
Chapter 173

Chapter 173 Return Visit
Sitting in the valley, Yi Tian once again experienced the feeling of a nouveau riche. It took only a quarter of an hour to fight Zou Dong, but Yi Tian didn't dare to reserve any means and tried to make a quick decision.

The two Lishuilan sisters who escaped just now probably have already reached the vicinity of Chengjiafang City. This time they are considered lucky. If they encountered some other foundation-building stage monks, they would have been stunned by Zou Dong.

After searching Zou Dong's relics on the ground, Yi Tian found a storage bracelet and a spiritual stone bag.Looking at Zou Dong's finances, Yi Tian was also amused. The dignified Golden Core cultivator doesn't even have a storage ring, and he still holds a storage bracelet like the Foundation Establishment cultivator, which in itself shows his lack of strength.

Turning around and looking back at the corpse that had been cut into three sections, Yi Tian just threw a fireball and burned it directly to ashes. Although this is also the territory of the Chiyang Sect, he killed a Jindan cultivator from the Xuanling Sect's affiliated family after all. , One thing more is worse than one thing less. It is true to destroy corpses and wipe out traces without leaving any clues.

After finding a valley later, Yi Tian first set up a fog formation, and after sitting in the eye of the formation for a short rest, he took out the spoils and slowly counted the gains this time.

Thinking about it, Zou Dong can be regarded as half a craftsman. In the storage bracelet, there is only one incomplete jade slip besides the native spirit formula, and the other is ten thousand pieces of spiritual stones, a bottle of 'Cold Jade Soul Cultivation Pill' and a Jade box.

Yi Tian still helped him at the 'Qibaozhai' auction, at least Zou Dong was very good at taking the pills directly, and now it's cheaper for Yi Tian.

In addition to the obsidian raw ore in the ore bag, there are also some auxiliary materials, which can be regarded as supplementing the materials on the body, and the subsequent refining equipment will not be so embarrassing.

But Yi Tian couldn't find the rag doll after looking through it. He had clearly seen Zou Dong take it out and use it just now.This thing is the most useful thing for Yi Tian, ​​it can block a fatal blow for him, which is equivalent to insurance for himself, in the future when he fights with others, he will not be afraid that others will die together.

Disappointed, Yi Tian had no choice but to look up the broken jade slip first, and read the label on the jade slip that read 'Heavenly Artifacts'.After shaking his head, Yi Tian also felt that this was too much, and that the refining scroll could have such an awesome name, so Zou Dong shouldn't even be able to produce a fifth-level spiritual weapon.

Then looking down for a while, Yi Tian's brows became more and more tight, and he was a little excited, but still a little suspicious.

This volume of "Tiangong Artifacts" is obviously a refining scroll handed down from a sect called "Tiangongzong". It not only contains the "substitute doll" that Yi Tian wanted, but also records "Yunxiao Yu" and "Thunder Fire Drill" and 'stealing hook'.

This 'Yunxiao Yu' is actually an enhanced version of the sky survey boat, which belongs to the private riding transportation artifact, and according to the records in the volume, after training, you need to find a fifth-level spirit beast to pull the cart, ride the wind, and travel thousands of miles a day without stopping. The normal speed can be equal to the speed of Jindan late-stage monks.

'Thunder Fire Drill' is an exclusive fifth-level attack weapon. Yi Tian recalled that the last three that Zou Dong took out just now should be the simplified version.The power of thunder and fire was not attached to it, the power was much lower, and it was directly shredded by his own spiral fire shield. If it was really a fifth-level spiritual weapon, it would really be enough to drink a pot.

'Stand-in doll' belongs to the category of sixth-level Lingbao, and Yi Tian gasped just looking at the refining materials.The 'stand-in doll' actually needs a section of a level-[-] spiritual wood core to make its body, plus silk weaves into a garment, and uses the blood of a level-[-] spirit beast to outline its face. Finally, it needs to be warmed in the caster's body for more than ten years before it can be used.Every time the 'stand-in doll' is used, a crack will appear on its body, and it will take decades of warming to recover. If it is used three times in a row, it will be completely scrapped.

There is only half of the refining method for 'Stealing Luck Hook', and the latter one is missing. Just looking at the previous introduction, Yi Tian feels that this item is not trivial, and it may have an unclear relationship with Zhongzhou Tianyun Gate.

Yi Tian believes that this volume of "Heavenly Crafted Artifacts" is definitely a hidden gem. It has been in Zou Dong's hands for so many years and he has not seen anything refined by him. Even the simplest five-level "Thunder Fire Diamond" can make those gold Brother Dan took it out and groaned, so he wouldn't counterattack and come out with a fourth-level fake.

Even the current Yi Tian can only gather the auxiliary materials of the 'Thunder Fire Drill'. After practicing this thing, even if it is used by oneself, it can be regarded as a trump card.I'm afraid it won't feel good even if the Jindan cultivator gets hit.

After looking at the refining method of this 'Thunder Fire Diamond', it is not difficult, but the materials are hard to find. In addition to Thunder Stone and Fire Stone, Heyao Jinjing is also used as auxiliary materials.Yi Tian has a little Hei Yao gold crystal ore in his hand, but according to the above, it is only enough for one piece at most.As for Thunder Stone and Fire Stone, I have never heard of it, it still depends on chance.

After packing up his luggage, Yi Tian flew directly into the sky and flew towards Chengjiafang City. Now that he has Lingshi in his hand, he still needs to go to sweep the goods, at least ask the 'Qibaozhai' to see if there are any Thunderstone and The whereabouts of the firestone, by the way, you can also visit the sisters of the Li family.

