
Chapter 1745 Beast King's Cave 6 Cleared

Chapter 1745 Beast King's Den Six Passes
In the trial square in front of the Taixuedian library building, Yi Tian used the characteristic of the croaking immortal to swallow poison to break through the poison siege of the nine-headed dragon. Hand to hand combat.

Wherever the fists and feet went and the Qilin beast's front paws attacked repeatedly, I could already feel that its strength was constantly flying away, and the strength of the counterattack was much weaker than before.

After avoiding the opponent's attack, Yi Tian took advantage of his body skills to bully himself to the side, and hit the Qilin beast with a combo.After the raindrops of fists fell on him, the Qilin beast was pushed to the side three feet away.At this time, Yi Tian's attention was still mostly locked on the Nine-headed Dragon, and his other three heads also began to move, with a red light flashing slightly on his forehead.

The five dragon-shaped heads opened their mouths at the same time, and the five spiritual lights gathered and drew the surrounding spiritual power and frantically rushed towards him like this.After the energy was accumulated enough, the light balls in the mouths of the five faucets spewed out at the same time, and immediately flew towards Yi Tian's position.

Saying hello, Yi Tian could clearly feel the power of the five elements contained in the five light spheres.It seems that this nine-headed dragon is not exempt. It still uses the spiritual practice mode to cultivate five dragon heads.

I saw the five light spheres merged into one in the air and turned into a Zhang Xu tall light sphere and rushed towards him. Yi Tian glanced sideways and saw the Qilin Beast not far away.Suddenly a teleport came to his side.Now with the continuous loss of spiritual power in his body, it is far from comparable to before.

Moreover, with his own spiritual power remaining stable, he was gradually able to suppress the opponent, and he couldn't get rid of it even with this kind of urging movement.

With a "bang", the huge ball of light hit the Qilin beast directly, and then spread to Yi Tian behind it.On the square, under the sudden white light, a deep pit thirty feet in size and one foot deep exploded in the center.In the deep pit, there was a red Qilin beast lying down in the middle, panting continuously.

After an afterimage appeared on his head, Yi Tian raised his foot and stomped on his head hard. After the sound of 'click', the body of the unicorn shrank into a spiritual light and flew towards the original position at the four corners of the platform. After a while, a unicorn statue appeared in the distance.

After tidying up, Yi Tian turned around and looked at the hourglass in the distance, only to see that [-]% to [-]% of it had drained there, and guessed that there was not much spiritual power left.Yi Tian sacrificed the Taiyuan Sword again and turned it into a blue spirit sword prototype on his chest, stretched out his hand and pointed at the nine-headed dragon and said, "Go."

The spirit sword flew towards the red main head of the nine-headed dragon, and the sword light flew over with a 'puchi' and pierced the dragon's head.In an instant, the dragon's head drooped in the middle, and Yi Tian retracted the Taiyuan sword to make another shot.But at this time, they suddenly discovered that the remaining eight heads of the nine-headed dragon seemed to be in civil strife. They had no intention of attacking themselves at all, but seemed to be fighting for control of their bodies.

Seeing this, Yi Tian was overjoyed. He didn't expect that the nine-headed dragon still had such a weakness, so if he could deal with Yan Peigong in the future, would he only need to kill his leader to make him fall into chaos?

Just as he was thinking, a light flashed across the hourglass in the distance, and then the remaining three spirit stones were summoned and flew back to their original positions.

After the scene returned to calm, the hurricane around the library in front of them also stopped silently, and the front of the library slowly opened, revealing a dark passage in front of the two of them.

When Shanhu saw it, his face was overjoyed and he said: "Let's go, Fellow Daoist Yi, it seems that we have passed the test."

The two hurriedly walked into the lobby of the library building, and what caught their eyes was a huge crystal stele. The two of them quickly glanced over it and found the name of 'Heavenly Demon Bahuang Jue' directly on the highest place.

After looking at the storage location, Zhan Shanhu said directly: "I have found what I want, so I will take my leave first, Fellow Daoist Yi."

"Fellow daoists can do whatever they want," Yi Tian said, scanning the contents of the crystal screen again with his spiritual thoughts. After a while, he discovered that there was a book named "Hundreds of Spiritual Worlds" at the top of the jade book of spiritual weapons. The scroll of "instrument notation", but the words fragments are marked on the back.

After secretly remembering it in his heart, Yi Tian turned his attention to the classics and history books, and suddenly became interested in many preserved files.After remembering the location of these historical jade slips in my heart, I turned around and walked towards the depths of the library.

The magical powers of the monster tribe that Zhanshanhu wanted should be stored on the top floor, but fortunately, what he wanted were distributed on each floor.Yi Tian was also unhurried, opened his divine sense and scanned the depths of the floor, first scanning all the storage points on the first floor.Unexpectedly, many books are not included here, at least several travel notes that were originally recorded on the crystal screen have been taken away.There are not many left in the first floor of the huge library.

Yi Tianxin simply put all the rest into his storage ring.After walking to the second floor, I found that the situation was not much better, but the few books I wanted were still there.Although tens of thousands of years have passed, the harvest is still good under special restrictions.

After finding the remnant volume of the 'Hundred Instruments of the Spirit World' on the third floor, Yi Tian couldn't wait to open it and search it.Unexpectedly, his face changed slightly after seeing the catalogue. This 'Hundred Instruments Book of the Spiritual World' is all written in 'Golden Seal Script'.If I hadn't learned something before, I would have stared blankly with the instrument score.

The list of spirit weapons in the second half of the catalog is roughly similar to that recorded in the Lihuo Nine Transformations Kung Fu of Lihuo Palace.

There is even a record of his natal artifact Zixiaozhan, Yi Tian quickly restrained his mind and then turned the page of the jade slip to 'Zixiaozhan', his eyes fell and he saw that it said 'Zixiaozhan was originally Tai Chi' The lamp inside the palace lantern can cultivate Luotian Zhenyan. '

Seeing this, Yi Tian thought about it instantly, and he didn't expect that his sect was really connected with Luo Tianxian Palace.As for the fact that Luo Tian Zhenyan is almost inseparable from ten, it should be the situation after Lihuo Nine Changes Kung Fu has been practiced to the extreme.

After reading these, I turned my hand to look up the information of "Qiankun Demon Mirror", and found the description page in front of it not long after.After opening it and taking a closer look, it turns out that this 'Mirror of the Universe' needs to be polished with three extreme precious materials. Among them, I have heard of the Hollow Dark Stone and the Golden Flame Stone, but I have never seen the Purple Cloud Crystal.Moreover, it is clearly stated in this instrument manual that Ziyun crystal is the main material for making the demon mirror, and it has a natural restraint on the demon clan.

Slowly put away the fragments of the "Hundred Instruments of the Spiritual World" in his hand, Yi Tian wandered around the center of the library again with his face sinking, but he was constantly sorting out all the treasures he had seen. again.After a long time, he sighed and said to himself: "It seems that this matter is not as easy as I thought, and I have to think long-term if I want to refine the 'Demon Mirror of the Universe'."

(End of this chapter)

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