
Chapter 1744 Beast King's Cave 5 Trials

Chapter 1744 The Five Trials of the Beast King’s Cave
In front of the library building in Taixue Hall, Yi Tian and Zhan Shanhu suddenly fell into the formation, and after activating the tiger guard, the two also looked terrified.But after a short while, the two settled down, looked at each other and could see the disdain on each other's faces.

It is obvious that they are regarded as the disciples of Taixue Hall who came to the examination. Seeing that the hourglass over there has started counting, Yi Tian has a relaxed expression on his face, and he doesn't pay attention to the examiner in front of him at all. .

Obviously, the aura emanating from this fierce tiger has only reached the intensity of the peak of the eighth level, and it does not pose any threat to the current self.On the other hand, Shanhu Shanhu said, "Friend Daoist Yi, please be safe and don't be impatient. Wait for me to practice and see how strong the test set up by our ancestors here is."

After he paused, the whole person rushed out like a cannonball, and the spiritual power in his body soared, and after close contact, he came to the tiger's tail in an instant.Grabbing the tiger's tail with both hands, he yanked it and threw it out.

It was so easy that Yi Tianda was surprised, it seems that he can pass this level without his own help.

A fierce tiger roar passed, and the tiger stood up again, stared at the two people in front of it, sized it up, and shouted: "The strength of this person has reached level nine, and the evaluation upgrade needs to resist the joint attack of four masters." It's time to pass."

After speaking, the spiritual light appeared on his body, and his body shrank to less than its original size, showing a normal body shape of one foot long and five feet high.As for the other three statues, they returned to their original colors after falling off their stone skins one after another.

What surprised the two of them the most was that their auras had been raised to the ninth level, which was basically the same as the two of them.

And the stone hourglass at the northernmost part of the passage suddenly doubled in size, and the fine sand inside also doubled in size.Zhan Shanhu looked shocked and said: "Fellow Daoist Yi, let's do it together. It seems that the difficulty of the test will increase with the cultivation of the people here."

"I'll deal with the nine-headed dragon and the unicorn, and you deal with the remaining two," Yi Tian replied in a deep voice without stopping, taking out the Taiyuan Sword Sacrifice and ready to go.

Yi Tian also had some selfishness in his heart, he might have to confront Yan Peigong sooner or later, and take this opportunity to see the strength of the four great masters of the Yuanhao Dynasty first.

Facing the sword thread in the nine-headed dragon's hand, it turned into a rain of swords and covered him.At the same time, after the golden light flashed on his body, he used the golden yang movement, and then he swung his fist at the Qilin beast that rushed up.

"Bang bang bang" combined punches and feet, and he passed the unicorn beast by more than ten hands in an instant.The huge impact knocked both sides back.Yi Tianhou retreated more than a dozen steps before stabilizing his figure. On the other hand, the Qilin beast stepped back less than three steps before turning around and rushing forward again.

Yi Tian knew the power that his Jin Yang body technique could achieve, but the result was a bit far off.Knowing that his physical strength could not resist it forcefully, Yi Tian kicked his feet suddenly and then used the escape technique to dodge in the air.

Looking back, he saw the nine-headed dragon covered in the sword net made of Lingyao Huaqian's sword threads.After three breaths, a red and blue aura appeared in the cyan sword net, and later burst out from the gap between the sword threads.

After the two-color aura flew out, the red one lit a large area on the square platform, while the blue one froze the surrounding area.

"This is true energy of ice and fire," Yi Tian said involuntarily with a slight movement of the corner of his mouth, "Could it be that such strength is a natural talent?"

The figure flashed past, and stretched out his hand to take back the Taiyuan wooden sword and held it in his hand. In a blink of an eye, he saw that the two heads in the middle of the nine-headed dragon had shown a red and a blue two-color dragon head. The dragon's breath comes.

Unexpectedly, the blood of the real dragon inspired by the nine-headed dragon turned out to be in such a shape. In a blink of an eye, three of the other seven heads also turned into dragon shapes, leaving only the last four heads on the left and right sides still showing snakes shape state.

The four snake heads opened their mouths at the same time and spit out green mist, which soon enveloped the surroundings of the platform.Seeing such a situation, Yi Tian was shocked, and the green poisonous mist immediately corroded the ground of the platform with potholes.

Without thinking about it, the golden Buddha's light on his body was raised up suddenly, and he recited the eight notes of heavenly thunder, and the golden characters gathered into a light ball within a meter in front of him, and the green poisonous mist that rushed forward from all around him was completely destroyed. Pushed away.

In a flash, Yi Tian flew into mid-air before he came back to his senses, only heard the sound of the wind in his ears, and he stretched out his palms to meet the two huge feet that appeared on the side, and it was a blow.

The sound of spiritual pressure fluctuations in the air exploded, and Yi Tian's figure swayed slightly, and he took three steps back to stabilize, then squinted his eyes and squinted, it was the Qilin beast that was sneaking up from behind.It's just that after one move, Yi Tian's face changed slightly, and he felt that he was not as strong as the first fight.

On the other hand, the Shanshan Tiger was also in a hard fight at this time. Under the attack of the tiger and the spirit ape, it seemed to be passive everywhere, and it could only be tired of defending and had no power to fight back.

When he glanced at the large hourglass, he suddenly found that four spirit threads were directly implicated from the hourglass to the four spirit beasts.

As the sand in the hourglass continued to fall, it seemed that Lingsi was constantly weakening. Thinking of this, Yi Tian laughed and said: "Fellow Taoist, we don't need to force it, just keep delaying time. The hourglass The remaining sand in the water indicates the amount of spiritual power in the bodies of these spirit beasts, and once the sand flows out, the siege will be broken by itself."

"It's easy for you to say, these two guys are already at the peak of the ninth level, and it's not bad if they can handle them together," Shanhu said angrily.

Yi Tian didn't care about that much anymore. He reached out to summon the Great Immortal Guagua and said to him: "Get up and eat."

Immortal Guagua, who was originally squinting, smelled the poisonous mist around him, opened his eyes suddenly, then opened his mouth, puffed up his stomach, and sucked in all the poisonous mist from the surrounding area directly into his stomach.

After a while, I saw him sticking out his tongue and licking his mouth as if he didn't want to finish, saying: "I'm not very full, I only pretended to be less than three minutes. If there is such a good thing next time, remember to call me again." The back turned into a golden light and returned to the beast sack.

After the poisonous mist below dissipated, Yi Tian fell into his body and made seals with both hands, and then performed the supernatural powers and secrets of the Dalei Guang Temple, the big mudra. Although such tricks are not often used by himself, the skills that can be revealed in front of Zhan Shanhu are also rare. too much.Coupled with the fact that this kind of exercise and the Buddhist Jinyang body technique complement each other, it is also the most reasonable move at the moment.

The wind under his feet hurriedly rushed towards the unicorn beast, and he understood that the qilin beast and the nine-headed dragon cooperate with one melee and one long-range.It's a pity that their strength is weakened as the sand in the hourglass keeps falling, and there is no need to forcefully provoke the nine-headed dragon.

(End of this chapter)

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