
Chapter 172

Chapter 172
There are also some small forging shops in Chengjiafang City, and these places can also provide airtight fire rooms for the forging masters to carry out private forging.Yi Tian, ​​who was staying in the refining room, was smelting the spirit weapon in full swing. A ray of Xuanyang fire in his hand cut the whole black iron ore concentrate into pieces, and then threw it into the large furnace for continuous smelting and purification.

After deducting the ore bought from the 'Qibaozhai' auction and the 'Xun' token, there are only 2000 yuan of spirit stone left in Yitian's storage bracelet.After lighting the Lingshi in the storage bag, Yi Tian directly ordered Li Xinlan next to him to pay the bill.The latter knowingly picked up the storage bag and counted the spirit stones, then said "wait a moment" and left.

Less than half a quarter of an hour later, Li Xinlan brought back the ore bag and the token and handed them over to Yi Tian.Yi Tian is quite appreciative of the efficiency of 'Qibaozhai'.After taking back his bidding item, Yi Tian thanked Li Xinlan, and then directly left through the VIP exclusive passage under the guidance of the waiter.

After leaving the side hall of the tutelary mansion, Yi Tian was not in a hurry to return to the sect.He found a refining shop directly in Chengjiafang City, rented the refining room for a month for the shopkeeper 20 yuan of spirit stones, and started refining spiritual weapons for himself.

Generally, as long as it is not for refining fifth-level spiritual weapons, Yi Tian does not need to use the Zongmen's local name refining room, and the equipment in Chengjiafang City alone is enough.

A month later, Yi Tian walked out of the refining room with a tired face, as if he hadn't rested for a whole month.

This time, Yitian refined three large flywheels in total, and three small flywheels were nested inside.These three four-level top-level spiritual weapons cost all the materials below level five collected by Yi Tian in recent years, and even the original flywheel was melted and used as materials.After refining, the extra black iron and star sand were used to melt together to make a hammer. This thing is going to be used by Yi Tian in exchange for spirit stones.

After completing all the refining, Yi Tian is also preparing to return to the Chiyang Sect sect. The main purpose of coming out this time is to participate in the Xuanling Great Remuneration, but it has been a month.Yi Tian also faded out of the sight of others, and now he will not arouse suspicion when he goes back.

It only takes a whole day to go back to Zongmen from Chengjiafang City, and there is no rush to hurry. After passing the boundary of Meteor Mountain, I specially picked a place with few people and few people to test the new weapon.

After practicing for a long time, Yi Tian felt that it was quite smooth and could be used as a trump card.After controlling with the main spiritual sense, I can use one or two more other spells at the same time. After using the three spiritual senses to control one to form the fire wheel formation, the power will be directly doubled.

After retracting the flywheel, Yi Tian looked at the sky, and it happened to be noon.Just as he was about to test the Gale Flash in the second-order Wind Escape Technique, suddenly Yi Tian saw a purple flash of light flying towards him from the northwest direction, and the speed was so fast that it almost caught up with his full-power armor.

Soon Yi Tian realized that something was wrong, there was a white light chasing behind this flash, and after ten breaths, the purple flash reached the air in front of him.

The visitors turned out to be two women, Yi Tian took a closer look and they turned out to be Lishuilan and Lixinlan, the auctioneers of 'Qibaozhai'.The two sisters looked embarrassed, their clothes were dirty, and it seemed that they had suffered a lot.Lishuilan is a mid-stage foundation-builder, but she has a fuel bottle beside her, and she can't run away even if she wants to. She is panting all the way here, with her panicked younger sister on her back.

After the three of them looked at each other, the white light behind them also caught up. Before they got the figure and stood still, Lishuilan shouted to Yi Tian as if she was holding on to a straw: "Friend Daoist, help, as long as you can help!" If you help me, 'Qibaozhai' will repay today's affairs a hundred times."

An old man about six or seventy years old walked out of that white light, and said with a sneer: "The sisters of the Li family are so overwhelmed, so what if there is one more person, I will clean up together. The boy left quickly, so as not to say that I won't give it to you." Your chance."

Looking at the spiritual power fluctuations around the opponent's human figure, it is obvious that it is a Jindan cultivator. Feeling the spiritual pressure, Yi Tian laughed. The person opposite should be Zou Dong, who had a feud with Yi Tian in the auction. No wonder this spiritual pressure so weak.

During the auction, I felt uncomfortable seeing him, and fortunately I let him once, so I could buy the 'Xun' character token in his hand.Now it is obvious that he is old and disrespectful and uses power to overwhelm others.

Seeing that Yi Tian stood there without moving, Zou Dong didn't care that a white aura flashed with his five fingers on his right hand, and suddenly a trident stabbed towards Sister Lishuilan in the air.

After the sound of 'Dang', Lishuilan was about to dodge with her sister in her arms, when she saw a round shield the size of a person blocking the flying trident.Yi Tian who was on the ground also quickly flew into the air, and after a flash, he stood in front of the two sisters and said, "Remember what you said."

Zou Dong on the opposite side was also stunned for a moment. It seemed that he was going to die in the right direction. He looked around and saw that this barren mountain was a good place to kill and rob.He looked up to the sky and laughed a few times, then said with a sneer: "Then I won't be polite, the brat let you taste the power of a Golden Core cultivator, and if you die, I can only blame you for being blind."

"Jiji Waiwai is really nonsense, we have already settled the beam, and this debt will be settled sooner or later," Yi Tian also started to attack, throwing the three flywheels in his hand at the same time, and he will be able to do it as soon as he has just practiced. Tested in actual combat.Don't turn your head and say something to the two people behind: "Run, I'll help you hold him back."

