
Chapter 1741 Beast King's Cave 2 Team Formation

Chapter 1741
After entering the barrier, Yi Tian found that the concentration of spiritual power around him was more than ten times stronger than that of the outside world. Practicing here is really getting twice the result with half the effort. If you can stay for 40 to [-] years, it is definitely worth a thousand years of hard work outside.

It's a pity that this way out is a problem. If it weren't for the time limit, I'm afraid I'm thinking about how to make full use of the convenience here.

Unexpectedly, the territory here is not weaker than that of a Sumi space. The four of them are all in the combined body stage. After entering, they rushed forward for two or three hours without even seeing the city wall of the imperial capital of the Yuanhao Dynasty. arrive.

Xuanjizi took out three maps and handed them to the three of them respectively: "This is the map of the Yuanhao Dynasty kept by the sect, but it is only a relic carved before it was destroyed. Many places were destroyed in the great war that year. It's completely broken, so it should only be used as a reference."

After receiving the jade slip of the map, Yi Tian glanced over it quickly and found several key marked places.Then he asked, "I don't know where is the location of the 'Sunken Corpse Prison'?"

"It's at the Heavenly Prison, the imperial capital of the Yuanhao Dynasty," Xuanjizi said, "there was already a banning formation there, but the master just modified it a little and wiped out all the demon clans who were defeated by the Yuanhao Dynasty." rushed into it."

Scanning the jade slips with his spiritual thoughts, Yi Tian found that the prison was located ten miles away from the west side of the Beast King Hall.There are even statues of the Four Royals marked next to the prison. I didn't expect that the Yuanhao Dynasty would use the Four Royals to seal the formation, which was beyond my expectation.

"The 'Sinking Corpse Prison' is surrounded by layers of puppet guards for protection, we have to go through the main path of the Beast King Hall to avoid touching those guards," Xuanjizi said.

"That's natural. I've been here once before. The Beast King Hall was the place where the demon gods fought against Emperor Yuan Hao. It should be reduced to ruins now," the fire chain who hadn't spoken for a long time sighed at this time.

I didn't expect him to come in for the second time. It seems that Jiang is still old and spicy. It is always an advantage to have such a familiar person.Suddenly, Huolian's face sank and he said: "Since Yan Peigong has absorbed the demon spirit of the demon dragon, he must know the layout of the capital of the Yuanhao Dynasty better than us. If there is any way for him to bypass the Beast King Hall Impossible, so we still have to prepare for the worst."

As soon as this remark came out, the other three people all looked terrified. Huo Lian was right, he was more familiar with the location than everyone present.Even with outnumbered enemies relying on this, it may not be impossible to win back a city.Thinking of this, Yi Tian felt a little worried, but there is no unfavorable information for the time being.

Not long after, the four of them came to a ruin, and there were ruins for nearly a thousand miles around.Yi Tian spread out his divine sense and found that the place was lifeless, and there was not a single complete building here.Only on the west side is a ten-foot-wide road leading directly into the distance. When Yi Tian saw it, he lowered his head and asked through voice transmission: "Brother Xuanjizi, is this the place where the demon god and Emperor Yuanhao confronted each other?"

"I only know that the two seniors fought against each other here, and then moved the battlefield to the north of the imperial capital of the Yuanhao Dynasty. It was Master who led the chiefs of the clans to fight again fiercely with the loyal monks in the Yuanhao Dynasty. " Xuanjizi said.

"Then with the strength of senior red beard, he should have been able to overwhelm the heroes at that time, right?" Yi Tian joked.

Xuanjizi showed some shame on his face, and then said: "Master's cultivation base was only a ninth-level elementary level, and his strength is definitely not top-notch. If he didn't hold the 'Qiankun Demon Mirror' in his hand, I'm afraid he couldn't do it. Qualified to fight."

The 'Gian Kun Demon Mirror' was in the hands of Senior Red Beard, Yi Tian was startled and thought of what Yishun said, but he asked with suspicion on his face: "According to my knowledge, didn't the 'Gian Kun Demon Mirror' have been damaged?" Is it gone?"

"It was after the war because all the patriarchs had seen the power of aura and finally forced Master to destroy it under unified caliber," Xuanjizi said helplessly.

"I don't know what's so terrifying about the 'Demon Mirror of the Universe' that it failed to scare the patriarchs of the major monster clans?" Yi Tian also asked curiously.

Obviously speaking here, Xuanjizi said a few vague words, before Yi Tian pursued and asked, he suddenly found that there were three ray of light flying towards this side at high speed in the sky.

After the three of them landed and faded away, it was the team of monks led by Qilinzi Guo Rui. One of the two assistants beside him was Zang Shanhu, the patriarch of the Tiger Clan he knew, and the other Yaozun was also a monk of the Qilin Clan. Not familiar with it.On the contrary, Xuanjizi went up to greet Guo Rui and started talking.

As for Zeng Shun and Huolian on their side, they didn't seem to agree with them, they just greeted them symbolically, and then stood aside and stopped talking.

Later, I saw Guo Rui turned his head intentionally or unintentionally to look at him, but there was a hint of surprise on his face inadvertently.But being noticed by Yi Tian like being stared at by a poisonous snake, it seems that Guo Rui has not forgotten that he recognized him at a glance when he met again after many years.

The corner of his mouth twitched inadvertently, and now he is no longer the late-stage cultivator who flattened and rounded with him back then.I'm afraid Guo Rui never dreamed that he would be equal to him in less than a thousand years.

Soon after Xuanjizi discussed with Qilinzi and came back, he called a few people together and said, "Guo Rui and the others didn't find Yan Peigong's whereabouts all the way. After discussing with him, I decided it's better to spread out and look for it?"

"How to search separately?" Zeng Shun asked.

"A team of two is fine. Naturally, you don't need to push yourself up when you encounter a situation. Even if you face Yan Peigong head-on, you just need to stick to it and notify each other in time," Xuanji said.

"But how do we form a team with seven people now?" Yi Tian asked.

Obviously, Xuanjizi had considered this matter long ago, and replied casually: "Senior Fire Chain was transferred to deal with Yan Peigong, so please patrol around the Beast King Hall. I will go south with fellow Taoist Zeng Shun, fellow Taoist Yi and Chanshan The tiger went to the north, while Guo Rui and his clan went to the 'Shen Corpse Prison' to check the situation."

"Then don't people need to go to the east road?" Yi Tian asked in confusion.

"Fellow Mengluan will come from that road with people, so there is no need to worry about it for now," Xuanjizi said, "The spiritual sense here can extend up to thousands of miles away, so everyone should not go too far."

Hearing this, Yi Tian smiled faintly, and thought in his heart, "Since Xuanjizi doesn't want to express too much about the 'Demon Mirror of the Universe', I can only ask Zhan Shanhu about myself."As long as it wasn't with Guo Rui, and there was a clansman by his side, it would be a big trouble if he had a one-on-two. '

After thinking about it, he happily nodded in agreement, turned his head and glanced over, happened to find that Guo Rui's gaze intersected with his own at this time, then turned his head away and ignored it.It's just that the inadvertent venomous gaze was accurately captured by Yi Tian.

(End of this chapter)

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