
Chapter 1735 Longtan Swamp 7 Backlash

Chapter 1735 Longtan Swamp Seven Backlashes
Facing the real Dilong's defense against Yi Tian, ​​there is no good way to be effective directly, and Yan Peigong on the side is constantly absorbing the spiritual power of the demon dragon's demon spirit, which makes the two feel precarious.Fortunately, Yi Tian still has two helpers. Although Yishun's strength has not yet fully recovered, he can still help out twice.

The most important thing is that as a member of the Huo Jiao family, he naturally knows the details of Master Earth Dragon, and at the same time, he can make suggestions and give him the means to defeat the enemy.

After directly coming out of Yishun, he shot without saying a word, flew to a height of a hundred feet above Daoist Dilong, and smashed down the fire balls sacrificed by both hands without reservation.

The two flames seemed to be of the same vein as the real fire on Earth Dragon's body, and after touching it, they broke through the flame defense and hit him fiercely without any resistance.

After such two loud bangs of 'bang bang', the original defense of the Earth Dragon Daoist group was directly broken, and Yi Tian saw the timing and manipulated the Vajra Crusade to find a gap and stab it straight in.

With a sound of '噗嗤', the vajra crouching pestle turned into a golden light and pierced directly into the tail of Daoist Earth Dragon. "Oops" After a scream came from the mouth of Master Dilong, the body of the ten-foot-long python shook violently.The vajra crouching pestle turned into more than three feet long and got stuck directly on the tail of the earth dragon.

At the same time, Yi Tian seized the opportunity to teleport to the front of Dilong's forehead, and then murmured: "Quack, I see you."

Sitting on his shoulders, the Immortal Guagua puffed out his stomach and spit out a series of air bubbles in front of him, then opened his mouth and took a sharp breath at Daoist Dilong.

After doing this, he opened his mouth and said, "It will take me a while to digest this luck." After speaking, it turned into a spiritual light and flew back into the beast-controlling bag at his waist.

At the same time, Yi Tian noticed a steady stream of luck power coming from the croaking phantom in Niwan Palace, and immediately twitched his mouth and said, "Okay, let's see mine next."

Stretch out your right hand to take out the Leiyang Ling, and after a little touch between your left hands, a bright white flame lit up on it.As soon as he raised his hand casually, the bubbles in the air turned into fireballs one by one as if they were dyed white, and fell directly on the real Dilong.

There were continuous thunderclaps in the air, and the real Earth Dragon's body was immediately thrown hundreds of feet away under the attack of such spells, and hit Yan Peigong's protective shield fiercely.

But seeing that Daoist Earth Dragon has returned to his human form at this time, there is no part of his body intact.A half-foot-sized Vajra Crusade was still stuck on the instep of his left foot, and blood continuously gushed out along the sky, and from time to time, black spiritual power was separated from the Vajra Possum and purified directly.

After suffering from his own blow, it's really hard to think about Daoist Dilong. The spiritual pressure fluctuation on his body is only [-]% of the previous strength, and his strength is not as good as the current Yishun.

He could only hear his heart-piercing cry: "Yan Daoyou help me, if this goes on, we will be defeated by them one by one."

At this time, Yan Peigong turned his head and looked at Daoist Xia Dilong with eighteen eyes, then stretched out his hand and grabbed the vajra crouching pestle. With a sound of 'cha', the Vajra Crusher that was stuck on the feet of the real Earth Dragon was pulled out alive, and the real Earth Dragon was in pain and sweated on his head for a long time and was speechless.

Immediately after Yan Peigong took the vajra crouching rod, he stabbed it directly into the demon spirit of the demon dragon, and suddenly there was a scream, the demon spirit seemed to be restrained by the Buddha light on the vajra crouching rod, and its momentum was greatly weakened .Yan Peigong took the opportunity to violently swallow the demon spirit into the entrance. After three breaths, the phantom of the Nine-Headed Insect appeared behind him, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his whole body rose rapidly, directly breaking through to the ninth level.

It's just that this aura stayed for a while and then slowly fell to the middle-level category, but the aura on his body has grown considerably compared to before.Even Putian and Dugu Jackie Chan, who were fighting in the distance, felt the slightest bit of uneasiness. The two staggered one by one, separated and stabilized their figures in the air.The spell in his hand stopped and turned his head to sweep his gaze over, with an uncertain look on his face.

After feeling the incomparably powerful spiritual power on Yan Peigong's body, Yi Tian also retreated immediately, while Yi Shun showed his original shape and went back into the beast sac.He didn't expect that the Vajra Fumo pestle in his hand would actually help Yan Peigong, Yi Tian was really regretful at this time, he should not have taken it out and used it if he knew it was like this.

"Since Daoyou Yan has absorbed the demon spirits, let's work together to get rid of these two people," Daoist Dilong said with a big smile at this moment when he finally found the backbone.

"Okay, I'll show you the strength of this seat," said Yan Peigong, and the monster body of the nine-headed worm appeared, and two of the nine heads had already grown dragon horns.

Needless to say, his strength must have grown considerably compared to before. Yi Tian realized that he was in serious trouble at this time.

On one side, Dugu Jackie glanced over and didn't know what he was thinking, but Daoist Dilong showed a crazy joy on his face and shouted: "Yan Daoyou is really powerful, let's deal with this person first. This person rescued him back then. Now that Yishun is gone, this time we must take all the power of his bloodline."

Before he finished speaking, he heard Dilong's real man screaming, and when he looked back, it was Yan Peigong who appeared behind the nine-headed worm and restrained Dilong.The eight heads on the body bit the earth dragon's hands, feet, neck, back waist and double ribs one after another. At this time, a large amount of blood was sucked out and directly swallowed by Yan Peigong into the body.

As for his leader, he shouted coldly: "You trash wasted the blood of the real dragon. After practicing for so long, you can't even transform into a flood dragon. It's better for me to use the blood of the real dragon."

Dilong had incredible eyes on his face and couldn't say anything anymore, a ray of spiritual light flew out from his forehead and flew towards Yi Tian's direction.

Yan Peigong seemed to have expected this move a long time ago, and after flicking his tail, he swept towards the earth dragon's demon spirit.After a flash of green light, Yan Peigong's tail swept away, and in a blink of an eye, he saw that it was the demon spirit of Yi Tian who directly rescued the earth dragon after flashing.Taking out a jade bottle, he put the demon spirit held in his left hand into it, and after affixing the Taoist talisman, Yi Tiancai turned around and looked at it.

After taking a breath, a sentence popped out of his mouth: "Let's go," he turned around and left without looking back.Putian in the distance also knowingly abandoned Dugu Jackie Chan, and then joined Yi Tian directly and hurriedly flew away in the direction of the entrance.

Unexpectedly, Dugu Jackie didn't stay, turned around and left in another direction, leaving Yan Peigong alone there.

(End of this chapter)

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