
Chapter 174 Incidental

Chapter 174 Incidental
Luoyue City is located in the southwest of Dong'ao Continent. It is a city for cultivating immortals built in the [-] mountains, relatively far from the central area.Because of its unique geographical location, none of the six major factions set up a garrison here, so the people who come and go in Luoyue City are mainly casual cultivators.

Usually, some passing caravans will choose this place as a transit point, and after more than a thousand miles to the west, they will reach the edge of the Yaozu territory.The cultivators here often go west to hunt down monsters or capture some spirit beasts. These things are often sold through the monster auction house in Luoyue City.

Yi Tian didn't feel bored on the flying boat, after listening to Lishuilan's introduction to Luoyue City, he realized that he might be able to find some good things in Luoyue City.Usually in this kind of place, as long as you don't show yourself too much and don't reveal your wealth, there is nothing to worry about.

Li Shuilan introduced to Yi Tian: "The headquarters of our 'Qibaozhai' in Dongao Continent is located in Luoyue City, where we can collect a lot of monster clan products and spirit beast cubs. These things will be collected through special channel to sell to other parts of the mainland.”

"I'm very interested in the structure of the mainland. If possible, can you tell me about your 'Qibaozhai' understanding of this continent?" Yi Tian also started digging into what they knew Knowledge of geography.

Lishuilan just smiled and said: "Our two sisters are from Li's family in Zhongzhou's 'Qibaozhai'. Unfortunately, we are only in charge of Dong'ao's affairs. This time we are stationed in Chengjiafang City. Let's host an auction to exercise."

Now Yi Tian understands it, the two of them just temporarily lived in Chengjiafang City, maybe it is a kind of fate, they happened to meet their auction, otherwise Yi Tianzhen didn't know what other channels to know about this What about a continent?

A day later, the three people sitting on the flying boat could slowly see the city in the distant mountains. As the flying boat slowed down and landed, Yi Tian found that the city was actually bigger than the city of stars.

I heard from Lishui Lan that this place is still controlled by Jindan cultivators, but none of them had the opportunity to get in touch with the upper echelons of Luoyue City.

The procedures for entering Luoyue City were entirely handled by Lishuilan, and Yi Tian just got a jade badge for identification, and he was regarded as a fellow of 'Qibaozhai'.

Follow the two sisters to the headquarters of 'Qibaozhai' in the city. It is obviously much bigger than the Marriage Market, and the traffic in the lobby is comparable to those of those elixir shops.Yi Tian found out that this place is also in the business of alchemy and equipment, and visitors can ask designated masters to help in refining.

Taking the thick rare treasure introduction jade slip, there are dozens of pages in the catalog alone, Yi Tian took a rough look at it and asked to refine the fourth-level pills and spiritual weapons here.If you want to refine items of level 100 and above, you need to prepare double materials. 'Qibaozhai' is not too big. Each item is marked with the success rate of alchemy and refiner, and there is no [-]% success rate. .

Yi Tian also smiled at this, and just said that the refining masters here are not much different from himself, and it should be the monks of the Jindan period who made the refining, so one can imagine the behind the "Qibaozhai" The power is definitely as huge as the Zongmen, and there must be Jindan cultivators sitting behind the shops in Luoyue City.

After entering the 'Qibaozhai', Lishuilan placed Yi Tian in the reception room of the side hall, asked the servant next to him to say hello, and then walked away with her sister.

After seeing that the servants serving here all have the appearance of eight or nine layers of refining equipment, Yi Tian is even more sure that this "Qibaozhai" is by no means as simple as it seems on the surface, and there are not many Lishui Lan, so Yi Tian put all the Keep all your questions in mind.

A moment later, Yi Tian heard the footsteps of the approaching people. Judging from the sound of the footsteps, there should be at least three people. Randomly, Yi Tian stood up and saw an old man walking over with Sister Lishuilan.

After entering the door, the two parties greeted each other first. Yi Tian saw that the other party was a Golden Core cultivator, but he didn't dare to take it too seriously, so he directly attended with the ceremony of a junior.

The old man looked at Yi Tian with a smile on his face, and then motioned for everyone to take their seats. After the old man took his seat, Yi Tian sat on his lower head.The sisters from the Li family went to the opposite side and sat down generously, and then introduced: "This is the shopkeeper Li Da, the general manager of Luoyue City'Qibaozhai', and also my uncle."

Hearing that this old man is also from Li's family, Yi Tian must have thought that there is something to do with this matter, so he stood up and saluted again.

"Fellow Daoist Yi, you don't need to be too polite. You have spent nearly 150 years in the lower stage before you can reach the early stages of a sixth-grade golden core. You can't compare with fellow daoists who can practice at such a young age. It is estimated that in 30 years, your cultivation base will surpass that of me. If you don't see me In addition, you and I can only be considered as peers, and Xia Lifu is currently the big shopkeeper of Luoyuecheng in 'Qibaozhai'," after speaking, Lifu got up and returned the gift of peers.

So far, Yi Tian didn't excuse himself and sat down after calling Shengli Daoist friend.On the other hand, the sisters of the Li family who were on the side opened their eyes wide and looked at Yi Tian in disbelief. They thought he was very strong before, but they didn't have Li Fu's evaluation.

After a while, Yi Tian said in the future: "Now I will continue with a piece of Thunderstone and Firestone, and Daoist Wanwang is convenient, and check if Xia Guizhai still has it in stock."