After hearing this, Lishuilan muttered: "Then be careful," she hugged her panic-stricken sister and flew towards Chengjiafang City. Lixinlan lay in her sister's arms and did not forget to look back at Yi Tian I always feel like I have seen this person somewhere.

Seeing that the fat in his mouth was about to slip away, Zou Dong became really angry, and he stabbed straight with the trident in his hand.A fiery red figure flashed past, Yi Tian cast Fire Escape Technique, set up the Fire Emblem shield with his right hand and stopped the trident again.

In less than ten breaths of time, the sisters of the Li family ran so that they could only see a spot of light. Yi Tian was relieved. Just now there were too many people and he couldn't use many methods. Now that no one is disturbing, it's just fun World War I.

Zou Dong on the opposite side showed a fierce face, and snorted a few times: "Boy, you can't escape today."

Before he could finish speaking, he saw Yi Tian attacking with three flywheels, and the air joked, "Why should I run? Only a lower-rank Jindan like you has been taught before."

Talking about what he said, his hands were not ambiguous, and he didn't dare to test anything against the monk Yi Tian who was a level higher than himself. The first move was a killer move, and the newly refined Xuanyang Fire Wheel Formation would come in handy up.

The three fire wheels rotated and attacked Zou Dong from three angles respectively. Yi Tian separated two strands of divine consciousness and sacrificed the Ming King's hand in his right hand to wait for an opportunity to move out. I really dare not be careless.

Zou Dong was also in a real fire, commanding the trident in his hand to attack several times, but was blocked. He was surrounded by three flywheels. Could it be that the flywheels struck and were bounced off by his own defensive cover, but Zou Dong also Uncomfortable, gradually began to strengthen the defense.

Looking at the other party's appearance, Yi Tian finally understood that this Jindan cultivator is obviously a parallel importer, and he doesn't even have a fifth-level spiritual weapon. The trident is something he can get out of, it is estimated that this aristocratic family Loose Cultivator Golden Core monks are really poor, no wonder they want to rob the two sisters of 'Qibaozhai'.

After the two of them held each other in mid-air for half an hour, Yi Tian suddenly changed his move and struck towards Zou Dong's dodging gap with a move of Flipping Clouds.Holding back his eyes on the mask that Jin Luopa raised up, Yi Tian also curled his lips, guess where this thing came from.

The mask was directly punched by the red King Ming's hand, and the flame condensed by the red aura actually had the effect of breaking the ban, which also gave Yi Tian a new understanding of his own methods.Seeing Lie Xin's joy, he pointed his right hand, and the three flywheels rushed in through the gap one by one, and got stuck directly on Zou Dong's protective cover.

This time Zou Dong was also shocked, and he used two-handed spells to strengthen the protective shield again.After seeing the three flywheels stuck on, Yi Tian was overjoyed, a wisp of purple flame appeared on his finger, and there were traces of lightning flashing inside.After raising his hand, the ray of flame split into three, flew directly to the three flywheels as if he had eyes, and ignited them.

Zou Dong saw that his defensive cover was slowly cracked under the erosion of the fire wheel like a cracked egg shell. He turned his palm and took out a rag doll, bit the tip of his tongue and sprayed a mouthful of blood on it. , and the mana on hand activates.

After a roar, only a puff of smoke burst out in the air, and three flywheels that had faded from the flame flew out of the smoke from three directions.But the walking figure appeared ten feet away, but his face was pale, his blood was gone, his chest was heaving and panting, it was obviously the appearance of excessive consumption of spiritual power.Zou Dong also started to retreat after avoiding the blow of Yi Tian's combination just now.

Yi Tian, ​​who was standing not far away, frowned. He didn't expect Zou Dong to have such a treasure, but it seemed that he could only use it once.Seeing that the hunter has become the prey, Yi Tian is no longer relentless. Just now he used [-]% of his strength in the blow, and this time he will definitely not miss again.

Fingering three flywheels with his right hand sealed Zou Dong's retreat, and then Yi Tian formed seals with his hands, his whole body exuded a spiritual pressure comparable to that of a Golden Core cultivator, and stretched out four hands with a 'swish' under his armpits. Come on, reveal the second transformation of Asura's dharma body, with a smile on his mouth, the four hands on both sides directly raised two cloud-turning hands and attacked Zou Dong.

Zou Dong, who was standing far away, also showed determination. When he saw Yi Tian's dharma body, he felt lingering fear. He flipped his hand and took out three 'thunder fire drills' to pay attention to the spiritual power, and then he sacrificed it and stabbed at Yi Tian. Come.

Seeing Zou Dong's way of fighting with his life against his life, Yi Tian also sneered for a while, put up a flame shield with his hands together, and used the Xuanyang real fire shield in front of him.

The three spells of the two people staggered overnight and attacked each other. Yi Tian used his spiritual consciousness to control the flywheel and hacked towards Zou Dong's back in an untimely manner.

Two balls of fire flashed in the sky, and after two loud bangs, a monk in the sky was cut into three pieces and fell down.

The three 'Thunder Drills' were ruthlessly smashed into slag by the spiral fire shield, Yi Tian withdrew his back and flew forward to clean the battlefield.To be honest, I was really afraid that Zou Dong would blew up his golden core just now, but before his death, the other party still had a little idea of ​​stealing his own life, so Yi Tian once again refreshed his senses of these monks from the aristocratic family, "If you don't stop, you must suffer."

(End of this chapter)

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