
Chapter 1743 Beast King's Cave 4 Taixue

Chapter 1743
Taking advantage of the gap between searching Yan Peigong, Yi Tian and Shan Shanhu walked together, and after getting out of the detection range of everyone's spiritual sense, they turned around and flew towards the Taixue Palace of the Yuanhao Dynasty.

The range controlled by this barrier has not been measured in detail, but the old capital of the Yuanhao Dynasty does not occupy as small an area as the capital of Emperor Asura.Flying in the enchantment is no better than the outside world, even if you use all your escapism, it is as much as [-]% slower than the outside world.

Fortunately, there is plenty of spiritual power here, even if the excess spiritual power is consumed, it can be replenished quickly. Along the way, Yi Tian increased his escape speed to [-]% to [-]%. A little nervous.

Not long after, the two came to a huge building complex. On the gate of the main hall, there were three large characters of 'Taixuefu' written in the characters of the demon world.Below is an iron door about three feet in size, and in the center there is a twisted lock about two feet in size. The front of the lock is cast in the shape of a dragon's head.

Needless to say, if you want to go in, you must open the lock on the gate, Yi Tian looked at it and said: "Since fellow daoists sincerely invite you, please open the door."

Going up to Zhan Shanhu, he looked at the twisted lock on the gate of the 'Tai Xue Hall', then reached out and took out a half-foot-long key, aiming at the mouth of the dragon head and inserting it.After turning the key slowly, there was only a rapid "click click" sound from the door, and after the ban on the entire gate was activated, Zang Shanhu pressed his hands on the door and gently pushed it open for three foot-wide gap.

Looking back, there was a smug look on his face and he said: "Come with me, there may be organs inside, maybe we have to join forces."

After nodding his head, Yi Tian followed Zhan Shanhu into the Taixue Hall, and found that it was still well preserved.The entire Taixue Hall is blessed by formations and barriers, if you want to force your way in from the outside, you will inevitably make some noise.And the key in the hands of Chuangshan Tiger also proves that what he said is true, if not for the ancestors of the Tiger Clan who used to be the guards here, they would not be able to get such a key thing.

After walking a few steps, Yi Tianshen opened his mind and investigated deeply, only to find that there are seven entrances and seven exits in the Taixue Academy, which covers an area of ​​about ten miles.Such a small place can be walked around in a short time for me.It's just that in the Taixue Hall, it seems that there are a few places where the spiritual thoughts of the side hall cannot be extended, as if they are protected by the inner forbidden barrier.

Wanting to come to the place that he can check, Shanhu can also find it, Yi Tian asked casually: "Since we are here, let's not waste time, where do we start?"

"Does Yi Daoyou know why the 'Yuanhao Dynasty' established the Taixue Hall?" Shanhu asked suddenly.

"It's probably because they want to imitate the spiritual cultivation of the human race, and also refer to the ruling style of the mortal dynasty, so they set up such an institution to educate the younger generation of demon cultivation," Yi Tian replied without thinking.

"That's natural, so the rule of the Yuanhao Dynasty in the demon world for hundreds of thousands of years before its collapse was impenetrable. With the continuous flow of new power into the dynasty, it is natural to ensure that the strength will continue to improve. Unfortunately, no matter how powerful the dynasty is, it cannot last forever. If it is passed down, there will always be a day when it will be destroyed," said Tsang Shanhu with a full face of regret.

Then he stretched out his hand and pointed to the fork in the road ahead: "According to the legacy of our ancestors, there are three other courtyards in the Taixue Hall. They are the most important 'Chuan Gong Hall', the 'Dan Qi Mansion' responsible for assisting in refining alchemy, and The 'library' that records exercises. There are still many records about the ancient historical materials of the demon world."

"Time is running out, so where should we go first?" Yi Tian asked.

"Of course it's the 'Library Building'. I want to go in and get a copy of the 'Heavenly Demon Bahuang Jue', and I can give the rest to Fellow Daoist Yi," Shanhu said with a serious look on his face in a blink of an eye.

"Well, since I promised Fellow Daoist, I will do my best, not to mention that I am also quite interested in the files kept in this 'library'. Since Fellow Daoist said that only one volume will be taken, the rest will be disrespectful." Yi Tian is also polite and puts the words there first, so as to save it after a while and everyone has disagreements, it will not look good.

The two turned a few turns and crossed the main road of Taixue Hall, and then went straight to the area where the "Sutra Library" is located.After flying through a few passages in a blink of an eye, the front suddenly became clear. Yi Tian glanced and found that the two were in a loud square with a size of thousands of feet.

At the back of the square, there is a high platform with hundreds of steps of stone steps. On the high platform stands a four-story pavilion. On the main entrance, there is a plaque with the words "library building" written on it.

When Zhan Shanhu saw it, he was overjoyed and was about to step forward, when suddenly Yi Tian reached out and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, fellow Taoist, I think the square here is a bit strange, don't act rashly so as not to touch the mechanism It's not beautiful."

Just as he was speaking, a gust of wind suddenly blew up on the square in front of him, instantly covering the 'library building' behind.At the four corners of the square, four statues slowly rose up. Yi Tian stared and found that the four stone sculptures looked like "spiritual ape, evil tiger, nine-headed dragon and unicorn".

Secretly wondered in his heart, but said in his mouth: "Why isn't it the image of the four imperial formations, the green dragon, the white tiger, the vermilion bird, and Xuanwu?"

"Yi Daoyou is right. These four statues were originally carved according to the appearance of the four guardian mages of the Yuanhao Dynasty. They have nothing to do with the four imperial formations of the human race," Shanhu said triumphantly: "I think the seniors of my family can be regarded as conscientious and dedicated. That's why they became the guards of this 'Tai Xue Hall'."

"The Nine-headed Dragon and Qilin Clan monks were originally part of the Yuanhao Dynasty," Yi Tian joked.

"Isn't that right? It is said that the two clans have been friends for generations, but the Nine-headed Dragon is a wild alien species, so it is extremely difficult to continue the bloodline," Shanhu explained.

"Is the spirit ape the ancestor of the violent demon ape clan?" Yi Tian looked at it and asked.

"It should be, but the demon ape clan is the closest to the human race's spiritual cultivation among all the monster races. It is very convenient for them to also practice human race skills, and they can draw inferences from one another. For example, the red bearded spirit ape in Jiuxian Mountain is the best among them. who," Shanhu said.

"I have always had a lot of questions in my mind. Since the Yuanhao Dynasty is so powerful, how was it overthrown?" Yi Tian asked in confusion.

"I don't know the specific situation, but I just heard from the seniors in the clan that if it weren't for the fact that the four major guardians had different opinions and finally parted ways and became enemies, I am afraid that without their assistance, Lord Demon God, it would be difficult to win the battle to destroy the dynasty." Zhan Shanhu thought for a while and replied.

As he was speaking, the tiger statue in the northeast corner of the scene seemed to have moved, and large pieces of stone skin fell off his body, revealing his real body.Yi Tian was stunned and found that he was walking across from a three-foot-long and one-foot-tall tiger.At this time, he was looking at the two people in front of him with his teeth and claws.

Shaoqing's fierce tiger said in his mouth: "You must pass the test to get started, and you can pass after a moment." After speaking, a one-foot-sized stone hourglass rose in the front passage, and the sand inside was constantly flowing It falls under the hourglass.

(End of this chapter)

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