarter of the real dragon's blood from Hunyun with the help of the nobleman. It's a pity that your body was destroyed You can't have the strength you should have."

"Really, then let's try," said Yishun, putting his hands together in front of his chest and making a seal, and then lit up two groups of red flames.Then the figure suddenly appeared in the sky above the head of Daoist Earth Dragon in a flash.In the next second, the two balls of flames greeted the real Dilong below in turn.

(End of this chapter)

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