
Chapter 1742 Beast King Den 3 Secret Work

Chapter 1742
After arranging the tasks in the ruins of the Beast King Hall, everyone formed a team and left. Yi Tian and Zhan Shanhu were in the same team.

The two parties have also had contact before, so it can be regarded as a little understanding of each other. After flying thousands of miles away together, the mountain tiger breathed a sigh of relief and slowed down while driving the light, but shouted: "Friend Yi Dao, don't be busy searching!" The whereabouts of Yan Peigong, how can we waste time on someone who has nothing to do with us when we finally came here."

It turned out that he was also thinking about his own calculations, but Yi Tian Wenyan stabilized his figure in the air and said: "Why are you running away from the mountains and tigers? Why don't you talk about it and see if we can continue to cooperate."

"I don't know if you are interested in the Taixue Palace of the Yuanhao Dynasty?" Zhan Shanhu laughed.

"Where is Taixue Hall?" Yi Tian didn't know the details when he heard the name at first, so he had to ask clearly before deciding whether to go.

"That is the school where the Yuanhao Dynasty cultivated its juniors. According to legend, there are many classics in it that are the supreme secret treasures of the monster race," Shanhu said excitedly.

But Yi Tian waved his hand and said: "It's all monster clan skills that are completely useless to me. One more thing is worse than one less thing. It's better not to go."

"Don't worry, fellow Daoist Yi doesn't know that the Taixue Academy not only contains the unique knowledge of the monster race, but also many supernatural powers and secret arts collected by Emperor Yuan Hao from other worlds. There are quite a lot of supernatural powers and secret techniques that have been engraved, don’t you want to have a look, Fellow Daoist?” Seeing that Yi Tian wanted to refuse, Shanhu directly confessed.

Luo Tianxian Palace has also learned about it from Xuanjizi, but he has never found out its origin in the spirit world. This time is a good opportunity to find some clues, so Yi Tian pretended to think about it for a while. Reluctantly agreed: "Okay, then I will accompany you for a while. But before that, I have a few questions that I want fellow Taoists to answer first."

When he heard that he agreed with Zhan Shanhu, his face was happy, and he immediately replied: "We are walking and chatting, you can ask, Fellow Daoist Yi, and I can answer you if I know anything."

After the light flickered under their feet, the two turned around and flew towards the Taiyuan Academy of the Yuanhao Dynasty under the leadership of Zhanshanhu. During the period, Yi Tian did not forget to ask: "Why do fellow Taoists know about the Taiyuan Academy? Did you check it out early in the morning?"

"Actually, the ancestors of my Tiger Clan were the guards of the Taiyuan Academy of the Yuanhao Dynasty in ancient times. These things are just secrets passed down by word of mouth within the clan," Shanshanhu explained.

"Why did you find me to go with you?" Yi Tian asked: "Does it have to be two people to go together to open the gate of the Taiyuan Academy?"

"You don't need what fellow Taoist said. It's an important place for the dynasty, so there will be many traps. I can't break through the dangers alone," Shanhu said.

"Then why did you find me again, wouldn't it be better for Guo Rui and his assistant, or even Xuanjizi to partner?" Yi Tian asked.

"Speaking of which, Fellow Daoist Yi, you are also the smartest person in your life, can't you see this, are you still testing?" Shanhu said disdainfully.

"Because I'm a spiritual cultivator, and I'm afraid you won't get any benefit from partnering with Guo Rui and others or Xuanjizi," Yi Tian said.

Looking at the other party in a blink of an eye, Zhan Shanhu nodded in agreement and said: "You and my goals will definitely not conflict. This is the primary reason. In addition, we have met before, and I still trust you as a person."

"This is probably what Hou Yuan explained to you after the battle last time," Yi Tian said with a twitch.

Shanshanhu nodded and said: "The deeper reason is that the Qilin tribe has a natural coercion on me and other monster tribes, and this is even more felt in Guo Rui, the Qilin son. So I am also anxious to get rid of them Two people. Speaking of which, Guo Rui's deputy seems to be stronger than him, I really don't know when so many high-level monks will emerge from the Qilin clan."

"Stronger than Guo Rui," Yi Tian gasped and muttered after hearing this, and then his eyes flickered, and he kept thinking about something in his heart.

Seeing that he seemed to be looking distressed, he hurriedly changed the subject and said, "Do you know what the most powerful spirit treasure in the demon world is, fellow Daoist Yi?"

"Could it be the legendary 'Demon Mirror of Universe'? I've heard that this treasure was smashed by the red-bearded ape senior after the Yuanhao Dynasty was destroyed," Yi Tian replied indifferently.

"That's what you said, but the refining map of that spiritual weapon is recorded in the collection room in the Taixue Palace," Shan Shanhu said without hesitation.

"Is there really a way to refine this thing?" Yi Tian exclaimed, and then rolled his eyes and sneered: "I think there must be something strange about it, even if I took it. That instrument book may not be able to refine spirit weapons, is it?"

Seeing that he was punctured by his own words, Zhan Shanhu also smiled awkwardly and said: "Speaking of which, this 'Qian Kun Demon Mirror' is also a human spiritual weapon, which is specially used to restrain demon monks, so the person who holds it will naturally be in the demon world. Be watched by all the demon masters."

"Senior Chibeard probably couldn't withstand the pressure back then, so he chose to destroy it in public. Otherwise, even if it was passed down by the demon god himself, it would be difficult to offend the public," Yi Tian joked.

"That's the case, otherwise how could Jiuxian Mountain still stand in the demon world, it has been eradicated by the joint efforts of all the clans long ago," Zhan Shanhu said.

"Then let's talk about the special features of this treasure? Why is it spurned by the monster monks from all sides," Yi Tian asked.

"The key is that under the light of this treasure's aura, any monster clan can't maintain a human form, and it will immediately show its original form, and the soul is suppressed and can't use [-]% of its cultivation, so it's so powerful," said Shan Shan Hu Xin said with lingering fear: "Even the masters hidden in the Huofeng Huojiao clan can only display [-]% of their strength at most, and they are really the number one weapon to restrain the monster clan."

"Hmph, fellow daoist, don't overestimate the power of the spiritual weapon, it depends on who owns it." Yi Tian pretended to be indifferent and said, "Since the power of this treasure is amazing, I want to use it to mobilize it." You have to use a special technique."

Speaking of this, Zhan Shanhu showed a relaxed smile on his face and said: "This has to be stimulated by the Luotian True Flame of Luotian Immortal Palace."

"Luo Tian Zhenyan, I've never heard of such a practice." Yi Tian shook his head and searched quickly in his mind before saying, "As far as I know, the fire system of the spirit world is the strongest from the Fire Palace. Lihuo Nine who practiced might have something to do with this. How did Senior Red-bearded Spirit Ape activate that 'Demon Mirror of Universe'?"

"I heard that the old man once obtained a ray of Luotian True Flame from Luotian Immortal Palace, so he can use that spirit treasure," Shanshanhu explained.

(End of this chapter)

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