Half an hour later, Yi Tian appeared in Chengjiafang City again, but this time he appeared in his true colors, only suppressing his cultivation, and the provincial guards came out to make trouble.

Along the main road, Yitian found 'Qibaozhai'. As soon as he entered the door, he saw that there were more people under martial law in the whole shop. Although it had a certain impact on the normal business, Yitian knew everything about it. It should be Lijia After the sisters come back, they must mobilize the entire staff of 'Qibaozhai'.

Seeing a customer coming in during the Qi Refining Period, the shopkeeper approached Yi Tian enthusiastically, saw that Yi Tian was a Foundation Establishment cultivator, and led the way directly into the reception room of the inner hall, and greeted him: "I'll be here in a while." The big shopkeeper of the poor shop came to greet me."

He nodded and said, "Guests do as they please", Yi Tian still understands these etiquettes, and usually this kind of shops invite some monks with similar cultivation levels to come to receive them as a show of respect.

As soon as the man walked to the door and opened the door, he saw someone outside. He said "Queen of the shopkeeper" and led the person in. Afterwards, he went out and gently closed the door.

The visitor looked at Yi Tian who was present and exclaimed, "You escaped?" It was the auctioneer Lishui Lan, who had a ruddy complexion at this time, as if she had recovered from the previous escape.

Seeing her appearance, Yi Tian said indifferently: "The shopkeeper Li is fine, I came back in a big way, so how can I escape?" After finishing speaking, he looked at the other party meaningfully .

I saw Lishuilan wearing a purple pullover and a palace attire. It can't be said that the dress is noble, but it also has a special flavor. After a few glances at Yi Tian, ​​she knew that she was an extremely elegant person, or that she was 'odd' Bao Zhai's background is also hidden.

Lishuilan came forward and thanked Yi Tian for his help, then sat down, looked at him squarely and said, "I think fellow Taoists should be monks in the late stage of foundation establishment, I don't know what you need for this visit , if you can help fellow daoists, it is my duty to do so."

What I want is this sentence, Yi Tian is most afraid of coming to buy something, but the merchant hides it, and finally returns in failure.This Lishuilan is not simple, she puts aside her own help, and in business, it is unambiguous in business.

Then Yi Tian explained his intentions and asked to buy a batch of refining materials, including thunderstone and firestone.

Lishuilan nodded frequently at first, but after hearing the thunderstone and firestone, she looked at Yi Tian in surprise, and then said: "Daoist friend, I don't know that both thunderstone and firestone belong to the fifth-level high-level materials, like' It is impossible for Qibaozhai to have a channel to purchase goods in a place like the Chengjia Bazaar."

Originally, he didn't have much expectations, so Yi Tian had no choice but to say casually: "I just want to ask if Guizhai knows the way to get it?"

Li Shuilan just said to wait a moment, then took out a jade slip and looked it up carefully, Yi Tian didn't want to bother her when she saw this, so she had to go find it.

Half a moment later, Lishui Lan said with a smile on her face: "The items you need are in stock in the 'Qibaozhai' in Fanxing City and Luoyue City, but the price is not cheap. You must prepare at least [-] spirit stone cubes. But," after speaking, he took out a jade card with the words 'Qibaozhai' and handed it to Yi Tiandao: "Fellow Daoist can just take this jade card and go to these two places, and free people will receive it at that time."

This is also the best result, Yi Tian nodded helplessly and said: "Forget it, then I'll go for a while, please bring a map of Luoyue City."

"Hey, why bother to go to Luoyue City?"

Yi Tian was also at a loss for words for a while, he couldn't say that he crawled to Fanxing City and then encountered the Lunar Calendar, and he would be caught right then.With a normal complexion, he replied: "I haven't been to Luoyue City yet, so I might as well take this opportunity to see it."

Lishuilan just came to a sudden, and after thinking for a moment, she said: "If fellow daoists don't dislike it, can you wait a few days to walk with my sister, so that I can take care of you, and when I arrive in Luoyue City, how about I lead the fellow daoists to trade? "

Hearing that someone was leading her, Yi Tian recalled that there was an article in this remark. Lishuilan saw that she could escape unscathed. It seemed that she had made up her mind to find a bodyguard, and there was also a support along the way.

Yi Tian is not disgusted with this, after escorting the two sisters there, at least they can find acquaintances when the 'Qibaozhai' trades, let's say they are acquaintances.

So Yi Tian also nodded in agreement, and expressed the hope that Lishui Lan would agree to exchange things for things. It is true that he can't get [-] spirit stones on him, so now he has to take out something to exchange for spirit stones.

Unexpectedly, the other party agreed without even thinking about it, and asked Yi Tian to rest in the guest room of 'Qibaozhai', and set off after her sisters arranged the follow-up matters here.Yi Tian also said that he would not go out in the next few days, and hoped that Lishuilan could leave on time.

Three days later, Yi Tian and sister Lishui Lan set off for Luoyue City on a small windboat.On the way, Li Shuilan briefly explained that the two of them were going to return to Luoyuecheng.Zou Dong caught up with Zou Dong on the windboat he took last time, and after the forced landing, he was chased all the way to the east and fled to the east. Fortunately, he met Yi and was able to get out of the predicament.

Li Xinlan asked Yi Tian how he escaped whenever she was free, and that Jindan cultivator was so powerful, did Yi Tian come from a great sect family, and after moving out his name, he calmed down the other party.

Yi Tian didn't want to say much about it, but just played with Zou Dong's storage bracelet in his hand.The little girl was careless, but when Li Shuilan saw it, her face twitched unnaturally a few times, and then she started talking to the more enthusiastic Yi Tian.

(End of this chapter)

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