
Chapter 1736 Longtan Swamp 8 Missed

Chapter 1736 Longtan Swamp Eight Misses
After running wildly in the air for a while, he didn't see Yan Peigong chasing after Yi Tian, ​​and his heart sank, and he immediately realized that he might have missed the best time to defeat his opponent.After expressing the doubts in his heart, Putian, who was on the side, also had a dignified expression, and after thinking for a while, he said: "Junior brother really missed this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. In the future, after digesting the blood of the real dragon, his strength will definitely double. , then you and I will definitely not be his opponents."

"The opportunity to fight is gone, I really regret that I was scared by Yan Peigong," Yi Tian said angrily.

"Junior brother, don't underestimate yourself. Although Yan Peigong has absorbed the power of the demon dragon, it's impossible for him to fight against the entire demon world," Putian said after thinking for a while.

"Then how should we deal with it according to the meaning of the senior brother?" Yi Tian asked.

"Fortunately, you accepted the demon spirit of the earth dragon, so you will have a witness. After I go out, I will pass on the patriarchs of the major races to hold a demon world meeting, and then let the earth dragon come forward and identify it on the spot," Putian said : "Subsequently, a wanted order was issued to trace Yan Peigong's whereabouts in the demon world. Jiuxianshan should be asked to coordinate on this matter."

After hearing this, Yi Tian directly took out the jade bottle that sealed the earth dragon and handed it to Putian, saying: "If this is the case, then please ask senior brother to come forward, my identity is not suitable for showing my face in the demon world, and please send the fellow Daoist Yishun The matter is concealed together, otherwise it will be troublesome for the Huolong Clan to follow this matter."

Putian sighed helplessly when he heard the words: "Okay, since the younger brother wants to transfer the credit first, then I will be disrespectful, but the younger brother should also be careful that you and I are both insiders. In the dark, we have to be careful of sneak attacks in the open," he reached out to take the jade bottle and put it away.

After not less than half an hour, the two had arrived at the entrance. After flying out of it, Yi Tian secretly took out a rune pen and added a few lines outside the entrance of the passage, and then left in a hurry with Putian.

Sure enough, three days later, a shocking and explosive news came out. It turned out that Yan Peigong, the lord of Wan Yao City, turned out to be the incarnation of the ancient prehistoric hydra.Moreover, he has absorbed the power of the demon dragon in the Longtan Swamp, and his strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

The devil dragon was originally the public enemy of the demon world, so Yan Peigong became a street mouse who wanted to be beaten by everyone.The patriarchs of several major races have jointly issued a statement vowing to bring him to justice, and Jiuxianshan has also stated that it will set up a hunting team to search for Yan Peigong's whereabouts.

At the same time, there were gossip rumors that Yishun, the young patriarch of the Huojiao Clan, was killed. At the beginning, Yan Peigong saw that he had the blood of a real dragon and wanted to snatch him forcibly.Although it was a gossip, the Huojiao clan kept their mouths shut about this matter, and then vigorously rectified the two clans of the earth dragon and the thunder python.Its strength is so strong that it directly assigns high-ranking monks of the Huojiao clan to garrison. Naturally, such a big change cannot be hidden from the public.The original Yaozun patriarch of the two clans has disappeared at this time.

Until the news came out that Yan Peigong was able to sneak attack on Yishun so easily and was assisted by Master Hunyun and Master Dilong, so this time the Huojiao Sect Master was also determined to take back his authority and reorganize the branch sect.

At this time, Yi Tian had already returned to his place of residence in Fengming City, and lived with Qing Lianyun for a while.

Half a year later, Yi Tian sat in the mansion and was chatting with Qing Lianyun. With the recent events, rumors continued to stir up in the demon world. Yi Tian also planned to let Qing Lianyun take people back to the spirit world to avoid the limelight.It's just that Qing Lianyun in front of him seems to have his own ideas, and it's not so easy to convince her.

It just so happened that Youdao's communication talisman broke through the barrier and flew into the living room, Yi Tian reached out and took it in his hand and read it quickly.Later, his forehead was slightly wrinkled, and his face was full of disappointment.

Qing Lianyun who was sitting in front of her asked, "What is it that makes you so disappointed?"

"Brother Putian and the masters of Jiuxian Mountain chased and intercepted Yan Peigong in many ways, but unfortunately he broke through the siege and left in the end." Yi Tian slowly said the information on the jade talisman: "I didn't expect Yan Peigong to be strong. In this way, being able to slip away under the joint interception of the six masters, this level of strength alone is beyond the reach of ordinary people, I really don't know if I can beat him when I meet him."

"You are also a leader of Taiqing's direct lineage. In terms of strength, he has the advantage of bloodline and you have the advantage of the sect. You have to fight to see who is stronger or weaker," Qing Lianyun analyzed.

"Having said that, I still have some scruples in my heart." Yi Tian sighed and said, "I think the trip to the Beast King's Den will start in a few years, so Yan Peigong will naturally not let go of such a good opportunity. If he is allowed to mix in again, I'm afraid that this trip to the Beast King's Den will definitely lead to a bloodbath."

"In my opinion, since Yan Peigong has absorbed the demon spirit of the demon dragon, he will naturally not miss this trip. The key is how you can find him among so many people, and the way to deal with it is also very important. Yes," Qing Lianyun said.

After hearing this, Yi Tian said with a serious face: "Next, I will retreat in the backyard for a while, until the trip to the Beast King's Den starts. During this period, I have to think about how to deal with Yan Peigong."

"Okay, you can handle the outside affairs with peace of mind and let me handle them," Qing Lianyun replied.

After settling the matter at hand, Yi Tian went directly back to the inner courtyard to open the restriction barrier and began to retreat and practice.Although Yan Peigong is powerful, he is not easy to provoke, Yi Tian thinks that he will put Liyan's cultivation in the seventh layer of Lihuo Nine Transformations on the agenda.

Now that I have practiced to the middle level of the seventh level, as long as I can practice Li Yan to a great achievement, I can reach the state of the latter level or even the peak.After breaking through the bottleneck of the seventh floor, the cultivation level can be directly improved to that of the middle stage of integration.Even if he just met Yan Peigong at the peak of the seventh floor, he would have the strength to fight.

And as I continued to temper my ignorance, it seemed that it was a matter of course to practice Li Yan, and Li Yan, who had collected a little Korean wave last time, also had a bottom line in his heart.

Speaking of it, this Li Yan seems to be only a faint ray, but there is a reason why it can be called the top of the Li Huo Nine Changes and Seven Layers Kung Fu.Yanlong Aojian's killing and attacking is a bit incompatible with his own way.Wuminghuo needs to be activated by Leiyang Token. Although it is powerful, people with discerning eyes can recognize its source in an instant.

Only when the Liyan kungfu seems simple but understands the principle of returning to the basics from the avenue to simplicity, it can be said to be the strongest kungfu in the Lihuo Palace today.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian took out the real fire in his heart and began to practice gradually. Although refining the great success in such a short period of time is no different from the Arabian Nights, and it is impossible to complete the task even to the small level, but as long as you open it Size will do.I don't see that the Liyan fire of the Korean wave is just at the beginning, and it is still possible to practice to his level.

(End of this chapter)

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