Li Fu smiled and said: "Fellow Daoist, don't be impatient, let me check." After speaking, he took out a scroll from his bosom, inserted his consciousness into it, and looked it up carefully.

Half a moment later, I saw Li Fu nodding and shaking his head frequently, Yi Tian was stunned, wondering if there was anything wrong with this matter.Li Fu smiled and said to Yi Tian later: "Fellow Daoist came at the right time, there are still two pieces of Huowen Stone in stock."

Looking at Li Fu's appearance, Yi Tian also knew that the key point was that Thunder Stone would have an article, so he waited for the next article without saying a word.

Seeing that Yi Tian was so calm, Lifu continued: "The two remaining Thunderstones in our store were just bought by the monks of the Gu family last month."

"I don't know what the background of this Gu family is, can I ask the other party to discuss with me, I will be very grateful." Seeing that this opportunity was about to miss him, Yi Tian hurriedly approached and asked.

"The Gu family took this thunderstone as an auxiliary tool to capture a monster, so please wait a moment, fellow daoist, and discuss it for the sake of the old man," Li Fu also gave Yi Tian a reassurance. eyes, then got up and walked out.

After looking at Lishuilan who was sitting there, Yi Tian also asked directly: "Friend Daoist Li, do you think this can be done?"

After listening to the conversation between the two of them, Lishui Lan already treated Yi Tian as a clan uncle, so she replied respectfully: "Since the clan uncle can come forward to discuss, it is a chance for success, but I don't know how If there are any additional conditions, Fellow Daoist Yi will have to carefully consider them at that time."

After listening to Yi Tian, ​​he also nodded. Since he said this, he came to repay the favor, so he couldn't help but appreciate it.

After waiting in the side hall for less than an hour, Li Fuxing came in in a hurry. After sitting down, Li Fu also smiled and said to Yi Tian: "Gu Baichuan from the Gu family agreed."

Yi Tian was quite happy when he heard the first half of the sentence, but seeing Li Fu's appearance, Yi Tian knew that he hadn't finished speaking, so he asked directly: "Fellow Daoist Li, please speak directly."

"The Gu family used the Thunder Stone to capture an adult Thunder Lizard, and there is still a shortage of manpower. Gu Baichuan said that if Yi Daoyou can help, they are willing to use the Thunder Stone as a reward after the matter is completed." Li Fu looked directly at Yi Tian, ​​waiting for an answer.

Now it was Yi Tian's turn to be in trouble, and after thinking about it, he asked, "I wonder what level of monster this Thunder Lizard is?"

"Fifth-level intermediate, able to breathe lightning, and strong defense."

"Then how many people participated in this arrest?"

Li Fu also looked at Yi Tiandao with a look of admiration: "There were originally three people involved in this matter, two Jindan monks and a middle-stage Foundation Establishment monk, namely Gu Baichuan, his son Gu Ming, and me. This time If fellow Yi Daoist joins, it will be easy to catch."

After thinking about it for a while, Yi Tian also felt that he had to go through this time, but he couldn't agree so easily. It is extremely difficult to capture a fifth-level monster alive, even if there are two Jindan monks. Next, Yi Tian is not fully sure.

Seeing Lifu's attitude, he should have some hope for himself, Yi Tian frowned and said: "Could you please tell me the method of catching lizards first, if it is really feasible, I am willing to take it. In addition, Guizhai If there is Hei Yao Jinjing in stock, I want to buy some more."

Seeing that Yi Tian was moved, Li Fu directly explained the Gu family's request in detail.The Thunder Lizard to be captured this time lives alone in Lingxi Cave, five hundred miles west of Luoyue City. The plan given by the Gu family is to trap it, use the raised spirit beast to lure it out, and then the four of them work together to subdue it , and then Gu Baichuan used the Beast Control Art to forcibly recognize him as the master.

After weighing the whole set of plans, Yi Tian still feels that there are many loopholes, but it is generally feasible, and he only needs to help them fill in the gaps.After bowing his head and contemplating for a while, Yi Tian still informed Xia Lifu of his plan in detail, and the latter was also taken aback for a while, and asked directly: "Is this feasible?"

After getting a positive reply from Yi Tian, ​​Li Fu made a decision on the spot. As long as he successfully captured the Thunder Lizard this time, 'Qibaozhai' would sell the Fire Stone and Hei Yao Jinjing to Yi Tian at a [-]% discount. Lizard's reward.The Liangwaigu family traded the Thunderstones in their hands at a price of [-] spirit stones each.

After summing up the material prices, Yi Tian also calculated that it will cost a total of [-] spirit stones, which is also the price to be paid if it can be captured.If the market price of [-] spirit stones may not be able to be taken down, it can be considered that the other party has given face and used up all the favors at once.

In this way, Yi Tianyun gave out three drops of 'Xuan Ling Qing Ye' at a price of [-] per drop, and exchanged [-] spirit stones from Lishui Lan for the capital of subsequent shopping.

Li Fu gave Yi Tian a three-day preparation deadline, and set off at Chenshi after three days, and he would not wait when it was overdue.

After asking 'Qibaozhai' to rent a private refining room, Yi Tian dived in. You can't rely on the Gu family for lizard hunting this time. There are too many mistakes in their strategy. I have to prepare something myself.

(End of this chapter)

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